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性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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Seems to me like we kind of gave away two talented, young, Big players for not that much. Butler I kind of understand, but Scola has to be worth more?

To The Freaking Rockets At Least Trade Them To The East This Is Going To Be The Worst Trade In Spurs History Omg Shoot Me Now

Dennis Lindsey is now the anti-christ.
This is the worst trade in Spurs history. Scola and Butler for a second round pick and cash.
I am outraged.

I knew it....he's a friggen spy!!!

Geez. I step away from the computer for 10 minutes and the sky falls. Damn.

The problem is that Butler's trade value was higher than a second round pick. Scola's trade value should have been a lot higher than a second round pick. Yet the Spurs packaged them together for a second round pick. And the Spurs are still stuck with Beno, who is the worst contract on the team.
I see nothing good about this trade. The Spurs basically salary dumped a guy on a one year contract for less than half the MLE.
Worst trade in franchise history.

If I could find a decent air fare I would fly down to SA tomorrow and xxxx slap every one of those assholes

This is like dumping Jessica Alba because she won't swallow and going home with Roseanne Barr.
I hate our front office.
这就像你仅仅因为Jessica Alba(美女)不能接受Reseanne Barr(女演员,经常做各种电视节目的嘉宾,并发表和做出过无数引起争议的观点与举动)的看法,就把她给甩了一样!我恨死了我们的[屏蔽]组。

The Spurs just got owned by the Rockets spy aka Dennis Lindsey. His girly last name should have been a clue.
Scola and Butler for a second round pick. I seriously can't believe this. There were many ways to save money and open up a roster spot, this wasn't one of them. And you do it with the Rockets?
Yao and Scola is going to be a deadly front court. Butler backing up Yao?
Holy crap wtf the Rockets just owned the Spurs ugly style.

It's time to go out and hit the gym and get the frustrations out.

The wonderful thing about this? The Spurs greatly enrich a division rival.

this is the worst trade in Spurs history during my lifetime.
1. Don't trade BOTH Butler and Scola for a 2nd rounder
2. Don't trade within the conference
3. Don't trade to freaking Houston who is desperate for a PF. If Butler doesn't work out, Scola sure as hell will.

I think I'm going to follow Presti to Seattle. Fuck this shit.

And thus began the downfall.

Let me get this straight. The Spurs publicly scoffed at deals of Scola for a second round pick. So what do they do? Trade Scola AND Butler for a second round pick.
And to top it off, to the Houston Rockets.
Someone please wake me up.

Why stop there? They should have just thrown in Parker too, I hear Houston needs a point as well.

I can't imagine a worse offseason, even after last year's dismal go at it.
Draft Marcus Williams, sign Bonner for too much money, now this. Splitter was a good pick, but he's not a Spur at the moment, is he? They'll probably trade him next summer plus cash considerations for Michael Doleac and Vin Baker's jaundiced liver.
我想不出比这更糟的休赛季了,甚至连去年那种也比不上。去年选了M Williams,用一大笔钱签了Bonner,现在又来了这个。虽说Splitter是个好签,但他现在还不是马刺的成员。我想明年夏天他就可能被交易掉,换来Michael Doleac和酒鬼Baker的那个发黄的肝。

Everyone pray someone fails a physical!

What people aren't understanding is that the Spurs could have traded away Beno instead and kept Scola's rights and they'd basically be in the same financial position. This trade doesn't even make sense if you look at it as just a money move. It doesn't put the Spurs below the luxury tax threshold. With the addition of Mahinmi, it opens up no roster spots.
It does nothing over than make Holt $4-7M richer.

remember when people thought we could have made a trade deal like this for Nocioni?

They magically transformed a late 2002 second round pick for a late 2009 second round pick. If that's not victory, I don't know what is.

I'm trying to find that article where Dennis Lindsey says he'll always be a Rockets fan.
At least we can say he's a man of his word.

Next up: the Spurs trade the rights to Tiago Splitter for the rights to Ralph Sampson.
下一个大新闻:马刺用Splitter换来了Ralph Sampson(受伤的火箭前状元)!

It's funny, this might be the first trade in Spurs history that EVERYONE hates.
No fans on each side of it, EVERYONE hates it.

Houston got two guys they wanted, Spurs got money for Holt to built a 4 million dollar dog house for his weiner dog.

I'll never make fun of Isiah Thomas again....

I can't believe this. 5 years of anticipation. 5 years of thinking the Spurs made a great second round steal. 5 years of thinking the team pulled a fast one on the rest of the league. Watching this guy light up the world in the 2004 Olympics, and knowing the Spurs had his rights. Watching him destroy Jermaine O'Neal and Elton Brand in the World Championships. Continually hearing we had the best player in Euroleague. 5 years of not being able to contain my excitement at seeing this guy in the black and silver.... all that gone in a second, to save Peter Holt $1.5 million in a season where he had the deepest of deep playoff runs to line his pocket. I'm disgusted. I cannot believe the Spurs gave up a guy who will most likely be a solid rotation player, maybe even a good starter, for nothing. A freaking big man on top of that.... and then another big man on top of that.
我不敢相信。5年的期盼,5年来以为马刺选了一个二轮宝贝的信念,5年来为我们骗过了所有球队的骄傲,看到这家伙在2004奥运上闪闪发光的表现,看到他在世锦赛上爆JO和Brand,并知道他是马刺的人,始终知道我们还拥有欧洲联赛中最好的选手,5年来都不能看到他穿上黑白球衫的遗憾……一秒钟内全都不见了,只不过为了在一个夺冠的赛季后给Peter Holt(老板)省下150万而已?我感到恶心,不能相信马刺会放弃一个很有可能成为进入主要轮换阵容,甚至首发的球员,而换来一无所有。尤其是他还是一个大个子,尤其是我们居然还另搭了一个大个子。

Mission impossible 4 : trying to make this trade looking good

Rockets fans must be fucking pumped right now. Can you imagine? A week ago they were boggled that they drafted Aaron Brooks with their first round pick, they had traded away Juwon Howard for Mike James, their only other PF option in Chuck Hayes was unsigned, and they had guys like Carl Landry, Lior Eliyahu, and Anton Kavilauskas scrumming in summer league - decently, but not expertly - looking to help. They had no starter, no real depth.
Then the fucking Spurs gift wrapped them a player with game changing talent, who is cheap, and a solid backup center.
Nuts. They won the lottery.


This trade gives me the mental picture of the sound of a toilet flushing, followed by Pop coming out of the bathroom, saying "Damn, that feels better!"
顶端 Posted: 2007-07-14 22:45 | [楼 主]

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顶端 Posted: 2007-07-14 23:40 | [1 楼]
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