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本页主题: Joey Moe--My Last Serenade 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 成就辉煌
家族: 梦魇图腾
发贴: 11147
威望: 0
浮云: 1105
注册时间: 2004-12-23
最后登陆: 2007-12-28

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Joey Moe--My Last Serenade





Joey Moe--My Last Serenade
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm (4x)
Don’t be surprised
That these are my last words
My last hour of my last day
I’ve taken all the sorrow
I can bear you
And now I think I’ll turn
Turn and walk away
As wipe cause the tears are building up in my eyes
Feel like I got nothing left to love in my life
20 years of age and its time to say goodbye
Cause I don't even want to try
To make it through the night
Tell them to forget the show tonight (And I don’t wanna sing)
Tell them I’ve given up alright (And it don't even mean a thing)
Make sure the headlines say (I did it for love)
With you it all fades away,
There’s no more words to say
No more you and me,
Cause the music left with you
And now I’m alone on the balcony
With no more songs to sing,
Only this last serenade
And you know I sing it for you
It won’t be a lie
If I told you my life was hurt
Spring, summer, winter and fall
Tell me what to do with this fame ya’ll
And do my songs matter at all?
Tell them to forget the video (And I don’t want to dance)
Tell them I have left the city yo (And I’m not coming back)
Make sure the headlines say (I did it for love )
With you it all fades away,
There’s no more words to say
No more you and me,
Cause the music left with you
And now I’m alone on the balcony
With no more songs to sing,
Only this last serenade
And you know I sing it for you
Anything, I’ll do anything
Please make me whole again
You’re the reason why I sing
Anything, I’ll do anything
Please make me whole again
You’re the reason why I sing
With you it all fades away,
There’s no more words to say
No more you and me,
Cause the music left with you
And now I’m alone on the balcony
With no more songs to sing,
Only this last serenade
And you know I sing it for you
(Come home, Come home)
  • 浮云:2 (by lemonyan) | 理由: LZ以后再多发点介绍的东西上来就好了
  • 顶端 Posted: 2006-11-20 14:48 | [楼 主]

    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    头衔: 专心过四级
    等级: 希望之光
    家族: MJ-ZONE
    发贴: 1528
    威望: 5
    浮云: 1393
    注册时间: 2006-09-24
    最后登陆: 2008-06-29

    5come5帮你背单词 [ highness // n. 高,高党,高贵,殿下,阁下 ]

    顶端 Posted: 2006-11-22 09:45 | [1 楼]

    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    头衔: 专心过四级
    等级: 希望之光
    家族: MJ-ZONE
    发贴: 1528
    威望: 5
    浮云: 1393
    注册时间: 2006-09-24
    最后登陆: 2008-06-29

    5come5帮你背单词 [ hurl /hə:l/ n. & v. 用力投掷 ]

    顶端 Posted: 2006-11-22 09:47 | [2 楼]
    我来我网·5come5 Forum » 音乐咖啡屋

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