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2007 P&G Campus Recruiting

本帖被 做贼肾虚 执行加亮操作(2007-12-30)
Dear all,
Thanks a lot for your interests and attention to P&G as always! Here sincerely updates you that a new round of 2007 P&G Campus Recruiting is launching now. Please kindly refer to the following detailed position list, and apply the positions at http://www.pg.com.cn/ before Oct.7, 2007.
职位编号 Job Number
Management Trainee - Guangzhou 广州
GC 00000122
Interns - Guangzhou 广州
GC 00000123
Management Trainee - BeiJing 北京
GC 00000124
Interns - BeiJing 北京
GC 00000125
Interns - NanJing 南京
GC 00000126
Management Trainee - NanJing 南京
GC 00000127
Interns - Hangzhou 杭州
GC 00000128
Management Trainee - HangZhou 杭州
GC 00000129
Management Trainee - Shanghai 上海
GC 00000130
Interns - Shanghai 上海
GC 00000131
Management Trainee - ChangChun 长春
GC 00000132
Interns - ChangChun 长春
GC 00000133
Management Trainee - TianJin 天津
GC 00000134
Interns - TianJin 天津
GC 00000135
Management Trainee - Haerbin 哈尔滨
GC 00000136
Interns - Haerbin 哈尔滨
GC 00000137
Management Trainee - WuHan 武汉
GC 00000138
Interns - WuHan 武汉
GC 00000139
Management Trainee - Chengdu 成都
GC 00000140
Interns - ChengDu 成都
GC 00000141
Management Trainee - XiAn 西安
GC 00000142
Interns - XiAn 西安
GC 00000143
Management Trainee - ChangSha 长沙
GC 00000144
Interns - ChangSha 长沙
GC 00000145
Management Trainee - XiaMen 厦gate
GC 00000146
Interns - XiaMen 厦gate
GC 00000147
Management Trainee - HeFei 合肥
GC 00000148
Interns - HeFei 合肥
GC 00000149

If you are interested in the above positions please visit our website at http://www.pg.com.cn/ –“Management - Graduates” or “Internship” to apply the related city’s management trainee or Interns positions on line.

(我们现在网上所列的各个城市是指我们会在此城市进行校园招聘程序而并不是指该职位的工作地点, 例如您申请了广州的Management Trainee 的职位, 那您将参加在广州的招聘程序, 在广州参加笔试, 面试等等, 而不是指您将来的工作地点在广州.); 假如你所申请的职位的城市跟你所在的城市不同,由此而发生的你参加中英文笔试或初次面试的差旅费是需要你本人自付的。而参加最后一轮面试的费用则由公司报销。)
Before starting your application please read the “网上申请指南” for instructions. All applicants' information will be treated in strict confidence.

For more details about P&G, please visit http://www.pg.com.cn/job/index.asp
If you have any questions regarding to the on-line application please call our hot line at 020-85182511 or send email to [url=mailto:huo.wi@pg.com]huo.wi@pg.com[/url]. Thanks.
Welcome to join P&G.
P&G, Where Your Dreams Come True!
顶端 Posted: 2007-10-01 17:09 | [楼 主]
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