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本页主题: [09.15][Hard-Fi - Once Upon A Time in the West up by lance][MP3][57M] 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


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[09.15][Hard-Fi - Once Upon A Time in the West up by lance][MP3][57M]

本帖被 焚羽 执行加亮操作(2007-09-24)

Staines, England's Hard-Fi feature Richard Archer (vocals), Ross Philips (guitar), Kai Stephens (bass), and Steve Kemp (drums). The punk-inspired indie rock quintet formed in 2002; they feature a brash mix of Dexy's Midnight Runners melodies, Franz Ferdinand hooks, and the theatrics of the Dead 60s. Hard-Fi self-released Stars of CCTV in October 2004, and all 500 copies quickly sold out. The U.K. indie imprint Necessary reissued the nine-song nugget the following June. Once again, HARD-Fi got the attention of the fickle British press and an eager British public. Singles such as "Cash Machine," "Tied Up Too Tight," and "Hard to Beat" were all chart hits, and U.K. show dates with the likes of the Bravery, the Kaiser Chiefs, and the Ordinary Boys were equally successful. Before the year's end, Hard-Fi earned a Mercury Music Prize nomination for Stars of CCTV. They had also won over audiences at Glastonbury and at the annual SXSW Festival in Austin, TX. Two Brit Award nominations followed in early 2006 -- one for Best British Group and another for Best British Rock Act. Stars of CCTV went on to earn a number one spot on the U.K. album chart in January 2006; it was released in the U.S. in March, and although it didn't make quite as big of a splash stateside, it still set up high expectations for Hard-Fi's next record, Once Upon a Time in the West, which came out in September of 2007.

01 suburban knights.mp3
02 i shall overcome.mp3
03 tonight.mp3
04 watch me fall apart.mp3
05 i close my eyes.mp3
06 television.mp3
07 help me please.mp3
08 cant get along (without you).mp3
09 we need love.mp3
10 little angel.mp3
11 the king.mp3
远程图片:hard fi.jpg
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  • 顶端 Posted: 2007-09-15 12:51 | [楼 主]
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