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性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 菠萝粉丝汤
等级: 资政组
家族: RX胜利十一人
发贴: 12514
威望: 16
浮云: 505
注册时间: 2003-10-15
最后登陆: 2012-06-06

5come5帮你背单词 [ atmosphere /'ætməsfiə/ n. 大气层,气氛,环境 ]



A Call to Heroes!
July 29, 2005

Great evil has returned to the world of Diablo 2. Will you answer the call to save Sanctuary?

Patch 1.11 is coming....
顶端 Posted: 2005-07-31 01:42 | [楼 主]

性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 纵然一夜风吹去
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 10019
威望: 0
浮云: 577
注册时间: 2003-10-27
最后登陆: 2012-08-05

5come5帮你背单词 [ owe // vt. 欠,感激 ]


Normal Act 1 Andariel: requires level 12
Normal Act 2 Duriel: requires level 20
Normal Act 3 Mephisto: requires level 24
Normal Act 4 Diablo: requires level 27
Normal Act 5 Baal: requires level 40
Nightmare Act 1 Andariel: requires level 46
Nightmare Act 2 Duriel: requires level 53
Nightmare Act 3 Mephisto: requires level 57
Nightmare Act 4 Diablo: requires level 60
Nightmare Act 5 Baal: requires level 70
Hell Act 1 Andariel: requires level 75
Hell Act 2 Duriel: requires level 80
Hell Act 3 Mephisto: requires level 83
Hell Act 4 Diablo: requires level 85
Hell Act 5 Baal: requires level 87
顶端 Posted: 2005-07-31 02:10 | [1 楼]

性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 纵然一夜风吹去
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 10019
威望: 0
浮云: 577
注册时间: 2003-10-27
最后登陆: 2012-08-05

5come5帮你背单词 [ controversial /kontrə'və:əl/ a. 引起争论的,有争议的 ]

顶端 Posted: 2005-07-31 02:16 | [2 楼]
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