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AP news in a minute 09 08


1. It's been almost five years since the attacks on September 11th, and President Bush says enormous strides have been made in correcting US security vulnerabilities brought to light that day. He also says the country's campaign against terrorism has succeeded in protecting the homeland.

2. Phoenix police say they have forensic evidence connecting a man they arrested to two sexual assaults in the Baseline Killer investigation. They say they are trying to find out if the 42-year-old in custody is connected to any other attacks in the case.

3. Paris Hilton's publicist says Hilton has been known to have a drink or two. But she was clearly not intoxicated when she got home after being released from jail Thursday. The spokesman said Hilton worked all day and then drank on an empty stomach before getting arrested on suspicion of DUI.

4. You won't believe where Salvadoran prison officials found these cellphones, inside four prisoners' intestines. Authorities say the inmates had inserted the phones into their rectums and were using them to direct criminal activity outside the prison.


1. vulnerable: 易受攻击的
Something that is vulnerable can be easily harmed or affected by something bad.
vulnerability: n-uncount

2. forensic: adj.
Forensic is used to describe the work of scientists who examine evidence in order to help police solve crimes.

3. intoxicated: adj.极其兴奋的
Someone who is intoxicated is drunk. (FORMAL)

4. intestine : n-count 肠
Your intestines are the tubes in your body through which food passes when it has left your stomach.

5. rectum: n-count 直肠
Someone’s rectum is the bottom end of the tube down which waste food passes out of their body. (MEDICAL)

6. in custody 被拘留

[ 此贴被channing在2006-09-09 13:50重新编辑 ]
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