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本帖被 做贼肾虚 执行加亮操作(2007-12-30)
Barclays Capital(巴克莱投资银行)08校园招聘



      Career Opportunity in Technology Department in Asia 巴克莱银行是有300 年以上历史的国际上屈指的老牌银行, 职员数约13 万人, 总 部在伦敦, 业务遍及全球。巴克莱 资本是巴克莱银行的投资银行部gate,是全球成 长最快的投资银行之一,在国际金融界拥有 越来越大的影响力。 情报系统已经成为国际金融公司运作的支柱, IT 技术人员在金融公 司中发挥着非 常重要的作用,优秀的IT 技术人员在金融公司有着很好的发展前途。我们 欢迎拥 有计算机,数理知识的优秀人才加入到我们在新加坡,东京,香港的分部去工作 。

      详细信息以及工作应聘, 请访问我们的招聘网站站, www.barclayscapital.com/think

      Barclays Capital is the investment banking division of Barclays Bank PLC which has an AA long-term credit rating and a balance sheet of over £1.1 trillion. With a distinctive business model, Barclays Capital provides large corporate, government and institutional clients with solutions to their financing and risk management needs. Barclays Capital has offices in 26 countries, employs over 16,700 people and has the global reach and distribution power to meet the needs of issuers and investors worldwide. Barclays Capital Information Technol ogy Division is a core business unit that develops global solutions for our global investment banking business, covering areas such as Bonds, Interest Rate Products, Exchanges, Equities, Commodities and Derivative Trading. Information Technology is a core partner of the business. Important business areas such as E-Commerce, complex risk management, and global settlement are all supported by and reliant upon Technology.

      There are approximately 1,200 IT staff across the Asia Pacific region suppor ting the global businesses, primarily in the major cities of Tokyo, Singapore and Hong Kong. We are seeking highly skilled and highly motivated individuals who are looking to progress their careers as global IT professionals.

      For further information about Barclays Capital, please visit our website www.barclayscapital.com/think

      Important Note

      We will start contacting candidates to proceed to the next stage of the recruitment process once your application is submitted and reviewed. Recruiting Process If you are asked to complete the tests, the process will be as follows:

Firstly, you are asked to complete a numerical reasoning test. You will receive an e-mail within a few days of completion of the test indicating whether you have been successful or not. If you are successful in the numerical test, you will then be invited to complete a verbal reasoning test. You will then recei ve an email within a few days of completion of the verbal test indicating if y ou have been successful or not. The tests are available in a number of differe nt languages. We strongly encourage you to take the tests in the language that is most comfortable for you. We encourage you to try the sample questions to familiarize yourself with the format of the tests as well as with the types of questions you may be asked. Upon completion of the relevant tests, your application will be screened in full, and as a result, you may be in vited to participate in a telephone interview and/or an on-site interview.

Test Tips

1) Download Flash Player and enable the Pop Up function on your PC.

2) Use s cratch paper and a calculator.

3) Select a language that is most comfortable for you.

4) Estimate your time to complete all test questions. The test takes 2 0 min.

5) Do your best guess even if you have no ideas about an answer! Gettin g wrong answers DOES NOT deduct marks for your test score.

6) Take the test in an environment that you feel comfortable and that you are NOT likely to be di sturbed by phone call, etc. Once you start it, you cannot stop the test!

7) Do the practice test until you feel comfortable with our test. You can do it as many times as you want. As you might notice, it 's similar with the GMAT. Pr acticing the GMAT might help you!

We are looking forward to seeing strong candidates in technology area, which has become a critical part of investment banking business. We plan to have recruitment event in Beijing and Shanghai in mid October 2007. Further details w ill be shared with you when the dates are decided. We very much look forward t o seeing you then!

Campus Recruiting

Barclays Capital
顶端 Posted: 2007-09-15 17:27 | [楼 主]
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