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5come5帮你背单词 [ shortcut /'o:tkΛt/ n. 捷径 ]

顶端 Posted: 2007-05-14 08:28 | [楼 主]

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5come5帮你背单词 [ dozen /'dΛzn/ n. (一)打,十二个 ]

This morning on health report, we’re talking about alcohol actually shrinking the brain, that happens to people who drink a lot, according to the latest research.
Doctor Robert Millman is a psychiatrist and a substance abuse expert at New York Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell Medical Center.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Now when we talked about people who were drinking a lot and that shrinking your brain, what qualifies drinking a lot?
According to a study of 1,800… 14 drinks a week was classified as a lot of drinking, 7-14 was moderate. When you are thinking about 14 drinks a week is not so much for a lot of people, 6 beers in one day adds up, you drink for couple days, anyhow, a lot with 14.
And a drink is classified as a glass of wine, a bottle of beer, right?
Or an ounce and a half of Vodka.
Of, of Vodka.
So what happens here is they discovered that people who drink a lot that their brains were more than one and a half percent smaller than people who don’t drink, does this fall in line with what we refer before.
Yeah, it’s been known for years or thought for years, that if you drank a lot, your brain shrank, you’ll get some sort of atrophy of the brain. But it’s never been shown in this kind of a systematic way and it’s never been with these many people. This is actually a remarkable study, showing that the more you drink, the more you brain shrinks, up to about 1.6%, which is huge, but it’s significant.
Well, and it’s more significant for women, because it affects women greater than it does men, correct?
And why is that?
Alcohol affects women more than it does men, partly ‘cause men are bigger, and men have more body water, so it’s more diluted. The more important than any of those things is women lack an enzyme or lack as much as the enzyme that inactivates alcohol. So they, when they drink, something like they’re a quarter of the degradation than men do, whereas men get rid of the alcohol and women don't get rid of the alcohol, it remains much more toxic.
They don’t metabolize.
They don’t metabolize.
So, and I know you say that alcohol can actually become poison. But we hear so much about alcohol, a moderate amount being good to your cardiac health, so what’s your best advice for people, in terms of how much to drink?
A little.
A little.
A little. One or two drinks a night, but not every night, is the way to drink, and take alcohol seriously as sacrament, but have lots of days off, the big danger is to drink every day without a break and more than 3 drinks a day, I think is dangerous.
And the real good news here is that, if you actually stop drinking, you can recover some of that, that brain loss.
I think that’s remarkable. A payoff was recently published, that shows that without accidents, there was good recovery showing that maybe you are not knocking off parts of the brain, that’s just awakening.
Doctor Robert Millman, thanks so much.


1.atrophy:Pathology A wasting or decrease in size of a bodily organ, tissue, or part owing to disease, injury, or lack of use:
【病理学】 萎缩:因疾病、受伤或缺乏使用而导致身体器官、组织或部位的废弃或体积缩小
2.dilute:To lessen the force, strength, purity, or brilliance of, especially by admixture.
3.enzyme:Any of numerous proteins or conjugated proteins produced by living organisms and functioning as biochemical catalysts.
4.metabolize:To subject (a substance) to metabolism.
5.cardiac:Of, near, or relating to the heart
6.sacrament:In most other Western Christian churches, the two rites, Baptism and the Eucharist, that were instituted by Jesus to confer sanctifying grace.
7.knock off:Informal To get rid of, eliminate
顶端 Posted: 2007-05-14 08:28 | [1 楼]

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5come5帮你背单词 [ carry /'kæri/ vt. 运,送,搬,拿,抱背,传播,输送 ]

顶端 Posted: 2007-05-14 08:45 | [2 楼]

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5come5帮你背单词 [ analogy /ə'næləd3əi/ n. 类似,相似,类比,类推 ]

这个为的是视听   不是为了阐述科学哈
顶端 Posted: 2007-05-14 09:03 | [3 楼]

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5come5帮你背单词 [ picture /'piktə/ n. 画,图画,照片,图象,画面,影片 ]

顶端 Posted: 2007-05-14 11:47 | [4 楼]

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5come5帮你背单词 [ analyse/-yze // vt. 分析,分解 ]

顶端 Posted: 2007-05-14 11:51 | [5 楼]
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