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本页主题: [06.08][Within Temptation-The heart of everything][MP3] [128K][47.6M] 显示签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


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[06.08][Within Temptation-The heart of everything][MP3] [128K][47.6M]

专辑名称:The Heart Of Everything
歌手组合:Within Temptation
发行公司:Sony / BMG
专辑类型:Gothic Metal
荷兰哥特金属大牌Within Temptation的全新大碟The Heart of Everything。 主打歌What Have You Done,邀请了Life Of Agony的核心Keith Caputo作为嘉宾歌手,以及乐队在整个欧洲的tour(从3月24日里斯本开始)。听过他们前一张专辑The Silent Force的人,应该会毫不犹豫的down下此张专辑。Within Temptation与Evanescence到底谁优谁劣,大家自己来判断吧,反正我是觉得两者都是相当的出色!
The Heart of Everything is the fourth full-length studio album by the Dutch symphonic metal band Within Temptation, to be released in mid-March 2007. Unlike the bands previous albums, The Heart of Everything is to be released in the United States. The track "What Have You Done" is the first single for the album, and was released in January 2007. In addition to lead singer Sharon den Adel, the track features guest singer Keith Caputo from hard rock American band Life of Agony, the bands video for What Have You Done was recently released and can be viewed on their myspace page.
01. The Howling
02. What Have You Done - with Keith Caputo
03. Frozen
04. Our Solemn Hour
05. The Heart Of Everything
06. Hand Of Sorrow7.The Cross
08. Final Destination
09. All I Need
10. The Truth Beneath The Rose
11. Forgiven

远程图片:cover.jpg 远程图片:e4dead1c48e0608987d6b68b.jpg 远程图片:e80bbf8b5637e67d9e2fb48b.jpg
  • 浮云:-7 (by 焚羽)
  • 浮云:20 (by mizumo)
  • 顶端 Posted: 2007-06-08 18:52 | [楼 主]
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