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等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 3544
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注册时间: 2004-12-25
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5come5帮你背单词 [ magnificent /mæg'nifisnt/ a. 壮丽的,宏伟的 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-09-09 17:11 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 3544
威望: 3
浮云: 421
注册时间: 2004-12-25
最后登陆: 2011-11-19

5come5帮你背单词 [ intelligent /in'telid3ənt/ a. 聪明的,明智的,智能的 ]

......most valuable allies in the world on terror. These countries are joined by the largest coalition in the history of warfare-- more than 90 nations determined to find the terrorists, to dry up their funds ,to stop their plots and to bring them to justice. This coalition includes two nations that used to sponsor terror, but now help us fight it-- the Democratic nations of Afghanistan and Iraq.

In Afghanistan, President Karzai's elected government is fighting our common enemies. In showing the courage he's showing, he's inspired millions across the region. In Iraq, Prime Minister Maliki's unity government is fighting al-Qaeda and the enemies of Iraq's democracy. They're taking increasing responsibility for the security of their free country. The fighting in Iraq has been difficult and it has been bloody. And some say that Iraq is a diversion from the war on terror. The terrorists disagree. Osama bin Laden has proclaimed that the third world war is raging in Iraq. Al-Qaeda leaders have declared that Baghdad will be the capital of the new califate that they wish to establish across the broader Middle East. It's hard to believe that extremists would make large journeys across dangerous borders to endure heavy fighting, and to blow themselves up on the streets of Baghdad for a so-called diversion . The terrorists know that the outcome in the war on terror will depend on the outcome in Iraq and so to protect our citizens. The free world must succeed in Iraq.

As we fight the enemies of a free Iraq, we must also ensure that al-Qaeda, its allies and the extremists never get their hands on the tools of mass murder. When we saw the damages the terrorists inflicted on 9/11, our throughts quickly turned to the devastation that could have been caused with weapons of mass destruction. So we launched the Proliferation Security Initiative--a coaltion of more than 70 countries that are cooperating to stop shipments related to deadly weapons. Together with Russia, we are working on a new golbal initiative to combat nuclear terrorism. We work with Great Britain to persuade Libya to give up its nuclear weapons program, and now the components of that program are secure right here in the United States. We uncovered the black market and nuclear network of A.Q. Khan, who was shipping equipment to Iran and North Korea. And network now is out of business. And now the world is uniting to send a clear message to the regime in Tehran: Iran must end its support for terror, it must stop defying its international obligations and it must not obtain a nuclear weapon.

broadcast, you've been listening to a speicla live broadcast of President Bush giving another in a series of speeches about the war on terrorism. He's in Atlanta, Georgia.

Our enemies have fought relentlessly these past five years and they have a record of their own. Bin Laden and his deputy Zawahiri are still in hiding. Al-Qaeda has continued its campaign of terror with deadly attacks that have targeted the innocent, including large numbers of fellow Muslims. The terrorists and insurgents in Iraq have killed American troops and thousands of Iraqis. Syria and Iran have continued their support for terrorism and extremism. Hezbollah is taking innocent life in Israel, and succeeded briefly in undermining Lebanon's democratic government. Hamas is standing in the way of peace with Israel. And the extremists have led an aggressive propaganda campaign to spread lies about America and incite Muslim radicalism. The enemies of freedom are skilled......
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-09 17:11 | [1 楼]
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