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5come5帮你背单词 [ breast /brest/ n. 胸,乳房 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-10-08 18:04 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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5come5帮你背单词 [ anyhow /'enihau/ ad. 不管怎样说,无论如何,不管以什方法,总之 ]

The Ethic committee of the United States House of representatives has approved almost 50 legal summonses for document and testimony as a part of its investigation into a sex scans involving a Republican congressman Mark Foley, Mr. Foley resigned after admitting he sent sexually explicit emails to teenage boys working as messengers in congress. Justin Web reports from Washington.
The speaker of the house of representative the third most important Republican in the land was forced this afternoon to issue and abject apology than has to said he was deeply sorry that this had happened and the bottom line was he was taking responsibility. Ultimately, he said the bus stop here. The speaker's statement came as the House Ethic Committee began its work and promised an enquiry lasting weeks not months. Nobody denied that the congressman Mark Foley’s email and text messages to House of Representative pages, some as young as 16, were wrong. But the political roar is over whether there were Republican leadership knew about Mr. Foley’s activities years ago,of some alleged, but chose not to act. If that charges were to be proven, the Republicans' chance of holding on the Congress this November will be greatly reduced.

Russia said it is in direct contact with the North Korean leadership to persuade it not to carry out it planed test to nuclear device. The Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov has stressed the importance of non-proliferation and said emotion must not be allowed to cut off the issue. The North Korean announcement has also been condemned by South Korea, Japan, United States and China which with Russia have been involved in the stored 6 parties’s negotiation to get North Korea to give up its nuclear program.

The American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had said it important for the Iraqi government to engage with those who were not parts of the present political process she was speaking as she flew in for a visit in Baghdad. Our correspondent Jonathan Beale is travelling with Dr. Rice.

The American Secretary of State said she wants to show her support for Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Condoleezza Rice said it was important for the government to have planed to tackle the insurgency and Shiite militia. She said these were urgent matters that needed to be resolved. Dr. Rice said she wanted to offer her help and support for a national reconciliation plan. She said it was important to engage those who were not parts of the political process. The US Secretary of State also called on all Iraq leaders to works together warning that they did not have time for endless political debates.

You are listening to word news from the BBC.

The United Nations Security Council has asked Sudan for clarification on a letter it sent to number of countries repeating opposition to UN force in Darfur and saying that it would view as hostile act any commitment to have troops to the planned deployment. Speaking after the council discussion, the Japanese ambassador to the UN Kenzo Oshima told reporters some members states felt the language in the letter was inappropriate and offensive.

A top Thai officer has said the military want to hold the exploratory meeting with Muslims separatists in the south in order to find out their demands. General Winne Patty Kune who is in charge of defense told the BBC he didn't know who the insurgency leaders were. He said he asked local religious leaders the establish contacts with the rebels. He was speaking after the Army chief General Sonthi Boonyaratglin said he would like to begin talks with separatists.

Researchers from Norway say they found in the Arctic fossilised remains of a group of giant reptiles at / sea 150 million years ago at the same time as the dinosaurs were thronged the land. They includes the fossilised remains of a rare predatory described as the Ichthyosaurs wrecks of the oceans.

The discovery of the fossilised bones of 28 reptiles in Svalbard archipelago of Norway's far north has delighted researchers. The giant reptiles lived 150 million years ago and their remains were discovered in the summer. The rare finds were a crumble skull of a pliosaurs which researcher described as being like a sea-lion a size of a bus with the crocodile skull and a hundred or so teeth. Jon H.Hurum one of the researchers said that together with sharks the pliosaurs were the biggest sea predators of the Jurassic Era, 146 to 200 million years ago.

A plan to allow three African countries to sell 60 tons of elephant ivory has been rejected by the UN body governing trade in protected species. South Africa /,/ and were given the provisional approval 4 years ago for one-off sale of legally harvested ivory but after a meeting in Geneva the convention on international trade in endangered species said more information was needed on African elephant population and rates of approaching.
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-08 18:04 | [1 楼]
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