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本页主题: 小贝爱子患癫痫病 [屏蔽]俩担惊受怕 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


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小贝爱子患癫痫病 [屏蔽]俩担惊受怕

The second son of soccer superstar David Beckham and former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham is reportedly suffering from epilepsy.

The high-profile couple, who are followed by paparazzi wherever they go, are said to be terrified four-year-old Romeo will suffer an epileptic fit triggered by the flashing lights of cameras. The couple's worst fears were confirmed two weeks ago when Romeo reacted violently after being snapped at Heathrow as he returned to Britain with Victoria and his two brothers.

British newspaper the News Of The World reports that worried mother Victoria shouted at the photographers: "Leave him alone. He's got epilepsy. All that flashing will start an epileptic fit. You can't do that."

A friend tells the publication, "(Victoria and David) are devastated - worried sick about Romeo. He is on medication to control the seizures but obviously things like flashing lights can trigger one at any time. "They only hope the medication limits the number of fits he suffers to a minimum and he can enjoy as normal a life as possible. They are just praying Romeo gets better."

Flash photography is one of the trigger factors for epileptic seizures. In extreme cases attacks can be fatal.






顶端 Posted: 2006-11-08 00:19 | [楼 主]
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