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性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 3544
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5come5帮你背单词 [ antarctic /ænt'B:ktik/ a. 南极的,南极区的;n. 南极区,南极圈 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-10-17 12:41 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 3544
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注册时间: 2004-12-25
最后登陆: 2011-11-19

5come5帮你背单词 [ stair /st/ə/ n. (常pl.)楼梯,阶梯 ]

Well, women know how it feels to fall in love. You can't wait to call him. You wanna spend all your time with him. But what's he feeling? Well, it can be very different. And Cosmopolitan Magazine explains the differences in its November issue. Kate White is Cosmo's editor-in-chief.

Good morning, Kate.

Good morning.

Welcome back to the show. It's good to see you.

Thank you.

Alright, we fall in love so differently than men, don't we?

Yeah, we, we tend to get to the emotional more quickly than guys do, and we are not as hot and cold, so when we, we are dealing with the guy, we could be really confused and confounded by what they are experiencing and read it wrong.

Oh you mean they're, they are hot and cold?

Yes, they, they're, they are more hot and cold in the early phases than we are, so it's confusing.

It is confusing, so help guide us through. You say there are four phases or stages that men go through. Starting with phase No.1 is "He sees you. He wants you."

Yes. Well, hehehe, Hopefully! (Yeah) Guys fall in love with their eyes first.

It may be just the way you look in jeans, or the way you lick your lips. But re, regardless, it's a physical thing, eh, visual and it triggers testosterone, and that gives them that hot-for-you feeling. But you have to be careful eh, even though they are infatuated. Don't get ahead of it, because he doesn't know his true intentions yet. It's all hormonal at this phase.

And we are not?

Ok, we will leave that one untouched. We move on to phase 2. The next phase after he gets pass that he wants you. He tries to win you over. We like this.

Yeah, we do. He's had a few dates and you've begun to see there's a, an emotional, / intellectual connection, so he started to bring it out, the flowers, and the dinners and the text messages, and what's going on for him is that there's this whole rush of hormone, eh, sort of like he's got a brain buzz of infatuation. And, what, what he's doing with the gifts and everything is reinforcing that wonderful hormonal high because when he get your approval it makes it better for him, but he can also be a little hot and cold during this period because he may be fearing rejection a little bit and also he may just not be sure, so the best thing you can do during this phase is work on reinforcing the emotional and intellectual connection, letting him know that's there.

Ok, that sounds good.

So far so good. (Yeah) But the next phase is not a good phase, because then you say most men, he pulls a freak-out.

A freak out, yeah. This is where we really get confused. Perhaps you are now in the courtship phase. You're even leaving a toothbrush at his place and he's leaving one at yours, feels good, but guys start to worry that they are not ready to commit. They may, may sense that you are, some of those hormones are waning and he's not feeling quite as passionate even though there's a connection, and so he'll pick a fight, you know, we've all had that romantic weekend and he picks a fight afterwards or he may not call you for a few days. (So, what do you do?) You just have to chill during this phase because give him time to may, reinforce his own mind. There is a connection and he wants to go to the next phase, the final four(th) phase.

Which is, he settles into life as a twosome?

Yep, um, because those infatuation hormones thankfully get replaced by love hormones. He's in a blissful state. He likes even lying on the couch with you, and now it's just important not to become two couch potatoes that you wanna do things that refresh the bond and keep making it strong.

The key here, get to the freak-out stage. (Yeah) Alright, Kate White from Cosmo

Thanks so much.

顶端 Posted: 2006-10-17 12:46 | [1 楼]
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