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5come5帮你背单词 [ addict /ə'dikt/ vt. 使成瘾,热衷于 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-09-19 14:11 | [楼 主]

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5come5帮你背单词 [ pianist /'pjænist/ n. 钢琴家,钢琴演奏者 ]

Tens of thousands of demonstrators have gathered in the central square of Mexico City, known as Zocalo, to support the defeated candidate in the presidential election in July. The rally in support of the left-wing candidate Manuel Lopez Obrador comes during the annual independence celebrations. Protestors say the election of the conservative candidate Felibe Carderon as president F's successor was fraudulent. From the square, D reports.
Zocalo square is the second biggest public square in the world, after Red Square in Moscow, and there had been talk of a million people turning up here to support Mr. Lopez Obrador, and certainly much of the open space has now been filled up. It will allow Mr. Lopez Obrador to claim a symbolic success after claims that support for his peaceful uprising of the past seven weeks was beginning to wane. He says the campaign against the election result in July will go on. There has been speculation that he might be decleared a people's president to rival the actual winner of the election Felebe Conderon,

The Mexican authorities say they have extradited a drug kartel boss to the United States, F, one of the heads of the T drug kartel is the first high ranking Mexican drug boss to be extradited to the US. He had completed a jail sentence in Mexico where he was convicted of weapon possession and bribery.

The Pope will make his first public appearance today since his controversial remarks made in Germany last week. The Pope had quoted a 14th century Christian emperor who had characterized some of the teachings of the prophet Monhamond as evil and inhuman. Security was due to be stepped up around the Pope's residence ahead of the Sunday angelus blessing, a major growing Muslim anger over his remarks. From Rome, our correspondent Christan Freezer reports,

Pope Benedict will be under intense scrutiny on Sunday. He is under huge diplomatic pressure and he knows that the world will be expecting a comment on the last week's events. It's unlikely he will go further than the apology issued on Saturday. In his statement he expressed sincere regret that certain passages of his address could have sounded offensive to Muslims. He's also sorry that his comments have been interpreted in a manner which he said in no way reflected his intentions. But there will be many in the Muslim world who want to hear that statement from the man himself.

The leaders of Pakistan and India have agreed to resume formal peace talks which were suspended two months ago when nearly 200 people were killed in bomb attacks in Bombay, The announcement came in a joint statement after a meeting between the Pakistani president M and Indian’s Prime Minister M in Cuba. Mr. Shing said the talks would address all the issues of contention between the nuclear armed neighbours.
We decided to continue the joint search but mutually acceptable option by the peaceful negotiated settlement of all issues between India and Pakistan, including the issue of Y and Kashmir, in a sincere and * mannner.

You're listening to the world news from the BBC

The American led forces in eastern Afghanistan say they've launched a major offensive aimed at putting pressure on Taliban insurgents. 7000 Afghan, American and international soldiers and police are taking part in the offensive in 5 provinces to the south of Kabul. The statement said the operation would provide security, extend/ the Afghan government’s reach and help reconstruction efforts.A US military spokesman Lieutenant Colone PS said the operation called Mountain Fury was currently the main focus of efforts against the Taliban.

Mountain Fury is just one of a series of coordinated operations placing continuous pressure on Taliban extremists across multiple regions of the country. Mountain Fury focusing on the Taliban resistence, in P,K,G,P and L provinces is a main effort.

The president of Sudan A has again rejected the deployment of United Nations' peacekeeping troops in Darfur in a meeting with the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan on the sidelines of the non aligned summit in Cuba. The president said he did not want a UN peacekeeping force in Darfur under any circumstances. The president's comments came ahead of what's been described as a global day for Darfur. Events will be taking place in more than 30 countries today.

On Sunday, the International Monetary Fund is expected to discuss giving full developing nations greater voting rights. Reform of the IMF's complex voting system is one of the issues at a meeting of its main policy making committee in Singapore. Currently the 7 leading industrialized countries have 45 percent of the vote.
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-19 14:11 | [1 楼]
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