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本页主题: (07-0664)睿初科技(深圳)有限公司【截止日期:2007年6月30号】 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 静夜长思/大悟无言
等级: 优秀版主
发贴: 4619
威望: 5
浮云: 3964
注册时间: 2005-10-05
最后登陆: 2013-04-20

5come5帮你背单词 [ certainly /'sə:tənli/ ad. 一定,必定,当然,可以 ]


本帖被 任俊 执行加亮操作(2007-08-28)


应聘方式:Please send your resume with recent photo to
Contact Information:jobs-china@brion.com or sbfu@brion.com
R&D Engineer   (AS, SQA, PEG & OPC)
Location: Shenzhen,Guangdong
Required for every individual hire:
Must view this job as a long-term regular job; no outside engagement such as consulting is allowed, except for during the transition period
Must be reliable with high integrity
Strong desires to learn and explore new technologies.
Self-initiative and ability to work in a team
Minimum Bachelor degree, preferably MS, in physics, EE, computer engineering, computer science, or related fields of engineering and science
Job BC-001, Software Quality Assurance Engineer
Roles and Responsibilities:
Design, develop, execute, and maintain test suites for company products.
Analyze test results to ensure existing and new functionalities.
Work with R&D and product engineers to improve reliability, functionality, and usability of company products.
Job requirements:
Basic knowledge of software engineering and computer programming
Detail orientated work habit.
Willingness and patience in carrying out some repetitive tasks, such as manual testing.
Team player
Able to carry out technical communication in English
Bachelor degree, in computer science, physics, EE, mathematics, or any related fields of science and engineering.
Desired but not required:
Familiarity with UNIX environment, C/C++, scripting languages, databases.
Familiarity with automated testing tools and bug tracking tools.
  Good understanding of software testing process and testing methodologies.
Familiarity with QA concepts and methodology.
Knowledge in semiconductor lithography and IC design
Job BC-002, Application Software Engineer
Roles and Responsibilities:
General application software development, such as GUI, script
Job requirements:
Proficiency in C/C++ programming
Enjoy computer software programming as a profession
Team player
Able to carry out technical communication in English
Bachelor or Master’s degree, in computer science, physics, EE, mathematics, or any related fields of science and engineering
Desired but not required:
Familiarity with UNIX/Linux or Windows environments.
Familiarity with Scripting languages (sh, perl, lua, etc.)
Database skills

Knowledge in semiconductor lithography and IC design
Job BC-003, Product Engineer
Roles /Responsibilities:
Take part in new products R&D and quality assurance
Evaluate company's products and provide the evaluation reports according to customer's requirement
Support global customers, help customers to use company's products effectively.
Job requirements:
Basic knowledge of software engineering and computer programming
Detail orientated work habit
Team player
Excellent communication skills in English, both writing and speaking
Solid training and knowledge base in mathematics and physics
Bachelor or Master’s degree, in computer science, physics, EE, mathematics, or any related fields of science and engineering
Desired but not required:
Familiarity with UNIX environment, C/C++, scripting languages, databases
Familiarity and experience with computer systems and computer networks
Knowledge in semiconductor lithography, semiconductor manufacturing, and IC design
Job BC- 004, Algorithm Engineer
Roles /Responsibilities:
Algorithm and recipe development for optical proximity correction products.
Technical support of our products for customers all over the world.
Job requirements:
Familiar with C/C++ programming.
Strong analytical skills and high creativity
Detail orientated work habit
Team player
Bachelor or Master’s degree, in computer science, physics, EE, mathematics, or any related fields of science and engineering
Desired but not required:
Proficiency in algorithm and code optimization.
Knowledge of computer graphics, computational geometry
Familiarity with UNIX environment, scripting languages
Knowledge in semiconductor lithography and IC design

  美国Brion Technologies公司是于2002年在美国硅谷与世界一流学府斯坦福大学合作成立的一家高科技开发公司,主要从事半导体设计与制造相关工具的研究与开发,包括设计自动化软件和制造设备,特别是光刻技术的研究与开发。Brion Technologies公司于2004年7月在广东深圳成立了中国分公司:睿初科技(深圳)有限公司(Brion Technologies (Shenzhen)Co., Ltd.),与公司总部同步进行有关技术和产品的研究与开发。

顶端 Posted: 2007-06-22 16:56 | [楼 主]
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