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Radiohead's CD2: Breaking Down the Exclusive Companion to "In Rainbows"

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Radiohead新专辑CD2:专辑《In Rainbows》独家附送盘全面解析
A track-by-track analysis of the eight songs only available on the album's discbox release.

As predicted by many of the forecasters (and confirmed by that one guy who received his discbox a week early) "MK1," like its brother "MK2," is a quick instrumental track that emerges out of the same piano chords Thom Yorke hammers on "Videotape," the closer from In Rainbows, but the key strokes are distorted with looping and topped by Yorke's windblown vocals. Does this mean listeners should consider this eight-track bonus disc as an extension or sequel to IR? Well, yes and no, as you'll see. "MK1" bounces around the headphones and the piano grows more discordant before finally launching into "Down Is the New Up."
正如许多人预测的,同时经由收到碟盒的朋友证实,歌曲“MK1”正如其兄弟“MK2”一样,是一首简短的器乐歌曲,歌曲开首有着与专辑《In Rainbows》结尾单曲“Videotape”相同的由主唱Thom Yorke打造的钢琴伴奏,但“MK1”中的钢琴音是环回失真的,同时还夹带着Yorke如同吹风一般的声音。这样看来,听众们是不是应该把这张CD看作是专辑《In Rainbows》的延续或终结呢?当然不管答案是对是错,你都会察觉到,在进入歌曲“Down Is the New Up”之前,“MK1”的歌声就如同在你的耳机周围弹跳一般,同时你还会发现钢琴的声音变得更加失真了。

"Down Is the New Up"
A song fans have either loved or loathed since its first performances in 2006, "Down Is the New Up" was once considered to be the centerpiece of In Rainbows because the band posted countless pieces of artwork by band designer Stanley Donwood on their Web site that illustrated the title. In its studio form, this piano-heavy slow funk song (think Hail to the Thief's "Punch-Up At a Wedding") remains largely the same as the live version until the 1:54 mark, when the most menacing violin strings this side of a James Bond theme creep in, breathing new life into the track. The strings hang around for the remainder of the song, while Yorke does his best Prince impression during the closing coda.
“Down Is the New Up”
“Down Is the New Up”首次在2006年被乐队表演,此曲既有歌迷喜欢,又有歌迷讨厌。歌曲一度被认为是专辑《In Rainbows》中的重要曲目,原因是乐队在网站上张贴了无数由乐队设计师Stanley Donwood制作的美术作品,而这些作品均表达了此曲名所表达的意思:下乃新上。在录音室版本中,这首钢琴慢板Funk歌曲(想想专辑《Hail to the Thief》中的“Punch-Up At a Wedding”)的开始部分仍然和其现场版相差无几。但到了1分54秒之后,会有令人感到危险来临的James Bond主题的小提琴声缓缓进入音乐之中,这种声音向原曲注入了新的活力。弦乐一直萦绕着歌曲的剩余部分,同时主唱Yorke还在歌曲的结尾使用了他最擅长的受Prince启发的歌唱方式。

"Go Slowly"
Unlike In Rainbows, where studio versions didn't differ that greatly from their live counterparts, CD2's final takes are completely transformed. "Go Slowly" still sounds like Yorke is living the second disc of Pink Floyd's The Wall, but now the track is awash with buzzing synths, xylophone and more omnipresent guitar. Yorke's voice echoes until the climax, which doesn't provide the expected massive full-band explosion, but the song is vastly improved over its embryonic live version.
“Go Slowly”
在专辑《In Rainbows》中,录音室版本与之前现场版之间差别并不是很大。但不同的是,CD2中最终挑选的版本却与其之前现场版完全不同。虽然“Go Slowly”仍然听上去像是主唱Yorke在演绎Pink Floyd的专辑《The Wall》的Disc2一样,但不同的是,此版本是浸淫在嗡嗡响的合成器声、木琴以及更为弥漫的吉他音之中的。主唱Yorke的声音回响着,一直到歌曲的[屏蔽]部分,不过[屏蔽]部分并没有像预期的那样是全乐队的音乐爆发。此版本相对其最初的现场版本,确实有了很大的改进。

Like "MK1," this is a short (fifty-three seconds) keyboard instrumental. Whereas "MK1" was used to segue out of In Rainbows, "MK2" (which sounds similar to other Kid A-era ambient experiments) is used to temporarily lift the listener out of the doldrums of "Go Slowly" and into the next track, "Last Flowers."
就像“MK1”一样,这是首简短的53秒键盘器乐。不同的是,“MK1”是作为《In Rainbows》的延续,而对于听上去类似于其它的《Kid A》时期环境效果实验作品的“MK2”,其作用是暂时提升听者的情绪,使之走出前曲“Go Slowly”的忧郁氛围,并进入下一曲“Last Flowers”之中。

"Last Flowers"
Like In Rainbows's "Nude," "Last Flowers" is an OK Computer outtake that the band has been tinkering with for more than a decade. But while "Nude" has undergone numerous mutations, "Last Flowers" has been stripped of all excess production, with Yorke's voice taking center stage over simple piano and occasional acoustic guitar. It's been said that the song is especially personal for Yorke, and his voice cracks with emotion halfway through the second time he sings "Houses move and houses speak." The song wouldn't be out of place closing any Radiohead album (many fans have admitted they'd prefer it end In Rainbows) and proves that even without all the studio wizardry, Radiohead's bare-bones songs still resonate.
“Last Flowers”
就像《In Rainbows》中的“Nude”一样,“Last Flowers”是在专辑《OK Computer》制作期间被遗弃的歌曲,这首歌已经被乐队修改了超过十年了。然而,虽然“Nude”经历了无数变化,但“Last Flowers”却抛弃了所有额外的制作。主唱Yorke的声音占据了歌曲的中心,歌声之下是简单的钢琴伴奏与零星的声乐吉他。据说这是对主唱Yorke来说特别私人的一首歌,在他第二次唱到“House move and houses speak”时,他的声音在中间由于情绪而失去了控制。这首歌可以作为任何一张Radiohead专辑的结尾曲,许多歌迷同时承认他们更希望乐队将这首歌作为《In Rainbows》的结尾曲。此曲证明了即使没有了录音室的雕琢,阳春的Radiohead歌曲仍然让人共鸣。

"Up on the Ladder"
After the radical reformation of "Reckoner" on In Rainbows, Radiohead was expected to throw another curveball with "Up on the Ladder," a song birthed out of the same Kid A/Amnesiac sessions that produced the original, angrier "Reckoner." While "UOTL" remains largely intact, the song has still been altered, to wonderful effect. The ragged guitar riff still dominates, only now the song has a backbeat that's nearly identical to that of Amnesiac's "I Might Be Wrong." The band revisits the keyboards from "MK2," too.
“Up on the ladder”
在《In Rainbows》中“Reckoner”一曲被彻底改变之后,人们期待Radiohead能在“Up on the Ladder”中再次带来惊喜,这首歌诞生于制作最初版本的“Reckoner”的《Kid A》/《Amnesiac》时期。虽然“Up on the Ladder”保持了歌曲的大部分原样,但仍然有所改动,并达到了更好的效果。粗糙的吉他Riff仍然支配着整曲,只是现在,歌曲拥有了一个基调强节奏,这就和专辑《Amnesiac》的“I Might Be Wrong”中的几乎一样。乐队再次使用了来自于“MK2”的键盘音。

"Bangers and Mash"
"Bangers and Mash," the grittiest, most thrashed-out guitar tune of all Radiohead's 2006 live songs, reappears here slightly more straitjacketed but no less chaotic, jerking between funk, punk, rap and rock. The song sounds like an amalgamation of Deerhoof and Liars, two bands Yorke openly admires, borrowing Deerhoof's untypical song structures and the Liars' frenetic primal melodies, with Yorke rant-rapping above it all. While drummer Phil Selway's contribution was often buried in the reverb of In Rainbows, his work on this CD shines through, as evidenced by his ability to keep up with all of the genre shifts this song attempts in a scant 3:20.
“Bangers and Mash”
“Bangers and Mash”是Radiohead2006年的演唱会歌曲中吉他曲调最具颗粒感,最猛力的歌曲。它重新出现在本专辑中,变得更加紧凑,但丝毫不失混乱,歌曲在Funk、Punk、Rap以及Rock之间迅速切换,听上去像是融合了Deerhoof与Liar的风格,这两个乐队曾被Yorke公开赞美,歌曲借鉴了Deerhoof的非传统歌曲结构以及Liars的狂热的原始旋律,同时加上Yorke吼叫的Rap。鼓手Phil Selway在专辑《In Rainbows》中的贡献常常掩埋在歌曲的巨大声响之中,但在此CD中,他的工作可谓是大放异彩,这证明了他具备了专辑需要的在短短的3分20秒内转换各种风格的能力。

"4 Minute Warning"
Mockingly referred to by fans as Radiohead's "Coldplay song" when it first appeared in concert, "4 Minute Warning" has been transformed from something that Chris Martin might have imagined into a beautiful yet terrifying closing number. The song, which is about the moments before nuclear warfare, is preceded by a minute and a half of Eno-worthy buzz before the pianos and Yorke's harmonizing kick in. The result is both a unifying anthem and a perfect finale that'll keep fans satiated as they wait restlessly for Radiohead to tour the U.S. next Spring.
“4 Minute Warning”
此曲第一次出现在演唱会时曾被歌迷取笑为Radiohead的“Coldplay式歌曲”。而现在“4 Minute Warning”已经从一首Chris Martin(译者注:Coldplay主唱)可以想象到的歌曲转变为一首美丽且可怕的结尾曲。这首歌内容关于核战争到来之前的瞬间,歌曲的开始是一分半钟的巨大嗡嗡声,之后有钢琴和主唱Yorke声音的缓缓进入。其结果造就了这样一首浑然天成的圣歌,同时也是一首完美的末曲,让歌迷在他们焦急等待明年春天Radiohead美国巡演的同时,获得了满足。
  • 浮云:5(zecker)
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