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Mourinho ... England offer

Mourinho ... England offer

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Jose desperate for England jobBy JAMIE PYATT

Published: Today

SOCCER’S Special One Jose Mourinho last night flew in for secret talks with the FA — to tell them: 揑 want to be England boss.?

FA chief Brian Barwick is set to offer the big-headed former Chelsea manager, 44, a massive ?million-a-year deal.

Barwick ... ?m-a-year bid

And soccer maestro Mourinho’s family are desperate to return to London as he hammers out a deal.

The ex-Chelsea manager was last night said to be 100 per cent up for making a spectacular return to the UK to take on the biggest job in world sport.

He flew in by private jet under a cloak of secrecy to meet FA chief Brian Barwick and thrash out a £6million-a-year deal to see him become the nation’s football saviour.

The move comes after weeks of dithering by Barwick and other senior FA figures as The Sun and England’s football fans have clamoured for them to appoint Mourinho.

Jose was whisked to London – where he is due to hold talks with the FA – after arriving by private jet at Farnborough airport, Hants.

He had planned to jet in the day before on a scheduled flight, but was worried he may be recognised.

Instead he flew into the airport, which is used by celebrities such as David Beckham and Elton John.

The Portuguese coach, 44, has told FA bosses he is prepared to take the helm and give up on the idea of taking the reins at a top European club like AC Milan or Real Madrid.

Family man ... Mourinho
with wife Tami and kids
The move comes after a series of heart-to-heart talks with his wife Tami, 41, who has been missing life in London since returning to her native Portugal after Jose left Chelsea in September.

Tami was understood to have reservations about seeing her man take on the most high-pressure job in football. But Mourinho has persuaded her he can cope.

They are now determined to leave their homes in Lisbon and the Algarve to return with their children Matilde, ten, and Jose Jr, six.

A source close to Mourinho said last night: “There is no doubt that Jose wants the job and England desperately want him. He is the FA’s No1 choice. What is crucial now is for Jose to thrash out the fine details of a deal.

“That is why he is flying into London to meet Mr Barwick and other members of the FA board. It just depends on whether the FA can give him the deal he wants.”

The source added: “Jose’s family love England and he’d do anything to make them happy.

“Tami really misses her life in London. They have kept their home in the capital and would welcome a return. The children have also suffered bullying in Portugal.

“Of course, Tami has reservations. But she knows Jose is used to handling the big time. Turning around the England team is a great opportunity and really appeals to his ego.”

Barwick originally vowed to “take as long as necessary” to land the right manager. But he is now under massive pressure to sign the man dubbed the Special One.

When The Sun confronted Barwick last night about Mourinho’s arrival he bizarrely stared into space and refused to utter a word.

[ 此帖被hunter在2007-12-08 01:08重新编辑 ]
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