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注册时间: 2006-11-04
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Valiance Expedition(A)- The main armies of the Alliance in Northrend, moving against the Scourge and unified under King Varian Wrynn's command.
  Valiance远征队(联盟):联盟在诺森德的主要[屏蔽]力量,对抗天灾军团,并且统一由国王Varian Wrynn指挥。(与漫画版的国王回归对应,理论统帅是伯瓦尔·弗塔根)

  The Taunka(H) - These hardy people are cousins of the Tauren and have become valuable scouts for the armies of the Horde as they march northward.

  The Hand of Vengeance(H) - The Forsaken tasked by Sylvanas Windrunner with enacting Undercity's vengeance against Arthas by delivering the latest strain of their deadly Plague.

  Explorer's League(A) - This organization seeks to find the origin of the dwarven race by collecting Titan artifacts. Their most recent research has led them to various archeological sites in Northrend.

  The Kalu'ak(Both) - The tuskarr are a tough but peaceful people who derive their livelihood from fishing and whaling. Their settlements have recently come under fierce attack and welcome any allies who would come to their aid.

  Warsong Offensive(H) - Garrosh Hellscream commands the Horde's main expeditionary forces as they make their way into Northrend to face Arthas and the armies of the Scourge.

  Kirin'Tor(?) - The mages and archmages running the city of Dalaran. Faced with the rising threats of the Blue Dragonflight and the Scourge, they've transported their city to the heart of Northrend.

  The Wyrmrest Accord(Both) - With the Blue Dragonflight's violent upheaval against all mortal users of magic, the remaining dragonflights have banded under the leadership of the Red Dragonflight to combat their wayward kin.

  The Silver Covenant(A) - A militant core of high elves that rejects the admission of blood elves into the Kirin Tor. They've united under the banner of Vereesa Windrunner and joined the Alliance forces in Northrend.

  Knights of the Ebon Blade(?) - Freed from the grasp of Lich King, his former Deathknights have regrouped against him under the banner of High Lord Darion Mograine.
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