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5come5帮你背单词 [ manner /'mænə/ n. 方式,方法,态度,举止,(pl.)礼貌,规矩 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-09-02 14:41 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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注册时间: 2004-12-25
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5come5帮你背单词 [ incorporate /in'ko:pəreit/ vt. 结合,合并,使加入,收编;vi. 合并混合 ]

The International Atomic Energy Agency says Iran has failed to abide by UN Security Council deadline for a halt to its nuclear fuel program. The Agency said Iran has started a new round of uranium enrichment on Tuesday. An Iranian official said the IAEA's report didn't contain any sign that the Iranian's nuclear program was anything other than peaceful. But the American ambassador to UN, John Bolton asked, why Iran was dealing with uranium metal, for which he said, the any real use was a nuclear weapon. From the UN in New York here is MS.

The report from the UN's nuclear watchdog found no hard evidence that Iran was developing a nuclear weapon. But it is clear that Teheran has not complied with the central UN demand - to suspend uranium enrichment. The US ambassador to United Nations John Bolton described the International Atomic Energy Agency report as a red flag. And said it provided ample evidence of uranium defiance. Iran will now be hoping to expose any differences on the Security Council with Russia and China much less enthusiastic than Britain and the United States about punitive measures. Meetings will start next week to begin the difficult process of deciding what if any sanctions the UN should impose on Iran.

People who are shopping in the Iraqi capital Baghdad have been targeted in a series of explosions that killed more that 40 and wounded at least a hundred and thirty others. The blast of the place were within minutes of each other in a mainly Shiite area of east Baghdad. This report from JS.

The exact type of weaponry which rained down on the xxx and new Baghdad areas of the city is not known. But as well as causing many deaths, they also reduced some buildings to rubble, suggesting that they are a heavier type of ammunition than the mortars and bombs commonly used by insurgence. The attacks happened within a short period and seemed to have been timed to hit when the streets were full of people doing their shopping before the curfew.

Sudan has rejected a United Nations' resolution calling for UN peace-keeping force to be deployed in the western region of Darfur. The Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir said his country would not consent to any resolution that violates its sovereignty. Earlier the UN Security Council had approved plans to deploy up to 17, 000 UN troops in Darfur to replace African Union Peace-keepers whose mandate expires this month. The final version of the resolution says Sudan must give its approval before the new peace-keeping force can move into Darfur. A Spokesman for the Sudan Liberation Movement A, told the BBC that people could not wait for an agreement to be reached. 'Our people, they need protection from international community, but unfortunately now we are talking about community , which are from the Sudan government. I think this is not fair because the people in Darfur is dying daily.

You are listening to World News from BBC.

The Columbian government has defended its peace process with the right-wing paramilitary army after its commanders tried to protect a top drug trafficker by pretending he was one of their members. The man was initially on the list of 24 paramilitary leaders who would get minimum sentences and avoid extradition to the United States if they fulfill the conditions of a peace process. The BBC Bogota correspondent says there is concerns that criminal underworld is using the peace process to wipe clean its criminal record.

A court in the Netherlands has ruled the country's secret service can spy on journalists under certain condition. The decision involves the case of two newspaper journalists whose phones were taped by the Dutch Intelligence after they published leaked police report about a major drugs dealer.

The American space agency NASA has awarded multi-billion dollars contract to a group led by Lockheed Martin to design and build the next generation of man's spacecraft. The craft called the Orion is intended to replace the aging fleet of space shuttles. Orion's shape resembles the command modules of the P/Apollo spaceships from the sixties and seventies. Xx the shuttles it has neither wings nor parachute back to earth at the end of each mission. PH reports from Washington.

'Space exploration by Americans has been sideline for sometime now. But over the next twenty years President Bush would be investing billions of dollars recandling what was a real passion here. Orion is at the heart of those plans, a space capsule capable of carrying four astronauts to the moon and beyond. NASA are planning a lunar landing by 2020 and hoping to take humans to Mars.

A study published in United States says a matter of Nicotine and cigarettes are increased by about 10 percent in the past decade. The study looked at 116 brands and found out 92 had higher nicotine yields than six years earlier.

BBC World News.
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-02 14:41 | [1 楼]
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