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本页主题: English Corner-----Chatting In English 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


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最后登陆: 2015-04-05

5come5帮你背单词 [ training /'treiniŋ/ n. 培训,训练,培养 ]

English Corner-----Chatting In English

This is Water Corner, a place to find new friends, a place to chat with others, a place to improve your English.

Everyone is welcome here, as long as you are chatting in English.

Don't be afraid of making mistakes, NO MISTAKE, NO IMPROVEMENT.

SO, come on ,Let's talk.......
Whatever you want to talk, just speak it out ......
Whenever you have time,come occasionally and talk......
Gradually, we can make a difference...............


[ 此贴被channing在2006-10-05 18:40重新编辑 ]
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-05 18:30 | [楼 主]

性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 人见人爱
发贴: 3444
威望: 0
浮云: 1105
注册时间: 2003-06-09
最后登陆: 2007-06-28

5come5帮你背单词 [ merely /'miəli/ ad. 仅仅,只不过 ]

There is an English corner finally. It would be better if there will be an online chatting room.
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-06 02:33 | [1 楼]

性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 人见人爱
发贴: 3444
威望: 0
浮云: 1105
注册时间: 2003-06-09
最后登陆: 2007-06-28

5come5帮你背单词 [ panel /'pænl/ n. 方格,嵌板,仪器板,仪表盘,讨论小组 ]

引用第25楼love@crystal于2006-10-06 06:57发表的:
Great power comes great responsibility!

This sentence suits Superman or Spiderman.
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-06 13:24 | [2 楼]

性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 人见人爱
发贴: 3444
威望: 0
浮云: 1105
注册时间: 2003-06-09
最后登陆: 2007-06-28

5come5帮你背单词 [ implement /'implimənt/ n. (pl.)工具,器具;vt. 实行,实施,执行 ]

引用第35楼大领主莱恩于2006-10-06 13:33发表的:
hi everybody  
my name is Ryan ,i am new here , nice to meet u guys
can anybody tell me where i can find a really native speaker to chat with ,no matter face to fact or online , there has to be a way ,right? so,tell me about it ,any sugestion is wellcome, thanks a million

There are spoken English courses for post graduate students on the third floor of No.1 Teaching Building and the teachers are all native English speakers.
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-06 13:41 | [3 楼]

性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 人见人爱
发贴: 3444
威望: 0
浮云: 1105
注册时间: 2003-06-09
最后登陆: 2007-06-28

5come5帮你背单词 [ lung /lΛŋ/ n. 肺 ]

引用第41楼大领主莱恩于2006-10-06 13:50发表的:
they r sarounded by the people there most of the time ,that makes them always in a hurry,and not not really pay attention to the people whos talking to them

I recently went to Zach Fredman's class. There are not many students in his class and he's not surrounded by students. Actually there are few people talking to him.
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-06 14:27 | [4 楼]

性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 人见人爱
发贴: 3444
威望: 0
浮云: 1105
注册时间: 2003-06-09
最后登陆: 2007-06-28

5come5帮你背单词 [ tumor // n. 肿瘤 ]

he is 25.
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-06 14:56 | [5 楼]

性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 人见人爱
发贴: 3444
威望: 0
浮云: 1105
注册时间: 2003-06-09
最后登陆: 2007-06-28

5come5帮你背单词 [ pledge /pled3/ n. 誓约,保证,保证物,信物;vt. 发誓,保证,抵押 ]

I just had my mid-autumn supper with one of my old classmates in DaXu. How about you guys?
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-06 18:34 | [6 楼]

性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 人见人爱
发贴: 3444
威望: 0
浮云: 1105
注册时间: 2003-06-09
最后登陆: 2007-06-28

5come5帮你背单词 [ pair /p/ə/ n. 一对,一双,一付,一对男女(夫妇等);v. 使成对 ]

I seems that you are talking about prison break?
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-06 19:22 | [7 楼]

性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 人见人爱
发贴: 3444
威望: 0
浮云: 1105
注册时间: 2003-06-09
最后登陆: 2007-06-28

5come5帮你背单词 [ youth /ju:θ/ n. 青春,青(少)年时期,(男)年轻人,(总称)青年们 ]

引用第68楼fan于2006-10-06 19:53发表的:

you got it.
don't you think it's so fascinating?
especially for mc.

I'm sorry, I didn't watch it. I only heard a little from one of my classmates.
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-06 20:04 | [8 楼]

性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 人见人爱
发贴: 3444
威望: 0
浮云: 1105
注册时间: 2003-06-09
最后登陆: 2007-06-28

5come5帮你背单词 [ reunion // n. 团聚,重聚 ]

I just watched a PLU StarCraft match between MTY&Deep (former WCG champion) and rushgoon&woailaopo. The former champion lost the game at 0:4. Do any of you guys know MTY?

[ 此贴被BigHeart在2006-10-06 23:28重新编辑 ]
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-06 22:20 | [9 楼]

性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 人见人爱
发贴: 3444
威望: 0
浮云: 1105
注册时间: 2003-06-09
最后登陆: 2007-06-28

5come5帮你背单词 [ reminiscence /remi'nisns/ n. 回忆,(pl.)回忆录 ]

引用第82楼小母猪于2006-10-06 23:48发表的:

i'm afraid i don't have a idea of them....
but you can explain the game for us   thx...

StarCraft is a classic RTS game of Blizzard before WarCraft. It has three races and they are Terran, Protoss and Zerg just like there are four races in Warcraft. Although it's been 8 years since 1998 when this game is introduced to the world, it's still very popular now. It's an offical game of WCG.
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-07 00:57 | [10 楼]

性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 人见人爱
发贴: 3444
威望: 0
浮云: 1105
注册时间: 2003-06-09
最后登陆: 2007-06-28

5come5帮你背单词 [ financial /fai'nænəl, fi-/ s. 财政(上)的,金融(上)的 ]

引用第90楼弯刀于2006-10-07 13:31发表的:

excuse me
but before starcraft there are two games released by blz named war I an war II, so.... u shoudn't got that conception which sc is before warcraft

Sorry, I made a little mistake. When I mentioned WarCraft I meant WarCraft III.
顶端 Posted: 2006-10-07 19:35 | [11 楼]

性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 人见人爱
发贴: 3444
威望: 0
浮云: 1105
注册时间: 2003-06-09
最后登陆: 2007-06-28

5come5帮你背单词 [ conservation /konsə(:)'veiən/ n. 保存,保护,守恒 ]

引用第98楼fan于2006-10-07 19:34发表的:
today i learn a new sentence....
that is" you leave me no alternative but to dismiss you......"

What does it mean?
  • 浮云:5 (by channing) | 理由: five more......lucky dog..........hehe
  • 浮云:10 (by fan) | 理由: ^_^
  • 顶端 Posted: 2006-10-07 19:36 | [12 楼]

    性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    等级: 人见人爱
    发贴: 3444
    威望: 0
    浮云: 1105
    注册时间: 2003-06-09
    最后登陆: 2007-06-28

    5come5帮你背单词 [ eastwards // ad. & a. 向东方(的),朝东(的);东部 ]

    引用第102楼fan于2006-10-07 20:05发表的:

    means   "你逼得我别无选择,只能开除你了。。。。“

    You left me no alternative but to say "What does it mean" when I saw that my last reply had taken the 99th floor. I mean time is "floating clouds". By the way, do I get any?
    顶端 Posted: 2006-10-07 20:12 | [13 楼]

    性别: 保密 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    等级: 人见人爱
    发贴: 3444
    威望: 0
    浮云: 1105
    注册时间: 2003-06-09
    最后登陆: 2007-06-28

    5come5帮你背单词 [ admit /əd'mit/ vt. 承认,接纳,招收 ]

    引用第121楼boston于2006-10-09 10:51发表的:
    Today I'll go to hp for interview.

    What position are you going to apply for?
    顶端 Posted: 2006-10-09 12:27 | [14 楼]
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