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性别: 美女 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: TroubleMaker
等级: 工作组
家族: 东北一家人
发贴: 1618
威望: 5
浮云: 1605
注册时间: 2007-09-24
最后登陆: 2011-01-18

5come5帮你背单词 [ vinegar /'vinigə/ n. 醋 ]


21.   Eliminating problems by transferring the blame to others is often called scape-goating.

22.   The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on what grows best in its climate and soil.

23.   Over a very large number of trials, the probability of an event’s occurring is equal to the probability that it will not occur.

24.   Most substance contract when they freeze so that the density of a substance’s solid is higher than the density of its liquid.

25.   The mechanism by which brain cells store memories is not clearly understood.

26.   By the middle of the twentieth century, painters and sculptors in the United States had begun to exert a great worldwide influence over art.

27.   In the eastern part of New Jersey lies the city of Elizabeth, a major shipping and manufacturing center.

28.   Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman medical doctor in the United States, founded the New York Infirmary, an institution that has always had a completely female medical staff.

29.   Alexander Graham Bell once told his family that he would rather be remembered as a teacher of the deaf than as the inventor of the telephone.

30.   Because its leaves remain green long after being picked, rosemary became associated with the idea of remembrance.

21. 用怪罪别人的办法来解决问题通常被称为寻找替罪羊。

22. 一个国家的主要食物是什么,大体取决于什么作物在其天气和土壤条件下生长得最好。

23. 在大量的实验中,某一事件发生的几率等于它不发生的几率。

24. 大多数物质遇冷收缩,所以他们的密度在固态时高于液态。

25.  大脑细胞储存记忆的机理并不为人明白。

26. 到了二十一世纪中叶,美国画家和雕塑家开始在世界范围内对艺术产生重大影响。

27. 伊丽莎白市,一个重要的航运和制造业中心,坐落于新泽西州的东部。

28.  Elizabeth Blackwell,美国第一个女医生,创建了员工一直为女性纽约诊所。

29.  Alexander Graham Bell曾告诉家人,他更愿意让后人记住他是聋子的老师,而非电话的发明者。

30. 采摘下的迷迭香树叶常绿不衰,因此人们把迷迭香树与怀念联系在一起。
顶端 Posted: 2007-09-27 09:31 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 珍惜青春梦一场 珍惜相聚的时光
等级: 前途无量
家族: 菠韬汹勇
发贴: 5819
威望: 0
浮云: 1592
注册时间: 2005-10-19
最后登陆: 2011-05-23

5come5帮你背单词 [ subdivide /'sΛbdi'vaid/ v. 再分,细分 ]

顶端 Posted: 2007-09-27 09:39 | [1 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 1591
威望: 3
浮云: 605
注册时间: 2007-09-26
最后登陆: 2010-10-28

5come5帮你背单词 [ breadth /bredð/ n. 宽度,广度 ]

great,  thank  you
顶端 Posted: 2007-09-30 23:07 | [2 楼]
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