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5come5帮你背单词 [ connect /kə'nekt/ vt. 连接,与…联系,接通(电话);vi. 连接,关系 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-12-25 09:27 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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等级: 荣誉会员
家族: 八宝推倒委员会
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5come5帮你背单词 [ sale /seil/ n. 销售(额),廉价出售 ]

bbc world news with SG.

President bush has admitted that the United States is not willing the conflict in the Iraq and between insurgents have assaulted the American efforts to establish security in the country. In the news conference Mr. bush said the US face to long struggle against the extremists in Iraq and elsewhere and was important that the American arm forces had the capability to fight. JW reports from Washington.

Mr. bush has reviewed one important policy change. He is not willing to increase the size of the American army something is generals were calling for sometime but Mr. bush would not address the issue whether members in Iraq might be increased by tens thousand in the next few month that so call surge approach. That idea re certainly on the table but said president he hasn't been agreed.

The US military has handed over security responsibility for an Iraqi province to government force. The province N is the first the Americans have transferred to Iraq control since the US led invasion in 2003.at the ceremony in the city of N south of Baghdad. An American commander had handed over would improve security.

Doctor in Gaza say there is an increasing reluctant on the part of Palestinians to donate blood. A surge in Gaza city's main hospital say civilian do not want to see donate blood shield in the street as Palestinian kill each other. Supporters of the rival Palestinian faction fatah and hamas fought gun battles until the ceasefire came in enforce on Tuesday.

The N vice president AA has been chosen by opposition party the action congress access prefer candidate for next day post presidential election. He was the only nominate put forward of the party's national meeting in L. from the region JC reports.

President T he is dominated N politics for last few years but the possibility of hint been replaced by his great rival increase domestically on Wednesday night. A the vice president has won the opposition action congress party's nomination to run in the presidential election in A. however Mr. B is still not certain to be under ballot / the action congress signed the deal with the other main opposition party. The N people's party together in the elections.

A European union envoy in Somalia says the transitional government and the Islamic court union which are vied for control of the control have agreed to stop fighting B 's envoy W met with the transitional government B there was heavy fighting nearby. The government said it's forces have fought off in the assault by the Islamists and killed hundreds of them. Our Africa editor David B reports.

L emerged from talks with Islamic court leaders to say they had agreed to resume peace talks with the transitional government without any preconditions. It’s not clear when the new meeting with the government will take place but is confirmed by the Islamic court leaders it means say drop their demand that E troops must withdraw from the country first. They’re supporting the transitional government in their based town of B where the Mr. M visited early in the day. The fighting has been continuing near there too but Islamic forces listen 30 kilometers away.

World news from the bbc.

A man in scottland has been fitted with what's been described does the words most advance by only count. The IH has found the individual power fingers allowing for better group and moralist to glue confuted that standard artificially hand. Their receipt to Donald M lost his right hand in an industry accident nearly 30 years ago but now build / from the national center for prospect SG says new hand will lead forward in technology but SG even better in the few years.

In the father I think that we will hold better control system developed which it would allow individual control of finger so we would able to move fingers I will present system we have a low. We can only move all the fingers together.

The E president WC has given his supporter to acquittal and dispute of where third Latin American country C,S,E,D along their common border. Mr. C said C should look for other methods to radiate plantation of C. the long material of C.E has recalled the ambassador to C because the drug radiation program.

The CR president OA says he will donate entire presidential salary to social courses and charities. He says the 18.5 thousand dollars yearns every month will go to help elderly and other people need in CR.
顶端 Posted: 2006-12-25 09:29 | [1 楼]
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