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本页主题: 李氏单词记忆之《九阳真经》!(考试核心词汇例子篇!) 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


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等级: 栋梁之材
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注册时间: 2007-08-30
最后登陆: 2017-07-27

5come5帮你背单词 [ preserve /pri'zə:v/ vt. 保藏,保存,保护,维持,防腐,腌制 ]



1) Vid(看,看见) : view, vision, visionary, illusion, allusion, provide, provisions, revise, revisions, revised edition. survey,

● Visionary: adj.& n.: Americans are practical visionaries!
● Visualize: Career building-up grows on the soil of persistent effort and clear orientation, and blossoms with positive visualization.

2) spect(看,看见): prospect, suspect, suspicious, suspicion, introspective, aspect, perspective, conspicuous, spectacle, spectacles, respective, respectable, respectful, respected.

●prospect: The prospect of economy this year looks gloomy.
●suspicion: Many a would-have-been happy marriage is poisoned and ruined by suspicion and jealousy.
●retrospective: 1.looking back on or dealing with the past
2. (of statute): applying to the past as well as the future
●spectacle: 1. striking, impressive, or ridiculous sight.
2. object of public attention.
The amazing yet disgusting popularity enjoyed by Furong Jiejie only serves as a painful reminder of universal degeneration of humanity ! Accordingly, cultured minds are simply shocked by this narcissistic spectacle.
Life is a spectacle or a feast; it is a dilemma/predicament.(George Santayana,(1863-1952), Spanish-born U.S. philosopher.)
● perspective: cultural, historic and social perspectives to interpret American dream and its multiculturalism.
Other perspectives reinvigorating English fiction in the late 20th century came from novelists born outside England; some of these novels looked at colonialism or its aftereffects.

3) ped(脚,引申为走的意义): mindless pedestrians, pedlars/peddler crying their wares, expedition, impede, impediment

●expedition: 1. journey or voyage for a particular purpose, esp. exploration;
2. people undertaking this.
cede: access, inaccessible, recede, recession, proceed, procedure, concede, concession, antecedent, precede, unprecedented, exceed, excessive, successive, succession, successor,
●successor and predecessor:
●unprecedented: having no precedent; unparalleled
●exceedingly: extremely.
●access: 1. ways of approach or entry 2. a right or opportunity to reach or use or visit; admittance.

4) gress/grad(走): progress, digress, congress, aggressive, upgrade, degrade,

●aggressive:1. given to aggression; hostile 2. forceful, self-assertive(中文为什么右几种不同的翻译??)
●upgrade: 1. raise in rank; 2.improve(equipment etc.)
●翻译:企业不仅要改进生产设备,还得练好 “内功”!
●degrade:1.humiliate, dishonor;2. reduce to a lower rank.3. (Chem.) reduce to a single molecular structure.
The moral degradation of modern humanity is truly lamentable /monstrous!
5) vene/vent(走,运动,步入): inventive, convene, conventional weapons, conventions, intervene, adventure, advent,

●conventional: 1. depending on or according with convention 2. (of a person) bound by social conventions 3. not spontaneous or sincere or original.
Politics in modern times has often been misinterpreted as the privilege of a small number of elites, thus labeled as convential nonsense. Contrary to the public conception, however, it continues to exert profound influence on the daily routines of every member of the society.
●intervene: 1. occur in time between events; 2.interfere; prevent or modify events

6) cur/car(跑,走,运动,可引申为发生): current, currency, recur, occur, concur, recurrent, concurrence, incur

●current:adj.1. belonging to the present; happening now( current events) 2. (of money, opinion or rumor) in general circulation or use.
n. body of moving water air, etc., esp. passing through still water etc. 2. ordered movement of electrically charged particles 3. (usu. foll. by of ) general tendency or course of (events, opinions, etc)
To quicken the current, he determined to advance gallantly rather retreat!
●currency:1. money in use in a country; other commodity used as money 2. being current; prevalence (e.g. of words or ideas)
The currency of ideas, knowledge.
●incur: bring on oneself (danger, blame, loss etc.) incur huge debts/expenses

7) audi(听): auditorium, inaudible, audio-visual,

●audio-visuals 为什么可以翻译为“直观教具”?

8) ject/jack(扔,抛,投掷): projected, injection, rejected, dejected, eject the pilot before the crash, subject
●project: 1. to devise in the mind: design
2. to plan figure or estimate for the future: project expenditure for the coming year
3. to display outwardly esp. to an audience: project an image; an actress who could project amorality
4. to attribute one’s own ideas, feelings, or characteristics to other people or to objects: a nation is an entity on which one can project many of the worst of one’s instincts.(Times Lit. Supp.)
●projected: prominent, outstanding, easy to be seen or noticed,
●subject: adj. 1. conditional upon: subject to your approval
2.liable or exposed to : subject to infection
v. 1.make liable; expose: subjected us to hours of waiting
n. any person, except a monarch, living under a government

9) pose/pot(保持某种状态, 使。。处于某种状态,keep): supposition, proposal, dispose, disposable, disposition, compose, opponent, exposure, exposed to American culture, symposium, opposite, preposition, proposal, pose, impose

●disposable: able to be disposed of ; intended to be used once and discarded: disposable income
●dispose: v. 1. make willing; incline; was disposed to agree
2.determine events: Man proposes, God disposes!
●expose:1. leave uncovered or unprotected, esp. form the weather
Having been exposed to the elements of nature for over 100 years, the Statue of Liberty now needs renovation.
2. subject to influence of:
English learning can be formidable challenge for those not raised in English speaking countries. But exposure to the language can incredibly make it as easy as a piece of cake! You simply pick up the language almost effortlessly!
●Compose, composition, composer, cf. conductor, semi-conductor, quarter-conductor(吃透其翻译!)
●deposition 的不同翻译!

10) part(分开,分为。。部分) : impart, departure, compartment, apartment, partial, impartiality, participation, particle, counterpart

●depart: v. go away; leave.
Departure:1.deviation from the truth, standard
2. new course of action or thought.(driving is rather a new departure for him)
●counterpart: n. person or thing like another or forming the complement or equivalent to another.
●partial:1. not complete; forming only part
2. biased
3.having a liking for

11) sed/sess/sid:(坐,向下) reside, resident, preside over the meeting, subside, dissident, assiduous, image consultant, session

●dissident :adj. disagreeing, esp. with the established government, system etc.
n. dissident person: Pressured by the U.S. government under pretext of human rights, Madrid recently issued a universal absolution including the release of some notorious political dissidents.

12) sist/sta/st(站,立): assistance, persistence, irresistible, insistent, substitute teacher, Statue of Liberty, stature, statute, circumstance, restore, installment, destiny, instantaneous, institution

●persist:(often foll. by in ) 1. continue firmly or obstinately (in an opinion or action) esp. despite obstacles, remonstrance .etc.
2. (of a phenomenon) continue in existence; survive
In spite of remarkable academic competence and performance in universities, Japanese pre-school education gives priority to character training, including persistence and concentration.
●institution:1. organization or society founded for a particular purpose
2. established law, practice, or custom,
3. instituting or being instituted
●installment Cf. istallation

13) tain/ten/tin(keep,保持,使。。处于某种状态): sustainable development, sustained efforts, detainee, detention, maintain the peace and stability, entertainers, entertaining business, retain youthful appearance, containment VS engagement.

●entertain:1.occupy agreeably
2.receive as a guest
3. cherish, consider (an idea etc)
●containment VS engagement

14) sent/sens(情感,感觉,意见): assent, consensus, conventional nonsense, resent, consent, dissent, sensational stories

●consensus: (often foll. by of; often attr.) general agreement or opinion
UN Security Council: consensus.

15) path/pat/pati/(feeling,感觉,感情): passionate, compassionate conservatism, impatience, incompatible, apathy, sympathetic, antipathy, pathetic, empathy

●empathy: ability to identify with a person
●passionate: Poetry as volcanic eruption of passions or spontaneous overflow of emotions, recollected in tranquility.

16) Nounc(说,话): pronounce, renounce, denounce

● pronounced: strongly marked, noticeable; pronounce limp
● renounce: consent formally to abandon (a claim, right or belief etc.)
● denounce: accuse publicly, condemn

17) scribe(写,write ): describe, inscribe, inscription, prescribe, conscription, subscribe, ascribe his achievement to hard working, manuscript, postscript, transcript

●subscribe:1. pay (a specified sum), esp. regularly, for membership of an organization, receipt of publication, etc.
2. contribute money to a fund, for a cause
3..agree with an opinion: I subscribe to that…

18) dict( 说) : addicted to drugs, contradict, contradiction, indicate, indicative of their dissatisfaction, verdict, unpredictable, dedicate, dictate, dictatorship, benediction, malediction,

●addict: 1. person addicted, esp. to a drug as a habit: drug addicts
2. devoted to an interest.

19) nonym(名字,引申为意义): anonymous, nominate, denominate, synonymous, antonym, pseudonym

20) rupt(=break,) : erupt, disrupt, corrupt officials, bankruptcy, interrupt,

● corrupt:1.to change form good to bad in morals, manners, or action; also bribe;
2. to degrade with unsound principles or moral values
Modern humanity is corrupted by commercialism and desires!

21) press(压): impressive, depression, depressing, compress, pressured, compress, suppress, oppress, express,

22) Port(运输,携带,carry): report, support, deport, import, importance, portability, transportation, export,

●import: 1. (esp. in pl.) imported article or service,
2. what is implied; meaning, importance

23)ceive(抓住,握住,掌握,把。。。放到一起) : conceive, receive, deceive, perceive, receipt, imperceptibility

24) stance/stand/ stant(立,站): instant, instantaneous, substantial, constant, constancy, inconstancy, standpoint, obstinate

●instant: 1. occurring immediately 2. (of food etc.) processed for quick preparation
●stand by, stand for, stand out, stand up, 突破介词短语!
●constant, constancy:

25) pend(挂,靠): depend, suspend, suspense, indispensable, expenditure,

●suspended sentence

26) here/hes/her/(粘,贴在一块): coherent, conherency, hesitate, inherent, adhere to

●cf. highjack: seize control of ( a vehicle etc.), esp. to force it to a different destination

27) miss/mit(扔,送,投掷): missile, dismiss, remit, commit, commission, dismiss, admit, permit. Submit, mission, missionary, intermittent, emit, transmit, transmission

●missile: 1.object or weapon suitable for throwing at target or for discharge for a machine
2. weapon directed by remote control or automatically..
●dismiss: 1. send away, esp. form one’s presence, disperse,
2. terminate the employment of esp. dishonorably; sack
3. put from one’s mind or emotions
4. consider not worth talking or thinking about
●dismissive: dismissing rudely or casually; disdainful
●promise: 翻译“瑞雪兆丰年”
● those faces are full of youthful promises, //empty promises

28) mov/mot/mob(移动,运动): movement, remote control, remove, removal, promote, mobile, mobilize, motive, motivation, automobile,

● mobility: horizontal VS vertical
●promote: 1. raise a person to a higher rank or office
2. help forward, encourage(a cause, process etc.)
3. publicize and sell a product
● to launch a massive promotional campaign!

29) viv, vio,vit, vio(生命力,生活,活的): revive, survive, vivid, vivisection, vital, revitalize, vigor, invigorate, vigorously

●survive: live longer than
How can we survive the romance?
●revitalize: imbue with new life and vitality

30) gene(基因,基础,根本的特点,起源): gene, genesis, generate, regenerate, degenerate, genuine, generation, generalize, generator
●generate: bring into existence; produce


31) duce, duct(引导): reduce, produce, seduce, conductor, semi-conductor, introduce, conductivity, educate, induce

顶端 Posted: 2007-11-22 22:57 | [楼 主]

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注册时间: 2007-03-13
最后登陆: 2011-01-19

5come5帮你背单词 [ extension /iks'tenən/ n. 伸展(部分),延伸(部分),扩大(部分),(电话的)分机 ]

晕  LZ素李杰粉粉
顶端 Posted: 2007-11-22 23:01 | [1 楼]

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最后登陆: 2009-03-10

5come5帮你背单词 [ foggy /'fogi/ a. 有雾的,模糊的 ]

顶端 Posted: 2007-11-24 16:19 | [2 楼]
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