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打架了打架了 晚间更新 gif   交易趋于失败   处罚估计

今天nba 出事了,呵呵, 群殴, 然后10名球员全部罚下

谁把它弄下来   fy  

Melo和Nate参与打架事件,后者在Mardy Collins对掘金后卫JR Smith恶意犯规后又上去头顶对方下颚。之后Smith和Nate双双跃入观众席中厮打,这是2004年奥本山宫殿球馆群殴之后NBA最为丑陋的一幕……

Nuggets-Knicks brawl ends with 10 players ejected

NEW YORK -- Ten players, including NBA scoring leader Carmelo Anthony, were ejected for fighting during a wild brawl near the end of Saturday night's game between the Denver Nuggets and New York Knicks.

All 10 players on the court at the time were tossed for their involvement in the ugly incident that spread across the court and spilled into the crowd at Madison Square Garden.

Anthony scored 34 points before the melee took place with about 1:15 left in the Nuggets' 123-100 victory over the Knicks.

The fight started after Knicks reserve Mardy Collins flagrantly fouled Denver's J.R. Smith. With punches being thrown by several players, the hitting and grabbing continued for several minutes before coaches and security ran onto the court and finally restored order.

Anthony was involved in a fight with the Knicks' Nate Robinson, who jumped into to jaw at Smith after the foul. Both Smith and Robinson ended up flying into the stands in the NBA's ugliest scene since the brawl between Pacers players and Detroit fans in 2004.

With each team forced to put five new players on the floor, Denver finished up the win and ended a two-game losing streak. Marcus Camby had 24 points and nine rebounds, and Andre Miller added 12 points and 10 assists for the Nuggets.



JR被包围后(包围 但是没打起来)
之后 MELO等掘金球员迅速跑过去
特别是MELO 因为与JR关系太好了
过去后 JR与NATE发生冲突
随后 纽约球员追逐MELO
对方20号想抓住MELO 结果自己还倒在了地上(球衣质量非常好)
然后 在裁判大人的协商下

联盟发言人Tim Frank说联盟将会“完整地观看比赛录像。在此之前不适合发表评论”。

尼克斯主教练Isiah Thomas认为掘金球员在垃圾时间还留在场上是导致Collins犯规的原因,他甚至直接对Carmelo Anthony说了这个观点:“我告诉他,‘你看,你们领先20分了,比赛还有一分半钟的时间你们领先19分,你和Camby现在根本不应该还在比赛中。’我们已经投降了,那些人在那个时刻根本不应该在赛场上。”

注:当时球场上双方的阵容是:掘金:Marcus Camby(32分钟,先发)、Eduardo Najera(23分钟)、Carmelo Anthony(42分钟,先发)、J.R. Smith(35分钟,先发)、Andre Miller(34分钟,先发),尼克斯:Channing Frye(27分钟,先发)、David Lee(39分钟)、Jared Jeffries(39分钟,先发)、Mardy Collins(1分钟)、Nate Robinson(29分钟)。其中尼克斯的Lee、Jeffries、Frye和Robinson是第三节末尾他们把比分迫近到10分的阵容,并且打了第四节大部分的比赛,在比赛还剩两分钟的时候掘金暂停但没有换人,尼克斯所作的唯一换人是Mardy Collins替下Stephon Marbury(41分钟,先发)。尼克斯另外两位先发是上场27分钟的Curry和29分钟的Crawford。

Thomas认为Collins的行为不足以导致这样的混乱:“他们对我们予取予求,我想J.R. Smith刚刚已经有过一次反身扣篮在空中转圈的事情了,我想Mardy不想让我们主场的观众在看到这一幕,于是对他犯规。”

对主教练提出的这两个原因,Nate Robinson持同样观点:“他们就是想羞辱我们。这就像给我们脸上一个耳光。作为一支队伍,一支球队,我们不能让这种事情发生。一个干净、凶狠的犯规发生了,然后一切发生了。”

对于这次卡脖子行为,J.R. Smith说他“我都搞不懂,这是我头一次见到这个家伙。”

掘金主教练George Karl的反应是:“我为联盟感到遗憾,我为丹佛掘金和纽约尼克斯感到遗憾。对于篮球,对于在世界上最好的篮球赛场,这都是很不好的表演。”



ESPN专栏作家Chris Sheridan对处罚的猜测,以及AI到掘金的交易在此前已经趋于失败:


My first guess was that Anthony would be suspended for four games, a prediction I related to Denver coach George Karl after he reviewed a tape of the fight.


Robinson is certain to draw a suspension for his part in escalating the brawl, and likewise Collins for the part his flagrant foul played. The league might come down hard on Thomas, too, if it finds him culpable for instigating the fracas by ordering a hard foul.

But the biggest penalty likely will go to Anthony, who began the night as the league's leading scorer and was just 75 seconds away from wrapping up a 2-3 road trip on a positive note.

Now, he might be out until Christmas, and he might even have Iverson as a teammate by the next time he plays, although Karl didn't sound too positive about that possible development, either.

"I spoke to [general manager] Mark [Warkentien] yesterday, and he said it seemed like it was dying down. I didn't even bother calling him today," Karl told me before heading out the locker room door for the flight back to Denver, facing an immediate future without Iverson or Anthony ... and sounding convinced things are going to stay that way for a while.

大意:Sheridan猜测Melo会被禁赛四场;其他会被禁赛的包括Nate Robinson和Mardy Collins。此外,各种消息都表明AI到掘金的交易趋于失败,在这里Sheridan引用了George Karl的话,说交易的可能已经“在逐渐消失”。此外,Sheridan提到,在Collins的犯规发生前,Thomas曾经威胁Anthony,要他不要接近[屏蔽],因此Thomas将有可能被调查是否指示Collins恶意犯规。


Marc Stein的猜测:


How long will the league's leading scorer be suspended?

A punch -- whether or not it connects -- gets you an automatic one-game suspension.


The footage you've undoubtedly seen by now puts at least five players in unquestioned trouble.

1. New York's Mardy Collins took J.R. Smith down with an initial hard foul that can't be pardoned even if the Knicks' claims about Denver running up the score are justified.

2. New York's Nate Robinson was the first to escalate the situation by wildly confronting Smith and other Nuggets.

3. Smith went after Robinson and the ensuing tangle spilled into a fan section along the baseline under the basket.

4. Anthony became the other chief escalator by throwing a right hook at Collins ... a punch that came after things appeared to be settling down.

5. New York's Jared Jeffries went so hard chasing after 'Melo in response to the punch that Jeffries fell down and still had to be restrained when he got up.

The best early estimates: A minimum of five games for Anthony and Robinson ... and possibly longer. Suspensions for Collins, Smith and Jeffries would appear to be in the range of 1-to-3 games.

Don't forget, though, that Stern has been exerting his authority more than ever since the infamous Detroit-Indiana brawl at the Palace of Auburn Hills on Nov. 19, 2004. Keeping that in mind, it wouldn't be a shocker to see all of those estimates fall short.


How much harsher will the penalties be because the fight crossed into fan territory?

It's a factor for sure.


For proof, we refer you to the better comparison, which was less than a year ago.

In Seattle, on Jan. 11, 2006, Orlando's Keyon Dooling and Seattle's Ray Allen wound up in the first row of seats along the sideline after fighting.

Dooling was suspended for five games for throwing a punch at Allen (which did not connect) and for what the league described as "attempting to confront [Allen] in the hallway following his ejection." Allen was suspended for three games.


How closely will the two head coaches be looked at?

You can accuse Denver's George Karl of leaving his starters in way too long ... but you can't punish him for it. That's not an NBA crime. Not even if he did so as a way to convey his contempt for Knicks coach Isiah Thomas, as fallout from the offseason firing of Karl's close friend Larry Brown.

Thomas, by contrast, might be facing more than accusations. You can be sure the league will investigate suggestions that Collins' hard foul on Smith came via mandate from the Knicks' bench.

That sort of directive would be difficult to prove, but ESPN.com's Chris Sheridan reported Saturday night that Thomas, according to a member of the Nuggets' organization, warned Anthony not to venture near the paint not long before Collins' foul.

Which could put Thomas under the microscope as well, if similar accounts are conveyed to league personnel during Sunday's interview process.


Can players be traded while serving a suspension?

This is a pertinent question given Denver's well-chronicled pursuit of Allen Iverson.

The answer?

It appears to be, in the words of one Western Conference executive reached Saturday night, "a gray area."

It's believed that there is no language in the NBA's operations manual that specifically deals with teams' ability to trade a suspended player. The teams would likely require special permission from the league office if a player suspended for his actions Saturday night is needed by the Nuggets to complete an Iverson trade in coming days.

大意:初步估计Melo和Nate各5场,Collins,Smith和Jeffries 1-3场,考虑到联盟现在的严厉气氛,完全可能更多……打架打到观众中间会有额外惩罚……Karl没有任何责任,即使他不肯撤下主力,Thomas可能接受调查是否有授意行为……被禁赛球员的交易没有明文规定。


裁判罚下的10名球员包括:尼克斯的Mardy Collins、Channing Frye、Jared Jeffries、David Lee、Jamal Crawford、Nate Robinson等六人和掘金的Carmelo Anthony、Andre Miller、Eduardo Najera、J.R. Smith等四人。


[ 此贴被nbphoenix在2006-12-17 21:47重新编辑 ]
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