貌似其中这首The Autumn Leaves已经被我拿出来说过N百遍了....
这张专辑实在太NB了 ....
The Autumn Leaves 歌词:
I woke under cover of darkness
Looked up into the television sky
I wandered through the city alone
This rain wouldn't stop
I couldn't dry my eyes
I cried
Who is the one to blame
Why is it that you never say
When the feeling leaves
If you're through with me
As I'm walking through the rain
Cold tears falling down my face
Like the autumn leaves on a windy day
I went out to the edge of town
over bright highways where the traffic was the only sound
while my eyes were looking at the ground
I could see pictures of you floating all around
I didn't doubt Quote:
鲜少有人能像ATB一样,以不断创造全新的聆赏经验自许。名列全球百大DJ之林的他,总是能够透过他多漾的作品让听众在惊喜之余,还能始终保存有ATB的专属体验与独到精神。毫不恋栈的ATB,永远都在以不停发掘出的新音色为他的作品着墨;《No Silence》正是以这种精神作为出发点的一张专辑,里面的任何一首作品,都有自己的音色与个性,但却又维持着ATB的调性与特色。
顾名思义,以vocal为整张专辑重点的《No Silence》当中,不时充斥着最让Trance喜好者爱不释手的空灵美声。首波主打Marrakech及Ecstacy由Paul Oakenfold的御用女伶Tiff Lacey夸刀演出,表现出了更不受局限的唱腔;深邃的Progressive Trance萦绕着Tiff时而疏远时而惆怅的歌喉,为专辑营造出了一个气势磅礡的序曲。以Trip-Hop节奏为衬底的Autumn Leaves由歌声充满着冷酷疏离感的Michal the Girl为这首歌作了最好的演译。ATB的御用[屏蔽]档声乐家Roberta与Ken Harrison分别为After The Flame、Sun Goes Down,以及Wait For Your Heart贡献出他们的声乐天赋,也使ATB在谱曲意境上展现出与Delerium不惶多让的风采。Sun Goes Down中的拟8-bit synth搭配上Ken慵懒沙哑的英式唱腔铺陈出的沙发氛围,又是一份出奇不意的惊喜。
《No Silence》或许不像ATB的上一张专辑《Addicted To Music》般勇敢地向各种音乐领域进行全方位地多漾涉猎,却能始终不间断地以新的声响搭配他挚爱的Trance来让听众随时充满惊奇。《No Silence》肯定会是一张能让已然喜爱ATB的听众愈发着迷,从而吸引更多人为他的独特声响如痴如醉的一张作品。[ 此贴被feomepler在2007-04-15 18:04重新编辑 ]