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本页主题: 经典回顾 TOD VS 被拔猫+[屏蔽]始末 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


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经典回顾 TOD VS 被拔猫+[屏蔽]始末

Tod被拔线后在Replays.net的fans吧发表了题目为How to stay manner ?的帖子。


How to stay manner and just say "gg" every time i lose a game when so many people are bad manner with me ? there are this huge percentage of people who just leave and say nothing, those who flame and even those who make me disconnect, like this ACEyagami guy who gave me a lose when i had beaten him.

After games like this its pretty obvious that if i lose the next game i will get mad and be bad manner too.....

Ive been geting mad and talking crap when i lost and i dont think i will be able to stop anytime soon since nobody seems to be showing the good example to me.


怎么让我保持礼貌,这么多对我没礼貌的人怎么会让我输掉游戏后有心情打出GG呢?他们甚至让我断线,就像这个ID ACEyagami 的家伙,我已经击败他了,可是他让我输了。



liu1yun3(fOvfans): hi tod, i am your fans
0:44:43 todontey(): no its not the net
0:44:45 ACEyagami(08): why??
0:44:49 SM_LuMyBaby(luci): we are believe you ...................!!!!!!!
0:44:49 todontey(): i can see the difference
0:44:51 ACEyagami(08): 我也是tod了
0:44:53 WatchTower(): it's easy........just you create game to play
0:44:53 TheNewStart(只打NE): don't be angry...just....
0:44:55 ACEyagami(08): todontey() make me disconnect

0:45: 9 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): tod?
0:45: 9 liu1yun3(fOvfans): you are one of the player in the world
0:45:14 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): really?
0:45:14 liu1yun3(fOvfans): i love
0:45:14 Evolution_(15+练的M(非NE)): ....................
0:45:17 liu1yun3(fOvfans): i love you
0:45:21 fish_to_fish(xmu.fish): .........
0:45:21 TheNewStart(只打NE): take it easy .u'll habit it...
0:45:37 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): funny`` - -
0:45:49 liu1yun3(fOvfans): 亲爱的TOD
0:45:53 lei_NO1(︻┻┳鬼见愁): 听说tod 英文不咋滴 还是法语比较好   会法语的上
0:45:55 SM_LuMyBaby(luci): its english class....
0:45:55 liu1yun3(fOvfans): 和我断背吧
0:45:59 SM_LuMyBaby(luci): not vs
0:46:11 liu1yun3(fOvfans): 谁帮我翻译句
0:46:19 liu1yun3(fOvfans): tod ,和我搞断背好吗
0:46:21 TheNewStart(只打NE): ...
0:46:21 WatchTower(): ...
0:46:25 TheNewStart(只打NE): 去死。。
0:46:31 SM_LuMyBaby(luci): - -!
0:46:51 liu1yun3(fOvfans): tod tod tod
0:46:59 liu1yun3(fOvfans): a bee in the tree
0:47: 9 rdyldbxsh(): tod tod tod
0:47:15 rdyldbxsh(): tod tod tod
0:47:15 liu1yun3(fOvfans): a dog on the ground
0:47:15 ACEyagami(08): 叫他说法语咯.....
0:47:25 Evolution_(15+练的M(非NE)): 有15+的打吗
0:47:31 SM_LuMyBaby(luci): jet'aime
0:47:31 liu1yun3(fOvfans): 我想和你打盘
0:47:37 liu1yun3(fOvfans): Evlution
0:47:42 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): can u speak france>?
0:47:47 ACEyagami(08): 整天只会说make me disconnect

0:47:51 SM_LuMyBaby(luci): french
0:47:53 SM_LuMyBaby(luci): ......
0:47:59 todontey(): ...
0:48: 3 fantasy_1ng(): 主机素质
0:48: 4 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): french
0:48: 7 liu1yun3(fOvfans): 你英语非常棒!!
0:48:13 fantasy_1ng(): 注意素质

0:48:21 liu1yun3(fOvfans): your english is very bang
0:48:31 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): i always c u say english
0:48:43 [系统消息]CMWL(魑魅魍魉)升到8级!
0:48:47 ACEyagami(08): ................
0:48:49 liu1yun3(fOvfans): TOD
0:48:57 liu1yun3(fOvfans): fov want play with you
0:49: 1 SM_LuMyBaby(luci): 期待FOV
0:49: 5 [系统消息]z666(z666)升到10级!
0:49:11 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): english is the 2TH language in your country or?
0:49:19 Evolution_(15+练的M(非NE)): 15+练的M(非NE)15+练的M(非NE)
0:49:21 liu1yun3(fOvfans): no
0:49:31 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): GERMANY?
0:49:35 liu1yun3(fOvfans): 中国人中文都没学好学毛英语
0:49:41 Evolution_(15+练的M(非NE)): 15+练的进OB
0:50: 1 yangjinhua([Plu]_mimi): 我确定不是tod
0:50: 6 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): maybe
0:50:11 WatchTower(): 是TOD好不
0:50:15 WatchTower(): 自己去看BLOG
0:50:19 Evolution_(15+练的M(非NE)): ...
0:50:21 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): - -
0:50:23 liu1yun3(fOvfans): 地址给我
0:50:29 SM_LuMyBaby(luci): 是TOD
0:50:29 todontey(): http://bbs1.replays.net/read.php?tid=1028813
0:50:34 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): hehe
0:50:47 yangjinhua([Plu]_mimi): 很明显不是tod么.
0:50:52 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): u know CHinese???
0:51:21 SM_LuMyBaby(luci): - -!
0:51:27 todontey(): :)
0:51:29 pnz_tae(tae): Tod,we are waiting for you!~   when can you perform?

0:51:31 SM_LuMyBaby(luci): 绝对是TOD
0:51:35 pnz_tae(tae): 他刚刚发的
0:51:39 pnz_tae(tae): 看时间
0:51:39 TheNewStart(只打NE): 啊 。。真是otod。。。。
0:51:39 todontey(): sorry i dont play with obs
0:51:43 TheNewStart(只打NE): 刚发的
0:51:45 supersnake(): - -.
0:51:47 pnz_tae(tae): ....
0:51:49 supersnake(): 不是
0:51:57 supersnake(): 不是TOD
0:52: 7 wanwan3rd(wanwan): i've played with tod
0:52: 9 supersnake(): 看他说英文就知道是中国式的
0:52:19 WatchTower(): ......
0:52:21 WatchTower(): 你真行
0:52:21 lord_yaya(lord_yaya): todontey   what are you doing?
0:52:23 WatchTower(): 高人
0:52:35 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): did your girlfriend teach Chinese to you >>?? TOD
0:52:39 pnz_tae(tae): 是真的
0:52:45 Evolution_(15+练的M(非NE)): ......
0:52:51 todontey(): no
0:52:53 Evolution_(15+练的M(非NE)): - -...............
0:52:55 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): PITY
0:52:55 SM_LuMyBaby(luci): tod when will you get xi'an?
0:53: 1 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): - -
0:53: 1 todontey(): 4th
0:53: 7 wanwan3rd(wanwan): tod's gf is korean?
0:53:13 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): Chinese
0:53:13 guaiguaihuang(真的不理我了?): 小弟 [屏蔽] 抢我沙发
0:53:33 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): a u in beijing now???
0:53:33 u0502184(FallingMoon): 。。。。。。。。。。
0:53:39 u0502184(FallingMoon): 还真的是tod。。。。。。。
0:53:41 u0502184(FallingMoon): 我汗
0:53:41 wanwan3rd(wanwan): tod is where now?
0:53:51 Evolution_(15+练的M(非NE)): ....................
0:53:57 wanwan3rd(wanwan): shanghai?
0:54: 1 SM_LuMyBaby(luci): tod fighting
0:54: 5 Evolution_(15+练的M(非NE)): 他在北京
0:54: 9 SM_LuMyBaby(luci): see you in xi'an
0:54:11 lord_yaya(lord_yaya): tod   can you speak by chinese?

0:54:15 wudantong(丑西丑的人): tod i love
0:54:19 wudantong(丑西丑的人): y
0:54:27 wudantong(丑西丑的人): :)
0:54:31 lwc2828(lwc): 我想看高手过招,我是第一次来
0:54:33 WatchTower(): TOD u can ignore those fucking "disconnect" guys, just create game to play or play with the ppl you know
0:54:50 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): how did you like chinese food ??? there are many dilicious food in xi'an ,you known~~
0:54:50 todontey(): i cant play with people i know every time
0:55: 7 todontey(): i like yang jo chao fan
0:55:13 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): - -
0:55:14 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): haha
0:55:16 todontey(): and gu lao ro
0:55:17 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): funny
0:55:17 magicCCC(mike): haha~~
0:55:17 WpHR(hr): haha
0:55:17 bukeneng(gggggg): I AM IN XI'AN
0:55:20 wudantong(丑西丑的人): can you play game with evolution ,ok?
0:55:32 todontey(): i dont play with obs ..
0:55:42 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): btw did you ever get to xi'an ??
0:55:50 wudantong(丑西丑的人): 555555
0:55:54 SM_LuMyBaby(luci): TOD LETS PLAY
0:55:56 SM_LuMyBaby(luci): OK?
0:56: 2 bukeneng(gggggg): CEG IN XI'AN
0:56: 8 SM_LuMyBaby(luci): just one game
0:56: 8 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): - -
0:56:12 lord_yaya(lord_yaya): tod i want to see you playing
0:56:12 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): CEG ?
0:56:20 magicCCC(mike): tod,what's mean of "tey"
0:56:20 bukeneng(gggggg): YES
0:56:22 [系统消息]lobl(传奇鸟枪)升到13级!
0:56:24 lord_yaya(lord_yaya): lets go?
0:56:46 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): your girlfriend is very cute and .................. :)))))))))))))
0:57:19 bukeneng(gggggg): REAL TOD?
0:57:30 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): and did she know how to play WaR3???
0:57:49 WatchTower(): so many questions.......- -
0:57:53 123123321(gggggg): may be
0:57:53 bukeneng(gggggg): SHE?
0:58:27 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): did you teach her to play when you get together?
0:58:31 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): - -
0:58:35 bukeneng(gggggg): I CAN'T BELIEVE IT
0:58:43 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): i just want know~~~
0:58:52 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): hehe :)))
0:58:53 todontey(): no
0:58:59 WatchTower(): here is training place......not journalist interview- -
0:58:59 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): pity~~~~~ lolo
0:59: 1 niyedie(哈尔滨建职院):
0:59: 1 todontey(): she never use computer
0:59:11 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): just MSN ?

0:59:13 niyedie(哈尔滨建职院): 美国人??
0:59:23 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): or QQ ?
0:59:27 todontey(): no ..
0:59:44 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): neat girl~~~
0:59:57 WpHR(hr): ............................
1: 0: 1 lord_yaya(lord_yaya): tod your qq??

1: 0: 7 123123321(gggggg): 北京人说TOD不打有裁判的
1: 0:11 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): ta mei you ba
1: 0:17 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): zhi you MSN MS
1: 0:18 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): haha
1: 0:21 niyedie(哈尔滨建职院): 啊   还有中国人啊
1: 0:26 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): yun 4
1: 0:26 bukeneng(gggggg): 胡扯
1: 0:31 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): ying gai'
1: 0:31 diandian1215(点点): fov来拉
1: 0:43 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): FOV?
1: 0:47 bukeneng(gggggg): 为啥
1: 0:51 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): where?
1: 1: 1 bukeneng(gggggg): I AM SKY
1: 1: 5 magicCCC(mike): tod,are you used to kiss your girlfriend with your big nose~~?
1: 1: 8 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): WTF
1: 1:11 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): - -
1: 1:21 _Tea__(): - -
1: 1:25 liu1yun3(fOvfans): - -!!
1: 1:27 todontey(): good manner
1: 1:29 todontey(): i go eat bye
1: 1:33 WpHR(hr): 什么
1: 1:36 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): no manner
1: 1:41 _Tea__(): tod你到是打啊
1: 1:41 q0785364192(努力!): 谁 谁是TOD?
1: 1:43 Razer_____(DeathAdder): FOV.......................
1: 1:43 WJ8N(真2): 88~~
1: 1:45 liu1yun3(fOvfans): manner是什么意思
1: 1:50 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): 礼貌
1: 1:51 _Tea__(): 老说毛喔
1: 1:51 magicCCC(mike): 人品吧
1: 1:53 Angel_lu(好人daya): tod cao ni ma
1: 1:53 123123321(gggggg): TOD开头的
1: 1:57 lord_yaya(lord_yaya): ...
1: 1:59 123123321(gggggg): 哈哈
1: 1:59 niyedie(哈尔滨建职院): 哈哈
1: 2: 8 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): it's just a joke~~~
1: 2: 8 bukeneng(gggggg): 鸡毛 我就不信
1: 2:15 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): tod~~~~~~~`
1: 2:15 123123321(gggggg): 真的
1: 2:15 q0785364192(努力!): TOD IN CHINA??????
1: 2:26 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): just ignore~~~ hehe:))))))))))
1: 2:29 123123321(gggggg): 呀这经常有韩国人来打 但是都不让中国人观战
1: 2:29 niyedie(哈尔滨建职院): tod is dog
1: 2:31 diandian1215(点点): fov plz creat a ob host
1: 2:35 _Tea__(): 那你是谁
1: 2:37 lwc2828(lwc): i cant believe
1: 2:45 liu1yun3(fOvfans): 哎
1: 2:45 123123321(gggggg): 我见了N次了 那是后CHECK 之类的人也来
1: 2:45 Neapmlook(送分卡挖一男~): 我拜托你们。 英文不好 别这样好吗 q0785
1: 2:51 _Tea__(): 感来几盘吗
1: 2:51 Neapmlook(送分卡挖一男~): 诶。 。
1: 2:51 liu1yun3(fOvfans): 中国人人品太好了
1: 2:55 bukeneng(gggggg): ME TOO
1: 2:57 pnz_tae(tae): 是真的OTD...大家不要骂...有点素质好不
1: 2:59 q0785364192(努力!): ........................
1: 3: 3 pnz_tae(tae): TOD..
1: 3: 7 lwc2828(lwc): 就是 说什么英文 中文都不好好
1: 3:11 niyedie(哈尔滨建职院): ...
1: 3:15 Shrimppp(Shrimp): TOD 看的懂中文?

1: 3:17 _Tea__(): 少来
1: 3:19 123123321(gggggg): 哈哈  
1: 3:21 bukeneng(gggggg): 汉语骂都不行
1: 3:21 lord_yaya(lord_yaya): 唉 无语了
1: 3:23 _Tea__(): sb
1: 3:23 q0785364192(努力!): IS TOD IN CHINA NOW???????????
1: 3:27 wyx23344(天使之): yes,in beijing
1: 3:33 123123321(gggggg): 水知道
1: 3:43 lwc2828(lwc): fuck your mouth
1: 3:43 niyedie(哈尔滨建职院): 谁是TOD
1: 3:45 MaltosE_(aka:EE): 都是中国人还说英文干毛
1: 3:49 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): niyedie(哈尔滨建职院 你有病啊
1: 3:49 _Tea__(): 那叫他玩啊
1: 3:51 wyx23344(天使之): tod's girlfrieng is chinese
1: 3:53 123123321(gggggg): 林会这里气愤感觉好不
1: 3:55 lwc2828(lwc): what the fuck is that
1: 3:55 _Tea__(): 只会说
1: 3:55 q0785364192(努力!): WO CAO 我说TOD IN CHINA是简语 知道吗???????????????????????
1: 3:58 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): WTF~~~~~~~~~~
1: 4: 1 bukeneng(gggggg): 哈哈  
1: 4: 3 niyedie(哈尔滨建职院): [屏蔽]你吗
1: 4: 9 niyedie(哈尔滨建职院): 你有病
1: 4:10 XusT_bb(XusT.bb): XD
1: 4:13 Angel_lu(好人daya): wo cao ni ma
1: 4:13 _Tea__(): wtf~~~~~~~~~~~~
1: 4:17 wyx23344(天使之): my english mei guo siji
1: 4:19 bukeneng(gggggg): o(∩_∩)o...哈哈!
1: 4:29 Angel_lu(好人daya): 吗个比 vs的人都是shabi
1: 4:35 123123321(gggggg): 没事过两天要不找MOON签个名
1: 4:37 niyedie(哈尔滨建职院): 哈哈
1: 4:37 lord_yaya(lord_yaya): /。。。。。
1: 4:43 _Tea__(): sb
1: 4:43 wyx23344(天使之): you 're in vs
1: 4:43 _Tea__(): sb
1: 4:47 lord_yaya(lord_yaya): 比赛有直播吗?
1: 4:49 wyx23344(天使之): so you are sha bi ?
1: 4:53 lord_yaya(lord_yaya): 什么时间开始 啊
1: 5: 5 bukeneng(gggggg): gate票怎么卖
1: 5: 5 lord_yaya(lord_yaya): 谁能说下
1: 5: 9 bukeneng(gggggg): 5号
1: 5: 9 q0785364192(努力!): 你不要提 名人 否则他见谁骂谁SB
1: 5:11 123123321(gggggg): 免费
1: 5:13 wyx23344(天使之): ni say yourself sha bi
1: 5:16 WF_xiaOG(成绩思寒): .
1: 5:16 123123321(gggggg): 不要钱
1: 5:25 bukeneng(gggggg): 那好

顶端 Posted: 2007-01-19 20:11 | [楼 主]
我来我网·5come5 Forum » WarCraft III

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