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等级: 栋梁之材
发贴: 717
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浮云: 1129
注册时间: 2007-08-30
最后登陆: 2017-07-27

5come5帮你背单词 [ policeman /pə'li:smən/ n. 警察 ]


1 The author of numerous books,Qubein-winner of ...,and an indutee into ...-is in high demand for his speaking and consulting services.

2 Because immigrant don't come to America thinking that this might be the place to make it——they already believe it is.

3 Starting with our most intimate personal contacts and moving through levels of family,friends,school,business,community ,and nation ,keeping our agreements brings satisfaction and harmony.

4 The company that aspires to be competitive in the future cannot deprive itself of the strengths associated with what we would like to call "economies of soul"

5 Otherwise,you will have to deal with the demanding customer on a purely economic basis,which will inevitably result in zero profits as you will compete globally with an infinite numbe of other similar firms.

6 The techonology available to us at little or no cost lets us design a uniquely personal way to contribute value to society and be compensated for it and to travel anywhere on the globe to do so.

7 Instead of being shoehorned into a few tradional productivity roles,we can ,at least in principle ,combine these talents with our freedom and find work to do that we like.

8 Many of my Chinese friends have been disappointed with the gifts I have brought them from the UK-toy telephone boxes,little London taxis,all stamped underneath,"made in China"

9 Xi'an's famous terracotta warriors of the Qin dynasty ,an army belonging to one of the first emperors of China,are regarded by many as the eighth wonder of the world.

10 The changing structure of English allowed writers the freedom to express themselves in ways that had never existed before,and none took up this opportunity more liberally than shakspeare ,who happily and variously used nouns as verbs,as adverbs,as substantives,and as adjectives ——often in ways they had never been employed before.

11 Though I am native here and to the manner born,it is a custom more honoured in the breach than the observance.

12 One of Shakespeare's publishers was Richard Field and it is known from extant manuscripts when Field published the work of the Poet John Harrington he made more than a thousand changes to the spelling and phrasing.

13 Using only a hoe and a large glass of water,I once single-handedly a small village in the Amazon Basin from a horde of ferocious army ants.

14 This meeting led to two features at the venerable magazine for Gallagher ,and the beginning of his writing career.

15 The illusion is that there is a difference among products and that commercials are designed to help yo choose which brand of liquor ,beer,or wine to consume.

16 It is estimated that over half of all commercial periodicals would go out of business without the money they are paid by cigarette and alcohol advertisers.

17 The Athenians have successfully carried out a bold and innovative battle plan,using the agility of their lighter ships,together with their deep knowledge of local geography and weather ,to outmanevuer and ultmately defeat their far more poweful foe.

18 Private and public wealth soared ,as the city -state collected the modern-day equivalent of billions of dollars in taxes and tributes from a rapidly expanding group of subject states.

19 By turns consulting a small pocket mirror and a hospital pamphlet ,the 20 year old sits with a dozen other women in the palstic surgery department at Shanghai's hospital,contemplating a future seen through different eyes.

20 Whether it's a career ambition or a desire to marry wellthat provides the motivation ,the procedure's popularity says a great deal about the shift in China's ideal of beauty.

顶端 Posted: 2007-10-19 08:56 | [楼 主]
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