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[推荐歌曲]Too Little Too Late--JoJo

(MV) Few will accuse JoJo of being a musical revolutionary--hers is a streetwise, modern R&B sound that owes a lot to Destiny's Child and a little to opposite-ends-of-the-genre artists Angie Stone and Aaliyah--but there is a freshness about her. This, on mulling it over, is a quality that's hard to miss when you're 13. Those who haven't ventured beyond the radio hit "Leave (Get Out)," though, will want to take this self-titled debut for a spin if only to be among the first to discover an artist who's figured out how to effectively blend innocence with attitude. It's not the lyrics but the delivery that grabs hold and gives way to compulsory head-bobbing: JoJo may not be "That Kinda Girl," as we learn three tracks in, but instead of putting her point across shyly, peppering the song with flirty vocal question marks, we half-expect her to tell us to step off. The same expert ferociousness fuels "Baby It's You," which embraces sincerity--love for all the right reasons--and power-kicks materialism to the curb. It's not always the case that you can judge a CD by its cover, but with JoJo there's no harm in projecting. Sulking from inside her plastic cover, the artist seems at once woebegone and willful, menacing and mopey. Pop scenesters will do well to keep watching.

Too Little Too Late


Ooh no

Come with me, stay the night
You say the words but boy it don't feel right
What do you expect me to say (You know it's just too little too late)
You take my hand, and you say you've changed
But boy you know your beggin don't fool me
Because to you it's just a game

So let me on down
Cause time has made me strong
I'm starting to move on
I'm gonna say this now
Your chance has come and gone
And you know

It's just too little too late
A little too wrong
And I can't wait
Boy you know all the right things to say (You know it's just too little too late)
You say you dream of my face
But you don't like me
You just like the chase
To be real, it doesn't matter anyway (You know it's just too little too late)

I was young and in love
I gave you everything but it wasn't enough
And now you wanna communicate
Go find someone else
In lettin you go, I'm lovin myself
You gotta problem
But don't come askin me for help
Cause ya know

It's just too little too late
A little too wrong
And I can't wait
Boy you know all the right things to say (You know it's just too little too late)
You say you dream of my face
But you don't like me
You just like the chase
To be real, it doesn't matter anyway (You know it's just too little too late)

I can love with all of my heart baby
I know I have so much to give (I have so much to give)
With a player like you, I don't have a prayer
That's the way to live, yeah oh

It's just too little, too late

It's just too little too late
A little too wrong
And I can't wait
Boy you know all the right things to say (You know it's just too little too late)
You say you dream of my face
But you don't like me
You just like the chase
To be real, it doesn't matter anyway (You know it's just too little too late)



  电视台的节目《Kids Say the Darndest Things: On the Road in Boston》成为了JoJo个人音乐生涯的一个转折点,在通过了公开选拔之后,JoJo也随着这个节目成为了当地的小明星,从此之后她开始逐渐飞黄腾达。JoJo此后出现在一些谈话节目的现场,并且参加了一些音乐节表演。当JoJo出现在了另一个电视节目《America's Most Talented Kids》之后,著名制作人Vincent Herbert决定发掘她身上的音乐细胞。

  在Vincent Herbert这位曾经为Toni Braxton,Destiny's Child,Aaliyah等女歌星和演唱组合工作的制作人的协助之下,JoJo成功的和Blackground Records唱片公司签约,并且邀请了许多知名唱片制作人加盟打造JoJo的音乐路线。2004年6月22日,JoJo的首张个人专辑《JoJo》正式在北美发行。

年轻的“天才”女歌手JoJo在一群大牌制作人的点拨之下发行了个人的首张专辑,这从电视节目中走出的“少女天才”的音乐生涯有了一个不错的开头,她的这张同名首张专辑在北美发行首周的销量就达到了9万5千张,名列Billboard 200排行榜的第四名,在单曲榜上也是成绩有嘉。

  自上世纪九十年代中期之后,世界流行乐坛进入了低龄化偶像时代。在最近几年,越来越年轻的偶像女明星更是层出不穷,JoJo不过是他们中的最新成员。不同于以小甜甜布兰妮(Britney Spears)为代表的舞曲风格偶像,也不同于Destiny's Child以及Beyonce的以R&B音乐为主的风格,当然更不同于艾薇儿(Avril Lavigne)和Michelle Branch等人的摇滚风格,JoJo的作品更像是结合了流行舞曲和主流R&B音乐。

  整张专辑的作品都是积极健康向上的,对于一个年轻的偶像歌手来说,这些显然都是必须的,当然,在如今众多的此类偶像女星专辑里,实在有些乏味。在这张专辑庞大而豪华的制作人团体努力下,JoJo开始演唱这些有着R&B调子的单曲,《Never Say Goodbye》《Not That Kinda Girl》也都是其中比较不错的作品。《Leave (Get Out)》是这张专辑的第一首打榜单曲,也是演唱相当到位的一首。从JoJo在这张专辑里表现出来的演唱水平来看她是相当有特点的,不过也许在今后她应该去尝试演唱更多自己的单曲,表演自己的音乐。
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-03 22:53 | [楼 主]
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