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本页主题: 月夜狼歌的英文简历 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 积极开展批筛与自我批筛
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 7349
威望: 4
浮云: 766
注册时间: 2003-03-23
最后登陆: 2012-10-25

5come5帮你背单词 [ splash /splæ/ vi. 泼;溅落,飞溅;n. 溅泼(声),飞溅(声) ]



顶端 Posted: 2004-10-11 09:30 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 积极开展批筛与自我批筛
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 7349
威望: 4
浮云: 766
注册时间: 2003-03-23
最后登陆: 2012-10-25

5come5帮你背单词 [ miserable /'mizərəbl/ a. 悲惨的,痛苦的,可怜的,糟糕的 ]

Dear Sir/Madam:
It’s an honor for me to hold this opportunity handing in my resume. Firstly, please allow me to draw a main description of myself: my name is Qian Xi, now taking the senior year’s courses in UESTC( University of Electronic Scinence and Technology of China). In which I study in the Automation Egineering College and my major is the Technology and Instruments of Measurement and Control. It is expected that I’ll gradulate and get my bachelor’s degree in July, 2005.

By means, I heard about your corporation and after a series of detailed and systematic instigating activities, I eventually made a declaration that you may be one of those most suitable for me and at once greatly attracting me. And thus, withhold by my steadily-rooted professional techenique and academic level, I am now eager to apply for a position in your staff as either a pure-techenical-layer researcher or a one-group leader.

After a 4-year studing-life in campus, I am conversant at all aspects in my professinal field and on the other hand adept at classifying and absorbing those out of. Finally among the other things, I especially master in systemizing complicated projects and externalizing the detailed.

“A fluttering butterfly may eventually result in a storm-rain”. I have the confidence that I can be that butterfly to your organization. Please just pose me the chance!
顶端 Posted: 2004-10-11 09:32 | [1 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: On my way
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 7326
威望: 2
浮云: 864
注册时间: 2003-10-12
最后登陆: 2021-10-11

5come5帮你背单词 [ ingredient /in'gri:djənt/ n. (混合物的)组成部分,配料,成份,要素 ]

any more details ?
顶端 Posted: 2004-10-11 10:42 | [2 楼]

性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 栋梁之材
发贴: 934
威望: 0
浮云: 1279
注册时间: 2003-10-03
最后登陆: 2006-06-30

5come5帮你背单词 [ oxidize /'oksidaiz/ vt. 使氧化,使生锈 ]

I adore you very much.Your English is more better than mine.
I can't write out so good article.You must have passed the CET-6.
And are you planning to take part in the test of GRE?
顶端 Posted: 2004-10-11 22:11 | [3 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 积极开展批筛与自我批筛
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 7349
威望: 4
浮云: 766
注册时间: 2003-03-23
最后登陆: 2012-10-25

5come5帮你背单词 [ lecture /'lektə/ n. & v. 演讲,讲课 ]

QUOTE(可可可 @ 2004-10-11 22:11:32)
I adore you very much.Your English is more better than mine.
I can't write out so good  article.You must have passed the CET-6.
And are you planning to take  part in the test of GRE?

Planning, and thxx u very much.
I'll do anything to help.
顶端 Posted: 2004-10-11 23:14 | [4 楼]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 中了4个,还差3个
等级: 荣誉会员
家族: 万人坑恋影部落
发贴: 31522
威望: 3
浮云: 406
注册时间: 2004-09-04
最后登陆: 2014-07-30

5come5帮你背单词 [ clarity /'klæriti/ n. 清澈,透明,明晰 ]

顶端 Posted: 2004-10-21 11:06 | [5 楼]
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