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本页主题: [太傻转贴]上个周末和哈佛admission office的舌战 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 挥手间, 已走远~~
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 3030
威望: 4
浮云: 448
注册时间: 2005-12-25
最后登陆: 2015-04-05

5come5帮你背单词 [ soy /soi/ n. 酱油,大豆 ]

[太傻转贴]上个周末和哈佛admission office的舌战

上个周末和哈佛admission office的舌战[转贴]

在无限期盼中哈佛终于收到了我的材料 (我通过电话和他们联系得到的确切消息),但是在苦苦等待中,我网申的界面上仍然显示的是所有材料未到。 于是我首先发邮件去询问,得到的回复是我的材料是unofficial的 (因为我的所有材料都是分别用小信封封口,然后放到一个大的包裹里面寄出去的,而且其他学校仿佛都接受这个方式,只有哈佛………),他们要求我再重新寄。我的首先得反映是马上把材料给寄过去,争取时间,时间就是offer啊
深呼吸,calm down后,我意识到就这么白白的再仍100多的快递费太不划算,穷人的孩子得会盘算!)
于是把手机调到4:00 p.m.,晚上早早入睡,养精蓄锐
4:00 p.m. 手机准时响起,拨通电话,手机那头传来admission office那位帅哥的声音(因为他声音镇的很好听,所以就把他归入帅哥一类啦),以下是我们的对话原文,呵呵,K 代表我,S 代表帅哥啦
S: Graduate school of xxxxx, harvard university. Admission office, XXX's speaking.)
K: Hi, this is XXXX, calling from China, for I have received a email from you which told me that all my application materials were unofficial. Could you pls explain this to me?
S: Sure, what is your familiy name? and your first name, pls?
S: Ok, and your date of birth
K: xxx (内心开始滴血,我打得是电话卡,每分钟要2元多)
S: Ok, ma'am. Could you hold for a moment?
K: Sure. (强颜欢笑中)
S: (2 minutes later) Yes, ma'am. Your application package is unofficial, because you are supposed to have every recommendation letter sent to us seperately with signature on the flap. As for the transcript, an official seal is required on the flap.: `,
K:(语气开始激动)Sir, I sent a package instead of seperate envelop to you just for the following reasons.
  1, my university does not provide us with such service. They just sealed the envelop with my transcripts in it, and ask me to mail it to you.
  2, All the recommendation letters were sealed and signed by the recommendators, which will lead no difference on who exactly mailed them to you.
3. resending my materials to you may also increase your workload,
  4. and last but most important, I can hardly afford the express fee. It really costs me a lot.
S: (silent for 30 seconds) Ma'am, can you hold on for another moment?
K: (心开始发虚了)Ok (但是仍然很有气势哦)


S: ma'am, are you still there?'
K: Yes 
S: Ok, we have double-checked your package, and we believe your transcript is (un)official, while your recommendation letters are (un)official. (括号的两个单词都没有听清楚,所以我也不清楚他到底说哪个可以接受,哪个不可以,所以我就气势汹汹的反问)
K : Sir, I am totally confused by your answer. Since all the supporting materials are sent within one single package, and they were all inside one sealed envelop with signature, official seal or whatever you required on the flap, why some of them are acceptable, whereas the others are not?
S : Ma'am, well, it's just because, it's^^^^^, can you hold on?
K : (faint!) Ok, but pls be quick.


S: Ma'am, are you there?
K: Yes, I am waiting for your explanation.
S: I am so sorry about my mistake, Ma'am. Actually, all your materials are official. And I will input all the information into our system immediately.
K: (完全清醒了,毫无睡意,语气里面洋溢着快乐, 但是仍然要装的比较生气)Well, I think it will be ok as long as you correct the mistake right away. Anyway, thanks.
S: You are welcome.
有时候我们需要自己为自己争取,争取你的权利,争取属于你的机会,不要因为这个事情看似不可能而放弃。套用一句广告做个ending --- Impossible is Nothing!1
  • 浮云:6(wenqiang) Impossible is Nothing!呵呵,祝蝈蝈早日申请成功!
  • 顶端 Posted: 2008-01-04 21:25 | [楼 主]

    性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
    等级: 字幕组
    发贴: 226
    威望: 5
    浮云: 560
    注册时间: 2006-09-09
    最后登陆: 2008-06-29

    5come5帮你背单词 [ technique /tek'ni:k/ n. 技巧,手艺,技能,技术 ]

    顶端 Posted: 2008-01-05 12:39 | [1 楼]
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