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SAP internship positions

工作地点: 成都 – SAP Global Service Center

基本要求: 可以全职工作3 – 6 月

有兴趣的候选人请将简历发到 jobs.china@sap.com 请在邮件标题中注明 “你的姓名 + 所应聘岗位名称 + 你所在的大学名称”


1.Intern – Associate Partner Service Advisor


- Degree requirements: Graduate (not graduate in 2007, as we are looking for 2 pure interns)

- Major in Business Administration / Computer Science with software engineering focus / Economics/Business Analysis

- Some practical experience is preferred.

Intern – Associate Remote Service Consultant – B2B/A2A


- University graduate in 2008, prefer majored in Computer Science, Mathematics, Electronic Engineering, MIS and related, but not only limit in those.

- ERP Knowledge is a plus

- Experiences on XML protocol, Java and C++.

- Solid programming skills, good Software engineering knowledge and experience

- Ability to comprehend the underlying technical architecture and methodology

- Ability to comprehend, analyze, research and design complex concepts

- Excellent communication and presentation skills in both English and Chinese

- Systematic thought way

- Work under pressure and challenge

- To be able to work effectively across cultures and geographies

2.Intern – Associate Remote Service Consultant – Data Migration


- University graduate in 2008, prefer majored in Computer Science, MIS, Business and related, but not only limit in those.

- ERP Knowledge is a plus

- Some experiences on industry sectors such as retail, manufacturing, wholesale, chemicals, professional services, but not only limit to those.

- Attention to details, careful and meticulous

- Ability to comprehend and analyze complex concepts

- Excellent communication and presentation skills in both English and Chinese

- Systematic thought way

- Work under pressure and challenge

- To be able to work effectively across cultures and geographies

3.Intern – Associate Application Consultant


- University graduate in 2008, prefer majored in Computer Science, Mathematics, Electronic Engineering, MIS and related, but not only limit in those.

- ERP Knowledge is a plus

- Experiences on HTTP, XML protocol, Java and C++.

- Solid programming skills, good Software engineering knowledge and experience

- Ability to comprehend the underlying technical architecture and methodology

- Ability to comprehend, analyze, research and design complex concepts

- Excellent communication and presentation skills in both English and Chinese

- Systematic thought way

- Work under pressure and challenge

- To be able to work effectively across cultures and geographies

4.Intern – Associate Support Consultant


Have a good university degree, preferably in English or Computer Science
- have good IT knowledge
- Excellent ability to communicate in English (written and spoken)
- Strong ability to deliver on time and ensure highest quality
- appreciate working in an international, dynamic and virtual team
- like to provide solutions and work independently with a high service orientation for our customers

Intern – Associate Solution Consultant


1. Technical support on setting up prototype of catalog based content service

2. Support the testing on working model among Solution Management/Solution Advisor, Development, etc. and help on the document management

3. Help to organize Solution Management/Solution Advisor in Content Service for application knowledge sharing

Quality needed:

Have basic web-based development knowledge and experience: Familiar with Java, XML, etc.

Have basic database development knowledge and experience: Familiar with Access, SQL Server, DB2 (better), etc.

Know the basic concept and technology on BI: OLAP, Data Warehouse, Multi-Database, etc.

Have good organization capability

Be careful of and familiar with document manage
顶端 Posted: 2007-05-17 08:50 | [楼 主]
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