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5come5帮你背单词 [ journalism /'d3ə:nəlizəm/ n. 新闻工作,报业 ]



顶端 Posted: 2007-12-03 13:32 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: stay hungry stay foolish
等级: 希望之光
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注册时间: 2005-10-19
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5come5帮你背单词 [ quality /'kwoliti/ n. 质量,品质,特性 ]

There 's a new technology that could help crime scene investigators solve cases faster. Our own Dr. Sanjay Gupta is actually a crime scene investigator. I don't know what is it you don't do Sanjay, I gotta tell you, you are at the land this morning and are other some new tools that could help you and others who do this..ah...find out causes maybe more accurately and quicker.

Yeah, this is really interesting, Karen, actually you know when you take a look at \ typical autopsies they can take hours even days. We talk a lot about that as we cover deaths of people who in the media for example and figure how long it takes for some of the results to come back. Well, there 's been a group of researchers trying to figure out \ ways to do this a lot faster. Now there is a technology out there known as full body CAT scans, you may have heard of that. But the idea was what about action instead of performing an actual autopsy. Do we want these full body CAT scans and seeing how good the results might be how comparable might be to an actual autopsy. Let me give you an example. For in non-homicides when accidental blunt traumas such as car accident or something like that, you can get a full body CAT scan. I should take a look at the CAT scan on their heads specifically and figure out if there was specific damage. Here is a catscan, you can see them on your screen. Basically, if you r looking at this CAT scan which they would get within minutes literally, you can tell pretty quickly there's actually a lot of air here in the brain. You can see that black area is all air that's not supposed to be there. And also there's a layer of blood in here as well. And that suggests there were some sort of blunt force trauma to the head that would confirm what the pathologist might suspect as a possible cause to the death for example due to a car accident. As part of the study I currently actually did 20 of this full body CAT scans and then compared the results to actual autopsies and they were dead on. Ah so this might be a very very quick way to get a sense not homicide but it's accidental blunt trauma. And with homicide, Karen, for example, a gunshot, I mean, you wanna see if there was gun powder on the skin for example, but stabbing, you wanna get a sense of the force to the impact. She can't tell that from the CAT scan, but she can get a lot of other information.

You also have another technology that can help, I know this has more been...er...but you know got forbidden in the mass disasters and is a main big disaster where you have mass casualties they can help at least provide some comfort for the families by being able to identify people faster.

Yeah, you know, as much as we talk about all these sophisticated technology out there. In those mass casualty situations that you were alluding to, the way that most pathologists have actually approaches is through dental records , old fashion but very effective. Part of the problem though is if you look at dental records from all.. dental records comparing to new.. sometimes they don't quite match. It's hard to actually figure out if it's in fact the same person. So what they actually created is a software let me show you a this as well, a software that immediately collates the two images to make them look identical. So you get a sense that if you take a look at the image here you see in the left that this may be a little hard for you to figure out, this is 290 pixelations and this is 254. And it's hard to the untrained eye to tell this is in fact the same person what the software does is immediately converts \ so in fact they are very similar pixelations 290 to 291 and you get a very clear idea if this is in fact the same person and make that identification very quickly. So again it's all in the name of speed, it's all in the name of accuracy. but this radiograph for the dental records CAT scans seem to be too good tools.
顶端 Posted: 2007-12-03 13:32 | [1 楼]
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