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windowblinds 6 抢先预览

在aqua-soft论坛看到了一组windowblinds 6.0的截图,新的版本将包含在The Object Desktop 2008里,除了可以调节主题的透明度外还加入了一些更细微的功能,可以让用户更贴近的体验vista的玻璃效果
WindowBlinds 6
WindowBlinds is Stardock′s most popular program. With over 12 million downloads at Download.com, it is also the most popular desktop enhancement of all time. WindowBlinds 6 is in development with a ton of new features. Here is the very first sneak peek of WindowBlinds 6 in action:
Since existing skins can be made to support blur and transparency, those thousands of existing WindowBlinds skins gain a whole new life even as new WindowBlinds 6 skins get made.

For Windows XP users, a new skinning format called UIS0 is being made that is designed to make it much much easier to get into skinning. Another new feature -- explorer backgrounds can now be skinned. Users will also be able to have skins randomly chosen on boot up. Subtle new effects are being added such as animated toolbar backgrounds and much more.

We′re keeping a lot of our features close to the vest until we get closer to release. But suffice to say that WindowBlinds 6 is going to be a major update.
顶端 Posted: 2007-05-20 15:12 | [楼 主]

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顶端 Posted: 2007-05-29 20:55 | [1 楼]

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Forum SummaryReply Tools Home Stardock Support Object Desktop WindowBlinds WB 6.0 Beta
when WB 6.0 Beta will be release
By haissamfad
Posted May 17, 2007 18:30:05
Hi Guys ,,
i am very exited for WB 6.0 did any one know when it will be released.

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Reply (Master Apprentice)PurrBallMay 17, 2007 21:08:24Reply #1
When it's ready.

Reply (Sir)BichurMay 17, 2007 23:09:47Reply #2
When will it be ready?

Reply (Sir)ZubazMay 17, 2007 23:25:30Reply #3
When will it be ready?
Not today.

Reply (Sir)BichurMay 17, 2007 23:59:00Reply #4

Reply (Sir)BichurMay 18, 2007 00:12:31Reply #5
oooh time's changed.....


Reply seldomseenMay 18, 2007 00:37:27Reply #6
What is it? 5.5 Turbo? So far, I'm happy as a pig in mud with 5.5...

[edit: Aha! Just found this   to shed some more light. Now I've got the gimmes too.]

Reply (Citizen)Ruben GutknechtMay 21, 2007 12:45:19Reply #7
they say that object desktop owners will be able to betatest. WB owners will have to wait


Reply (Citizen)Seabass6.7May 21, 2007 13:09:45Reply #8
Nothing offical has been annouced yet. Most often we allow subscribers access to the beta. Best way to know for sure is to look to Stardock Central.

Reply (Citizen)ranpan90May 22, 2007 15:45:19Reply #9
Can we have some more screenshots   The ones I have seen looked awsome   This version will support Vista x64 right? Can't wait for the new release! Keep it up stardock! -ranpan

Reply (Citizen)Life is a GameMay 22, 2007 16:47:17Reply #10
Well in this article WWW Link was announced that SkinStudio 6.0 is in development and BETA is coming in Summer 2007 and the final release in Fall 2007. So I guess WindowBlinds 6.0 will be released at the similar time.

Home Stardock Support Object Desktop WindowBlinds WB 6.0 Beta  
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顶端 Posted: 2007-05-29 21:11 | [2 楼]
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