引用第1楼格格乐心于2008-05-20 10:50发表的 :那是我从小的梦想
引用第5楼[屏蔽]手王壮壮于2008-05-20 10:57发表的 :这个贴也要用大字我服了。
引用第7楼iguard于2008-05-20 10:59发表的 : 无语了。有必要这样么?
引用第10楼iguard于2008-05-20 11:01发表的 :我也不知道。也许是国外的学习条件好,所以很多人想出去;也许是国外的生活条件好,所以有人想出去;也许。。。。。。
引用第13楼闪电骑士于2008-05-20 11:09发表的 :All of my endeavor is for a better living condition, for democracy, for freedom, in short for American Dream.
引用第17楼闪电骑士于2008-05-20 11:13发表的 :And, more importantly, for money既然这么穷,为什么不去赚钱,来搞什么研究?当年到美国留学的时候,我下飞机的第二天就去找我的指导教授,我的指导教授是John Hopkins毕业的,在贝尔实验室作过科学家,后来来到大学任教,很年轻都当了正教授,后来又当了系主任,人到中年的时候,离开大学,自己创业,几年以后以失败告终,然后又回大学任教。.......
引用第20楼闪电骑士于2008-05-20 11:18发表的 :I wish I were born in U.S. But it is just wish. No matter where I was born,U.S or China,. I must struggle to make money and survive........
引用第26楼闪电骑士于2008-05-20 11:33发表的 :I will have a better chance to earn more money in U.S with the same effort I paid. For me , making money is a responsibility. I must work hard to achieve financial security. This is not only for me, but also for my family and my future children. I know, it is possible that I can earn 10W RMB, or even more, when I come back to China. And I can have a much better live with 10W rmb in China than with 6W $ in U.S. But, I have to consider the starting line of my children.If you have time, take a look at the following article. It is from www.mitbbs.cn. This article discussed a controversial social problem, and I think it represents at least part of my opinion.农村孩子的起跑线.......