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皇马欲出售小贝 老帅哥身价跌至500万

Real Madrid is reportedly prepared to sell former England captain David Beckham at 5 million pounds in January's transfer window.

The 31-year-old midfielder has been unable to earn a starting job for the Galacticos under new coach Fabio Capello.

And with Beckham refusing to sign a new contract until he is guaranteed a starting spot, the Spanish giants may offload him in January to stop him leaving for nothing next summer.

Real bought Beckham from Manchester United in 2003 and signed him to a four-year, $41 million contract, but it seems certain he has no future under Capello.

Beckham has started just four games under the new regime and played only 13 minutes of Sunday's game with Barcelona.

He has previously stated he is not interested in a return to England, but Newcastle boss Glenn Roeder admits he would be at the front of a bevy of clubs who would welcome him with open arms.

"I think a lot of clubs in the Premiership would like to have David Beckham," Roeder said. "I think if he came back, bearing in mind he said he will never play in the Premiership again, any team lucky enough to secure his services -- their supporters will enjoy watching him play."


earn a starting job: 指“进入首发阵容”(首发阵容: starting line-up)

the Premiership: 英格兰超级联赛







顶端 Posted: 2006-10-27 12:46 | [楼 主]
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