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顶端 Posted: 2006-09-23 07:52 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 3544
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注册时间: 2004-12-25
最后登陆: 2011-11-19

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President Bush will seek support for his Middle East policies in a speech to the opening session of the United Nations General Assembly today. Both Mr. Bush and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are to address the assembly highlighting the standoff over Iran's nuclear program. White House officials say Mr. Bush will call on the world to stand for peace in supporting moderates and opposing extremists in the Middle East. Mr. Bush is also expected to defend his call for sanctions against Iran because of Iran's refusal to suspend uranium enrichment. In the Iranian president speech, Mr. Ahmadinejad is expected to declare his country's right to peaceful nuclear technology.

Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany says he will not resign in the aftermath of Monday's anti-government riots in Budapest, and says he will push ahead with economic reforms. Mr. Gyurcsany spoke today just hours after police reinforcements arrived in the capital and regained control of Hungarian state television facilities. He said his duty is to ease the conflict and prevent a crisis. The worst riots in post communist Hungary followed the leak of an audiotape in which Mr. Gyurcsany is, heard saying he and his socialist party had lied to voters for years about the economy in order to hold on to power. Authorities say at least 150 people were injured Monday in the demonstrations that followed the disclosure. The injured included about 100 policemen.

The annual meeting of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund has opened in Singapore with calls for more support for developing countries and the restart of the global trade talks. Daniel Sean has a report from Singapore.

The heads of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank opened the session Tuesday by calling for more help for developing nations. The IMF chief Rodrigo de Rato said promises of aid to Africa made by rich countries need to become a reality. He also urged members to support trade talks, aimed at opening up global markets. De Rato said the failure of the talks could lead to weaker economic growth. "On trade, the world will either go forward to greater growth and broader opportunities, or backward to narrow nationalism." Paul Wolfowitz, head of the World Bank, also expressed concern that unchecked corruption hinders development. On Monday IMF members approved a landmark plan to gradually increase the voting rights of developing economies. China, South Korea, Mexico and Turkey are the first countries to get a greater say in the institution activities. Daniel Sean for VOA news, Singapore.

Pope Benedict is continuing to face demands from the Muslim world to appologize for recent comments about Islam. Turkish workers from a regilious affairs union demonstrated in Ankara today, demanding the Pope appogolize or cancel a planned visit to Turkey. Some of the protestors called for the arrest of the Pope when he visits the predominantly Muslim country in late November. But Turkey's government says it expects the trip to go ahead as scheduled. Meanwhile the Vatican says it is sending envoys to meet with the Muslim world leaders to explain last week's speech in Germany in which the pontiff quoted a 14th century Byzantine Emperor who said some of teachings of the Prophet Muhammad were evil and inhumane.

A resurgence of the polio virus in northern India is undermining global efforts to eradicate the disease. A P has more from New Delhi.

Health official says a sudden-fled of polio in the populous north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh exposing a danger to polio-free regions in and outside India. India has reported more than 280 new cases of polio this year, four times more than all of last year. The setback comes at a time when health workers worldwide are waging the end game against the disease. Polio has been eliminated from most countries following the global eradication drive began in 1988. But it survives in a handful of Asian and African countries. India has been at the epicenter in the ambitious battle against polio because it accounted for the largest number of the cases in the world. A P for VOA news, New Delhi.

The top US commander in the Middle East says current US troop levels in Iraq will most likely be maintained through at least mid-2007. Speaking to reporters in the United States General John A said it is prudent to maintain current force levels of more than 140,000 American soldiers in Iraq.

Authorities in southen Afghanistan say police have killed at least 11 suspected Taliban insurgents in gun battles in Helman province.

US stock indexes are down at this hour.
President Bush will seek support for his Middle East policies in a speech to the opening session of the United Nations General Assembly today. Both Mr. Bush and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are to address the assembly highlighting the standoff over Iran's nuclear program. White House officials say Mr. Bush will call on the world to stand for peace in supporting moderates and opposing extremists in the Middle East. Mr. Bush is also expected to defend his call for sanctions against Iran because of Iran's refusal to suspend uranium enrichment. In the Iranian president speech, Mr. Ahmadinejad is expected to declare his country's right to peaceful nuclear technology.

Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany says he will not resign in the aftermath of Monday's anti-government riots in Budapest, and says he will push ahead with economic reforms. Mr. Gyurcsany spoke today just hours after police reinforcements arrived in the capital and regained control of Hungarian state television facilities. He said his duty is to ease the conflict and prevent a crisis. The worst riots in post communist Hungary followed the leak of an audiotape in which Mr. Gyurcsany is, heard saying he and his socialist party had lied to voters for years about the economy in order to hold on to power. Authorities say at least 150 people were injured Monday in the demonstrations that followed the disclosure. The injured included about 100 policemen.

The annual meeting of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund has opened in Singapore with calls for more support for developing countries and the restart of the global trade talks. Daniel Sean has a report from Singapore.

The heads of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank opened the session Tuesday by calling for more help for developing nations. The IMF chief Rodrigo de Rato said promises of aid to Africa made by rich countries need to become a reality. He also urged members to support trade talks, aimed at opening up global markets. De Rato said the failure of the talks could lead to weaker economic growth. "On trade, the world will either go forward to greater growth and broader opportunities, or backward to narrow nationalism." Paul Wolfowitz, head of the World Bank, also expressed concern that unchecked corruption hinders development. On Monday IMF members approved a landmark plan to gradually increase the voting rights of developing economies. China, South Korea, Mexico and Turkey are the first countries to get a greater say in the institution activities. Daniel Sean for VOA news, Singapore.

Pope Benedict is continuing to face demands from the Muslim world to appologize for recent comments about Islam. Turkish workers from a regilious affairs union demonstrated in Ankara today, demanding the Pope appogolize or cancel a planned visit to Turkey. Some of the protestors called for the arrest of the Pope when he visits the predominantly Muslim country in late November. But Turkey's government says it expects the trip to go ahead as scheduled. Meanwhile the Vatican says it is sending envoys to meet with the Muslim world leaders to explain last week's speech in Germany in which the pontiff quoted a 14th century Byzantine Emperor who said some of teachings of the Prophet Muhammad were evil and inhumane.

A resurgence of the polio virus in northern India is undermining global efforts to eradicate the disease. A P has more from New Delhi.

Health official says a sudden-fled of polio in the populous north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh exposing a danger to polio-free regions in and outside India. India has reported more than 280 new cases of polio this year, four times more than all of last year. The setback comes at a time when health workers worldwide are waging the end game against the disease. Polio has been eliminated from most countries following the global eradication drive began in 1988. But it survives in a handful of Asian and African countries. India has been at the epicenter in the ambitious battle against polio because it accounted for the largest number of the cases in the world. A P for VOA news, New Delhi.

The top US commander in the Middle East says current US troop levels in Iraq will most likely be maintained through at least mid-2007. Speaking to reporters in the United States General John A said it is prudent to maintain current force levels of more than 140,000 American soldiers in Iraq.

Authorities in southen Afghanistan say police have killed at least 11 suspected Taliban insurgents in gun battles in Helman province.

US stock indexes are down at this hour.
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-23 07:52 | [1 楼]
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