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5come5帮你背单词 [ infection /in'fekən/ vt. 传染(病),影响 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-09-05 21:55 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 荣誉会员
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5come5帮你背单词 [ enthusiasm /in'θju:ziæzəm/ n. 热心,热情,积极性 ]

It's 15:00 Universal Time, and here is the news from the Voice of America.
I'm David Deforest from the VOA news center in Washington.

Sudan says the African Union has no right to transfer its peacekeeping mission in Darfur to the United Nations' control. Foreign Ministry spokesman / said today that the right to secure the troubled Darfur region rests only with the Sudanese government. On Thursday the UN Security Council approved the deployment of more than 20,000 troops to Darfur. As Sudan's government fiercely opposed the UN plan, and likening it to an invasion, the UN plan calls for the world body to observe an African Union force that is being unable to stop rampant violence in Darfur.

Afghan officials say a suicide car bomber has killed at least four civilians and a British soldier in Kabul. Authorities say at least three NATO soldiers were wounded in today's car bomb attack on the main highway, east of the capital. Also a NATO spokesman says one Canadian soldier was killed and several seriously wounded after NATO warplanes accidently fired on their own forces during a major operation in Kandahar province. And in neighboring Helmand province, officials say Taliban rebels attacked the / district office overnight and fought for several hours before withdrawn. Authorities say 16 militants and three policemen were killed in the fighting.

Jordanian officials say a gunman has fired on foreign tourists in the capital Amman killing a British man and wounding six other people. Authorities say the gunman was taken in custody after shooting today at the Roman / Theater, a popular tourist attraction. Witnesses say the gunman was shouting / or God is great. The Jordanian Interior Minister told the reporters the attacker will be treated as an active terrorism unless the gunman is found to be mentally unstable.

Israel's government says it intends to build 690 new homes in two West Bank settlements. VOA's Jim Teeple reports from Jerusalem. Palestinian officials say the plan is a violation of the road map peace plan.
The settlement construction plan is the largest proposed by Israel's governments and Israel's Prime Minister Ahud Olmert took office on May 4. Under the plan 348 houses will be built in /allamin settlement and 342 houses in /. Both settlements board Jerusalem and house more than 6,000 people. Palestinian officials / condemned the planned expansion. / reponsible for negotiating with Israeli government on behalf of the Palestinians says the expansion of the settlements undermines what is left the peace process.
"Their choice / is between settlement or peace /
Under the international / road map peace plan, Israel is to suspend settlement construction activity in the West Bank while Palestinians are to hold the attacks on Israelis. / the spokesman for Israel's Foreign Ministry says the expansion of the two settlements is not a violation of the plan, because he says there is an internationl consensus that Israel will be allowed to keep large settlement blocks close to its boarder. Jim Teeple VOA news, Jerusalem.

Qatar has become the first Arab country to pledge troops for a UN peacekeeping mission in Lebanon offering to send up to 300 troops to monitor the ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah. The nation's Foreign Minister announced the offer Monday after talks with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan in Doha. Qatar is one of the few Arab countries that recognize Israel. Israeli officials have said they welcome participation in the UN mission from nations that recognize the Jewish state.

Police in Baghdad say a popular Iraqi soccer player has been kidnapped. Officials say 22-year-old / who played on Iraq's Olympic team and was considered one of the best players in Baghdad's Airforce Club was taken from the western neighborhood of / where he lives. Meanwhile the British military says two soldiers were killed and two wounded in a roadside bomb attack today north of Basra.

Australian naturalist Steve Irwin known as the Crocodile Hunter has been killed in a marine accident. Australian media reports today that Irwin was killed when a stingray bar punched his chest during the / underwater documentary of the coast of /Douglas in the Australian state of Queensland. /Marvin is another nature show host.
"The stingray /damage was actually / close to his heart."
Irwin often engaged in daring behavior with animals while teaching audiences about wildlife conservation.

I'm David Deforest VOA news. More news on the Internet voanews.com.
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-05 21:56 | [1 楼]
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