对于魔兽爱好者,如果说没有看过Tales of the Past,不能不说是一个巨大的遗憾……尤其第二部,已经称得上是经典视频中的经典,N多网站当年都是全满分的评价。/Blizz@rd游戏特区相关/wow/WOW视频/Tales of the Past字幕请下载附件Enjoy ~
53953.jpg 视频大小 2330 MB 视频时间 89分钟 阵营 联盟 视频类别 情感故事 种族 人类 所在服 Dunemaul (英国) 职业 圣骑士 公会 Eden Aurorae 语言 英文 更新时间 2007-12-13 22:14:00 制作者 Martin Falch
自从伊莫(Yimo)死去和预见之球的破碎(Orb of Visions), 联盟和部落都接受了这个并不稳固的和平协议, 然而,旧日的仇恨仍旧阻挡着合作的道路, 与此同时, 混乱因巫妖王采取的行动而爆发.在此期间, 布雷则( Blazer)赶到了诺森德, 抓住了死亡骑士莫格莱尼(Mograine),并取回了可能决定艾泽拉斯命运的传奇之刃-灰烬使者( The Ashbringer).经过一年半的制作, TotP III终于杀青. 每天平均3个小时的制作, 让我多次觉得郁闷多于有趣, 无论如何, 回头看看, 我真的十分欣慰的看到自己成功的开始并完成了这项工程. 在看过整部片子之后, 我对最终的结果十分满意, 我也希望看过片子的你,也感同身受.好吧, 这个片子确实很大, 是因为我也希望你能花点时间看完这些文字.Tales of the Past IIITales of the Past III's SummarySince the death of Yimo and the shattering of the Orb of Visions, the Horde and the Alliance have accepted an unstable peace agreement. However, old hatreds stand in the way of cooperation and at the same time, chaos erupts as the Lich King finally takes action.In the meanwhile, Blazer travels to Northrend to hunt down Mograine, the Death Knight, and retrieve the legendary blade that may decide the fate of Azeroth – The Ashbringer…After 1,5 years of production, Tales of the Past III is finally complete. Having spent an average of 3 hours every single day on the movie, there have been times where this whole project was frustrating rather than enjoyable. However, looking back on the whole project, I’m glad that I started and I’m glad that I managed to get through it! Also, having watched the entire movie, I’m really satisfied with the outcome and I hope you feel the same way! Now, since the movie is huge, I hope you’ll take your time to read through the block of text here!
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引用第0楼接受召唤于2007-12-14 10:28发表的 史诗级电影-<远古传说3>传说的终结 :
引用第22楼接受召唤于2007-12-14 20:53发表的 :LT的网络真是米得说了~~终于传完了 兄弟们赶紧去下吧~~不过是英文字幕哈 不过4 6级考试在即 偶们就当作练习练习 .......
引用第26楼接受召唤于2007-12-14 23:14发表的 :过两天就转下了~话说咋现在还米看到哪个把3里面的音乐列出来当个原声带呢~难道要偶来完成这工作
引用第53楼接受召唤于2007-12-17 18:29发表的 :恭喜 +10分3里面也有很多加勒比的Music呀.......
引用第60楼接受召唤于2007-12-18 02:06发表的 :寂地MM深更半夜爬起来灌水背背山~不用怕