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看看外国网友gate怎么看艳照gate  nude photo gate

"Edison Chen sent his pink Apple Powerbook laptop"

I think this is the most scandalous bit of the story!

By Mata_hari

[2] | 02/05/08 03:39PM
This is one of those once in a lifetime stories that actually makes celeb gossip worthwhile. If the photos get confirmed as real it'll be so funny/tragic.

However, the HK tabloids are complete arses. Remember the scandal over releasing stolen from the police photos of Carina Lau taken while she was kidnapped and abused.

This new story is a joke compared to that one.

By Mata_hari

[3] | 02/05/08 03:49PMOh dear, I just followed the links to the complete sets. They are real.

Well this puts poor Gillian's tearful press conference about a standard tabloid through the window shot last year into perspective.


By Abor33

[4] | 02/05/08 03:50PMI know of Edison but not really too much about him till I saw the posts about this. I felt sorry for him up until I read his blog and realized how many photos he took.

First off the guy sounds like a douche on his blog, rich arrogance. Add on he's taking photos of all his personal conquests and you'll realize he probably thinks he's hot stuff.

I'm glad this happened, this guy needed a real dose of reality. I'm just sorry the girls got played by this guy.

Hopefully the Chinese will react as expected and not embrace the guy like Americans do with our sex scandle celebs.

By Kenneth T

[5] | 02/05/08 03:51PMHeh heh heh.

By Mata_hari

[6] | 02/05/08 06:36PMThere's nothing wrong with getting ...err ..excited over celeb news now and again. It's funny.

Edison is one of a certain generation of HK stars who got sent off to Canada or the USA for their upbringing. Daniel Wu and Nicholas Tse are other examples.

As Kenneth blogged, a lot of the China responses are just talking about the photos themselves rather than the issue of the photos.

He has to be solemn about it cos of the gang involvement in HK, especially through Cecilia Cheung.

There's already rumours that someone at the alledgely responsible computer shop has 'dissapeared'.

By MeSoHoly

[7] | 02/06/08 01:24AMI love it! This is the best entertainment ever! Instead of watching the festivities on CCTV on new year's eve this year, our family of eight is having a slide show fest of these celebrities! Have your emergency medications handy grandma and grandpa!

By shopgirl

[8] | 02/06/08 03:55AMbusted lol

By Pete Chorba

[9] | 02/06/08 04:50AMIt was strange/awesome seeing this story on LiveJournal's ohnotheydidnt community and then seeing it here.

By callipers

[10] | 02/06/08 12:29PMHopefully this will spur the "shaven haven" revolution across China.

By suepart

[11] | 02/07/08 12:12AMthanks for the chinese new year gift, edison! too bad it wasn't charlene...she's better!!!

haha!!! see if your rich family and brother who runs Touch magazine can save you. phony azz thug!!!! DLLM!!

By Mata_hari

[12] | 02/07/08 12:21AMBy the way, most of these are posted at the virus free english blog 'hollywood grind'.

Although I'm bored already. What's up with Britney now?

By msamelia

[13] | 02/09/08 09:52PMokay i give up.
here's the link to the photo gallery.


part two is coming soon! watch out for it

By superchan

[14] | 02/10/08 08:00AMscandale pictures edison chen cecilia gillian edc (unknown) 02.08.08


2月10日BOBO新图 02.20.08


By msamelia

[15] | 02/12/08 05:41AMokay updates, for those who don't like to download cos it's a waste of time.. view full gallery below

Edison and Bobo Chan scandal collection Gallery


By fatsandy

[16] | 02/14/08 06:33AMthis is a month old, btw. if you read chinese, you'd know that.

By msamelia

[17] | 02/14/08 09:26AMThe new 67 Bobo chan and edison chen doggystyle sex scandal gallery!


By msamelia

[18] | 02/14/08 09:53AMedison chen scandal pictures 8 feb 2008 - Gillian Version Gallery


By pikasaur

[19] | 02/16/08 03:52PMedison chen ACTUAL used scandal ITEMS! the one in the pic with mandy and candice


By pikasaur

[20] | 02/16/08 03:52PMedison chen ACTUAL used scandal ITEMS! the one in the pic with mandy and candice


By alphabeat

[21] | 02/16/08 05:35PMConspiracy Theory:
I believe that everyone is wondering why there are no pictures or videos of the intercourse. The truth is Edison did not F*** any of these girls. His job was to drug the girls, did the foreplay, and made the girls’ pussies wet. His job was done. Then his bosses including the Billionaries in HK and high ranking Chinese officials F*** these girls with the help of Viagra. Edison released the pictures and videos on purpose because he wanted to blackmail his bosses. It also explained why HK police was involved in high profile. The pictures/videos were taken to show the bosses. The more seductive girls would be paid more money and attract more billionaires' investment on their performance careers.

By michicali

[22] | 02/17/08 05:46AMYour conspiracy theory do make sense. EDC is a movie star/ singer just like Nicholas tse and make good money already.

The amount asked for by Kira is just 10 million HK or just 1.23 million USD. You think Edison need this pity money, you and your so called theory is making me LMAFAFOL

By alphabeat

[23] | 02/17/08 09:17AMTheory is based on assumptions.
The entertainers do not make as much as you think. EDC claimed that his goal was to make about $20Mil USD, then he would retire and marry Vincy Yeung. As EDC hang around with the Billionaires more often, he wanted to get rich quickly. So he became the Pimp for the billionaires. He has more juicy pictures and videos involving his bosses on hand. His bosses have asked the Gangsters to take EDC out to cover up the real sex scandal. As far as the girls involved, they receive what they deserve, and can not reveal any truth unless they do not want to live any longer.

By colourblind

[24] | 02/17/08 12:01PMif u guys like some updates http://mesmoments.wordpress.com is not bad

By michicali

[25] | 02/17/08 04:07PMHere you go again, making up stories.

Vincy's uncle is the owner of EEG and have connection to several triads. If EDC want to live a longer life to enjoy his success, Vincys image will not be expose to this. You all know the order of the kidnapping/gangrape of carina lau. EDC thinks that the gf can help him but I think his is mistaken.

As of that EDC have no connection of any traids, how long he live is all depending on his wits now.

By callipers

[26] | 02/17/08 11:24PMMaybe there’s more to Edison Chen’s troubles than theft by a computer technician

...The real scandal likely cannot be told because it lies buried in the obscure but crucial relationships between Hong Kong’s entertainment industry, organized crime, the government and police. This was the very police force that started arresting a few Internet users who had passed on the sexy pix to their friends despite the fact that the photos had not been ruled obscene. Subsequently the relevant Hong Kong panel ruled the pictures indecent rather than obscene...

By LanLiu85

[27] | 02/18/08 02:45AMYou can find all news, new photos and short videos of Vincy Yeung 楊永晴 Edison Chen 陳冠希 Gillian Chung 鍾欣桐 Bobo Chan 陳文媛 Cecilia Cheung 張栢芝 謝霆鋒 on this site:
http://www.easyfreeshare.com/photos/ http://www.easyfreeshare.com/photos/

Lan Liu

By peace

[28] | 02/21/08 01:37PMKira, please STOP publish those pictures and video of sex (edison and artis).... please stop effect the society. Listen to me, you have to pay back all the things that what you have done.. please save people... save yourself so.. pls behaviour... respect yourself, respect others.. and your parents... and who has been watch those videos/pics, please stop to watch, stop sharing!!! stop discussing!!!! cause you will become the next target in one day... N PLS if tat is u wit ur gfren/wife or ur sister, wats ur feeling? wats ur gfren/wife felling? wats ur sister feeling? wats about those girls' parents feeling? pls think b4 u do tat!!) please concern on their work, dont bother abt their private ownlife... they not pornstars... they just want to work hard n earn money for the survives!! pls stop hurting them!!! u got ur ownlife, they got their ownlife!! pls dont bother at all!! your ways is immoral! ppl sad, u happy? u happy, bcoz ppl sad? pls stop it! Thankyou!!

Wat the people thinking of now? Wat the world will became now? Pls stop publish! Stop sharing! Stop watching!!!!!!!!!
顶端 Posted: 2008-02-22 14:15 | [楼 主]
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