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本页主题: (08306)德国莱茵TÜV[屏蔽]集团[招聘时间:2007年12月4日(星期二) 9:00] 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 默默祝福……
等级: 荣誉会员
家族: 东北一家人
发贴: 10029
威望: 1
浮云: 4
注册时间: 2007-09-12
最后登陆: 2015-12-20

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(08306)德国莱茵TÜV[屏蔽]集团[招聘时间:2007年12月4日(星期二) 9:00]

本帖被 做贼肾虚 执行加亮操作(2007-12-30)
招聘时间:2007年12月4日(星期二) 9:00


1.Safety Approval Engineer / 安规工程师 (深圳 / 福州)    若干
    -  To provide safety testing and international approval services to manufacturers in South China and to maintain customer relationship.
Requirements /
-  Bachelor or above of university degree, preferably major in Science, Electronic engineering, Electrical engineering or Physics;
-  Knowledge in optics or ergonomics testing is a plus;
-  Good team player and customer-oriented;
2.Electrical Safety Testing Engineer / 电子安全测试工程师(深圳)  若干
To provide Testing and Certification service for exporting electrical and electronic products.
Requirements / 职位要求:
Bachelor's degree in EE or equivalent; Knowledge of electrical safety standards
Experience in testing is a plus
-  Good team player and customer-oriented;
3. EMC Testing Engineer / 电磁兼容性测试工程师 (深圳)  若干
-  Perform EMC testing
Requirements / 职位要求:
-  Majored in Radio-techics or Radio-electronics or HF Measurement;
-  Fluent in English;
-  Good teamplayer & Open-minded;
4.Chemist / 化学师 (深圳)  2名
-  Develop the business of toy, chemicals and textile testing through professional service in below fields:
-  Perform the routine organic analysis in chemical laboratory in time;
-  Complete and update the assigned quality assurance work according to the requirement of ISO / IEC 17025;
-  Provide professional technical support to our sales teams.
Requirements / 职位要求:
-  Bachelor education background in chemical related field;
-  Testing experience in testing lab, experience in GC-MS or LC-MS is preferable;
-  Fluent in English;
-  Good team player and customer-oriented;
5.Food Chemist / 食品化学师 (深圳)  2名
  -  To support our team in the new business field of Food Testing and Food Safety Control Services;
-  Perform the daily food testing; either in chemical analysis or microbiology testing;
-  To visit potential partner laboratories and acquiring customers among the complete food chain.
Requirements / 职位要求:
-  Major in chemical; microbiology or bio-chemistry related;
-  Flexibility, dedication and commitment, communication skills, team player, self-assertion and customer orientation are required.
6.  Stone Testing Engineer / 石材测试工程师(厦gate)  若干
Involve in the test sample preparation, test execution, data process;
Assistant to test supervisor for test device calibration, maintains;
Assistant the test sample and test record management.
Requirements / 职位要求:
7.Technical Support / 技术支持 (深圳)  若干
-  Customer orders follow up;
-  Communicate with the client and the supplier by email or telephone;
-  Answer general inquires from the customer and the supplier;
-  Provide support to the engineers;
-  Report typewriting.
Requirements / 职位要求:
-  Bachelor or above;
-  Mature, customer-oriented and committed to the job;
-  Science or technology background (electronics, electrical engineering) is preferable;
-  Careful, patient
8.Sales Assistant / 销售助理 (深圳 / 东莞 / 福州)    若干
-  To organize sales activities for all organization units / 组织销售活动;
-  To develop new clients and maintain relationship with existing customers / 开发新客户及维护现有客户关系;
-  To prepare sales plan and report sales activity to regional manager / 整理销售计划及向经理报告销售活动;
-  To be responsible for achieving the sales target / 完成销售额。
Requirements / 职位要求:
-  College or above degree majored in Science or Engineering fields / 大专及以上学历;
-  Self-motivated, creative and strong interpersonal and communication skills / 积极,较强的沟通及表达能力;
-  Able to work under pressure and with initiative / 能适应较强的工作压力;
-  Willing to work overtime and travel required / 能适应加班及出差要求。
9.Lab Assistant- for lab work / 助理试验员 (深圳)    若干
-  Perform the daily pretreatment for chemical testing and/or microbiology testing;
Requirements / 职位要求:
-  Have physical or chemical background in college degree
-  Primary English reading ability;
-  Have chemical laboratory working experience;
-  Open-minded and good teamplayer;
-  Can work under high working pressure;
-  物理、化学或相关专业大专教育背景
-  初级英文读写能力
-  有实验室工作经验
-  个性开朗,吃苦耐劳,适应团队合作
10.Accountant / 会计(深圳)  1名
-  Working in accounts receivable or accounts payable;
-  Assisting with other responsibilities assigned by manager
Requirements / 职位要求:
-  Bachelor degree or above majored in Accounting;
-  Mature and committed to the job;
-  Careful, patient;
-  Good teamplayer
11.  IT Specialist / 信息技术专员(深圳)  1名
-  Participates in planning, designing, installing and configuring local and wide area networks;
-  Builds and configures servers including domain controllers, file/print, database, e-mail and internet;
-  Monitors performance of network and servers to identify potential problems and bottlenecks;
-  Diagnoses and resolves LAN/WAN problems;
-  Ensures LAN/WAN environment is secure and appropriate recovery and redundancy issues are addressed;
-  Design, Implement and manage complex TCP/IP Networks.
Requirements / 职位要求:
-  Major in computer, solid technical knowledge;
-  Mature and committed to the job;
-  Careful, patient;
12.  Customer Service Specialist / 客户服务专员(深圳)  若干
Handles and analysis customer inquiry & complains timely, route the issues to proper support individuals or teams;
Conducts cross-departmental cooperation to follow up the project lead-time to ensure the project processing smoothly;
Conducts cross-departmental communication to ensure accurate information exchange between customers' requirements and company update business information;
Requirements / 职位要求:
Bachelor degree or above;
Majored in Marketing, Management or others;
-    Mature and committed to the job;
-    Customer-oriented;
13.  Human Resource Assistant / 人力资源助理 (深圳)  1名
-    Handles the process of personnel affairs;
-    Helps HR Manager with the company Performance Management System;
-    Sources suitable external training program and develop internal training programs;
-    Conducts the training assessment;
-    Maintains HR daily operation.
Requirements / 职位要求:
-    Bachelor degree or above;
-    Majored in HR or Management;
-    Excellent ability of communication;
-    Good time management skills;
All applicants should be
Fluent in English and Mandarin, written and oral;
Able to work self-motivated and under pressure.
and should have
Good computer skills (Windows, Word, Excel, Lotus Notes etc.);
Open-minded personality.


顶端 Posted: 2007-11-21 21:27 | [楼 主]
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