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性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 努力学习好多天
等级: 版主
家族: 唯war独尊
发贴: 4500
威望: 0
浮云: 1777
注册时间: 2006-08-14
最后登陆: 2012-09-06

5come5帮你背单词 [ breath /breθ/ n. 呼吸,气息,一口气,一瞬间 ]


GRUBBY的BLOG好像说他要换族了(附原文和部分翻译)原文地址:http://www.four-kings.com/?p=blogs&id=47 xzxwX%p 
我选了几段和魔兽有关翻译,前面的大部分是些生活感悟以及和ppg的感情生活,就算了。翻译得不好,大家谅解下,将就着看吧,这是水平问题,没办法了。 R,g#sE 
(I kept everything inside me: don't complain! Orc will get a break some day!) )?"8q37T6 
(What it meant to me: a strong mindset only goes with a firm resolve, to hang by a thread of that which you believe will happen, Orc's just a tough spot. It's now part of a memory of a time whereby I was struggling against the tide) ' O0\``Q 
(I tried so hard, and got not far, in the end, it didn't even matter, all the practice and all my resolve couldn't avail) .HL43IqY 
(I had to fall, to lose it all (IEST, WCG,..) ) W[%~b3xVr 
(It didn't even matter how hard I tried) ~dsO8', 
我把一切都放在心里:不要抱怨!总有一天兽族会爆发。 ?!185Vnn& 
这一切对与我来说意味着什么?有着坚强的意志和坚定的决心,却只能寄希望于某些虚无缥缈的事?兽族已是食之无味,弃之可惜。对过去兽族辉煌的回忆是支持我继续战斗下去的动力。 /q:DI^F' 
我如此的努力,却不能获得进展,到最后所有的练习和决心都白费,这些都已经不重要。 N0!_+N;bR 
我不得不失败,失去了一切(WCG,IEST......) nyb:hT/d 
无论我有多努力都已经没有意义。 rEE!NK1cv 
(Things aren't the way they used to be - Human / Elf dominates all tournaments, and each orc map is being systematically removed. Is there a reason that SV, LT, Maelstrom, Gnoll Wood are being dropped by many tournament organisations? What of Turtle Rock (has never ever been good for Orc), Terenas Stand (has been good against Undead for a couple of months, never been good against Human& Elf), Twisted Meadows (good map for Orc against Human only! Or so they said... guess militia creeping has something to say about this), Echo Isles (decent map)? Why have爐hese maps stood the test of time for more than 4 years?) 8B`d,Pwl 
(If you knew me, you knew I've never limited myself to one race. I once was Orc, until Dryad/Bear drove me to explore the possibilities of Night Elf and more importantly abandon Orc. I once was Elf until I decided a human was going to win WCG 2003 for sure- I wanted to be that human and I got closer than I ever could've with Night Elf. I once was Human, until I decided TFT offered new possibilities to the Orc race, my first love, and I solidified my presence in the scene with Orc. Many players see switching race as a weakness - I allow you your beliefs without passing judgment. I see the choice of switching race as a strength, one that inspires creativity, offers enjoyment, stimulates new thought processes, keeps opponents off-balance and can create chance where before you saw only defeat. You can not convince me that changing race is a weakness. Sticking with a strategy, or race, where you know it leads to defeat, is a weakness. Now it all comes back to me, and I wonder if I shall take a look on the other side.) 3.}\;TW(4 
如今已经不是当年的世界了——人类和暗夜统治了所有的比赛,同时每一张兽族的地图都被去除。有什么理由SV, LT, Maelstrom, Gnoll Wood这些地图被很多的比赛去掉?为什么不是TR(从来就不是兽族的主场),TS(曾经有一段时间对打不死有利,很不好打人族和暗夜),TM(只是打人族有利 ,我想遍地的民兵对此会很有意见),EI(比较平衡)?为什么这些地图在比赛中已经用了四年之久? Ssupz=np_ 
如果你知道我的话,你就会知道我从来没有将自己限制在一个种族。我曾经是用兽族,直到精灵/熊促使我去开发暗夜的可能战术同时更重要的是我放弃了兽族。我曾经是精灵,直到我看到人族如此轻松的赢得了WCG2003,我想成为那样的一名human选手,于是我比当初学暗夜更加努力的去学习人类。我曾经是人类,直到冰封王座给兽族提供了新的可能性,我的初恋,于是我又坚定了用兽族的决心。许多选手视换族是软弱的表现,也许你们并没错。但我认为换族是一种力量,他能促使我创新,提供快乐,刺激你产生新的想法,让选手不再为不平衡苦恼,还能创造机会--以前你只能看到失败。你不能强迫我认为换族是懦弱的表现。坚持一种只能带来失败的战术或种族才是懦弱。现在我想通了,我想知道是否我应该考虑换族。 @z`1VMW 
I put my trust in Orc, and have pushed as far as I can go. For all this, there's only one thing you should know: until a patch comes along, and blizzard remembers this god-forsaken game, forget the identity that you have come to associate with me. I am an entertainer, but I am also an individual. The choices that I make ultimately affect myself the most.) =g >&5>4 
我选择了兽族,也尽我的能力发扬了他。所有的这些,你只要知道一件事:在新补丁发布之前或是 q(I'-#u o 
暴雪记起这个游戏之前,忘记你们心中以前的我吧。我是一个表演者,但是我也是个人。我做的决定最终还是对我自己影响最大。 5~Z :mCk 
In the end, it doesn't even matter whether I win or lose. As long as I enjoy the game and make choices that feel right to me. To live with no regrets, is the greatest joy you can feel. You die alone, with the choices that you have made. Allow me mine. `!p{.,< 
最后,输和赢已经不重要。只要我还在享受游戏同时做出我认为对的选择。没有遗憾的活着是你能感受到最大的快乐。你孤独的死去,带着你做出的决定·请允许我这样决定。 ?]E.94N: 
顶端 Posted: 2007-10-22 14:28 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 鹤立鸡群
家族: 萱甄嘉园
发贴: 1487
威望: 0
浮云: 1311
注册时间: 2006-07-06
最后登陆: 2010-06-01

5come5帮你背单词 [ crystal /'kristl/ n. 水晶,石英;晶体;a. 水晶(制)的;透明的 ]

顶端 Posted: 2007-10-22 21:54 | [1 楼]
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