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性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 曱甴
等级: 人见人爱
家族: 东北一家人
发贴: 4789
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浮云: 1117
注册时间: 2006-03-06
最后登陆: 2012-05-18

5come5帮你背单词 [ tension /'tenən/ n. 紧张,张力,拉力 ]

human  in  touch

Fifteen years ago or so, a friend of mine happened into a dive bar, took a seat at the rail and, after a moment, realized that the man sitting to his left was Dennis Rodman. This was back when Rodman was primarily a basketball player, before the gaudy hair, serial piercings and women's clothing.
My friend, whose name is Brandon, ended up talking to Rodman for 40 minutes or so. About the Pistons, about life in the NBA, about Rodman's teammates. Brandon came away from the experience not only a big fan of Rodman -- whom he described as "really down to earth," a rather ironic observation in hindsight -- but also with a story that, two decades later, he still delights in retelling. It was a moment most fans dream of: a genuine interaction with a star athlete, just two humans talking.
Nowadays, such encounters are increasingly rare. The distance between athletes and fans grows with each passing season and rising salary cap. Star players are more managed, better-compensated and warier of a public that often wants something more than just a beer with its hero. Besides, why hang with the common man when you can charge him $100 for an autograph or $14,000 for three days at a fantasy camp (the fee to hit with Pete Sampras or take grounders with Eric Karros at a new L.A.-based venture)? Especially when that common man may merely bide his time until you're four Cuervos into the night, then pull out a camera phone, snap off some boozy photos and post them on his blog the next day?
This brings us to the latest from Kobe Bryant. For those who haven't followed his strange saga (and SI.com's Arash Markazi gives a full report here), here's a synopsis: A group of college-age kids recorded a 24-second video on a digital camera of Bryant in a Newport, Calif., shopping center that shows the Lakers' star ripping his teammates and general manager. This is what Bryant said about Lakers center Andrew Bynum and trade rumors that had him going to New Jersey for All-Star Jason Kidd: "Andrew Bynum? F---ing ship his ass out. Are you kidding me? We're talking about Jason Kidd. But they didn't even want to do that. Now we're here in this f---ed up position." The college kids, who call themselves the Kobe Video Guys (apparently, the Shameless Opportunists was taken), are trying to sell the footage online, with a goal of raking in at least $100,000.
Both sides come off poorly in the situation. Bryant's comments are petty and backstabbing (can you imagine Tim Duncan ripping his teammates like that to a bunch of fans on the street?) and the "videographers," in their quest to remain anonymous and sell out to the media, give the impression of being not only greedy but -- and this may be a bigger sin in hi-tech America these days -- also quite naïve.
On the surface, the situation doesn't seem that unusual. After all, this video is no different from any number of celebrity-baiting exercises, from Paris Hilton's low-res, hi-skin tape to Tommy Lee's legend-making camcorder stint. As for the video kids, they are only doing what pro athletes do so effectively, namely trying to leverage any advantage to maximum profit.
顶端 Posted: 2007-08-23 20:03 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
头衔: 曱甴
等级: 人见人爱
家族: 东北一家人
发贴: 4789
威望: 0
浮云: 1117
注册时间: 2006-03-06
最后登陆: 2012-05-18

5come5帮你背单词 [ queue /kju:/ v. 长队,排队 n. 队,列;vt. 排队 ]

大约15[屏蔽]一个偶然的机会,我朋友到一家小酒馆喝酒,当时他在吧台附近找了个座位,过了一会,他突然发现旁边坐着的男人居然是Dennis Rodman.那时的大虫还是蛮本分的,头发没有那些花里胡哨的颜色,身上也没那么多窟窿,也还没迷上女人服装。

  如今这种机会越来越少了。球迷和运动员之间的距离随着时光的流逝和上涨的工资封顶一起变得愈加遥远。球员们更加自律,收入也更高,对那些不仅仅是想聊聊天喝喝酒的球迷也更加警惕。另外,如果你光是卖签名就可以赚100美圆,或者是在梦幻训练营中让那些球迷乖乖地交上14000美刀(拿这些钱,球迷可以和Pete Sampras打上会网球,或者和Eric Karros在洛杉矶举行的活动中玩玩棒球),那还有什么理由和那些凡人浪费时间呢?特别是如果那些“球迷”只是想等你酩酊大醉之后,掏出相机抓你几张龌龊的丑像,隔天再发到他博客上去炫耀呢?
  这让我联想起了最近的科比。对于那些不知我所云的读者们,我给大家做个概括: 一群大学生模样的孩子们用数码摄像机拍摄下了科比在加州 Newport购物中心当众数落队友和总经理的24秒钟视频。 以下是科比对本队中锋Andrew Bynum和把他交换到网队而换取全明星后卫Jason Kidd的评语:“ Andrew Bynum?
赶快把这个傻大个弄出去。你没开玩笑吧?我们要换的可是Jason Kidd!
可湖人的这群管理层智障居然还不想换。得了,我们彻底TMD完了。” 而那些把自己称为‘科比录影师’的大学生们(很显然,无耻的他们得逞了),正千方百计地想通过网络把这录象卖出去,标价起平为10万美元。
  从表面上看,这事件没什么大不了的。毕竟,这录象和那些名人出丑的镜头没什么两样,从Paris Hilton那模糊龌龊的录音带,到Tommy Lee那传奇般的录象机丑闻。至于那些自称“摄影师”的孩子们,他们做得和职业运动员没什么差别,无非是利用现有机会最大限度地提升个人利益。好吧,这事件有趣的地方在于它如何定义了如今的科比,名人们和球迷们 。虽然很难做到,但我想我们应该为科比的言行鼓掌。

  当然,并不是为他所说的话鼓掌(真的,那很卑劣),而是为他说了这些的举动而鼓掌。这是种我们一直期待运动员去体现出来,却又久违了的特质:诚实。虽然诚实的运动员没什么好下场,但我们真的需要诚实的话语。棒球明星Jason Giambi就曾在卤莽,却真诚地承认了自己使用类固醇后被批得体无完肤。而在这个事件中,无论你对科比如何地诋毁,看起来他真的只是想把自己真实的想法表露出来,而最终却被录了下来。
  但这并不是赞美科比的唯一原因。在更广的层面上,他的另一些举动也是我们球迷希望看到的:他和球迷真心地交谈,他撤开了保镖,暂时忘却了自己的身份,在停车场里和一群当地的人尽情地宣泄着心中的不满。 恩,这不正是球迷所希望的么?不也是每个季票持有者所期待的么?和15[屏蔽]的Brandon一样能有机会和一个体育明星坦城地交谈? 去倾听一个运动员真实的感受,而不是那些冠冕堂皇,千篇一律的俗套发言。

2)和我们所知的不同,科比也许更明白团队的重要性。因为,无论你对这事怎么看,他说的没错。如果有了Kidd, Lamar Odom和Bryant,那湖人绝对是支令人胆寒的威武之师,至少强到可以在第一轮干掉太阳(或者可以在常规赛取得一个好成绩,然后得到一个理想的季后赛排位,就像爵士那样,并获得最终闯入分区决赛的机会)。Bynum确实有些才华,但他离职业生涯颠峰至少还有个2,3年,很显然,他需要的时间和布莱恩特先生的耐性非常地不吻合。
回到主题,其实这只是24秒的录象而已。如果这是科比自编自导精心安排的,或者这是对他那些高中同学互相扯淡的话,那以上的话就没什么意义了。但如果不是呢? 如果这真的是科比内心的想法,那么,我们是不是可以这么说:难道多一些像科比这样说实话的运动员,不是更好吗
顶端 Posted: 2007-08-23 20:04 | [1 楼]
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