Source: Wells agrees to two-year deal with RocketsESPN.comA source close to Bonzi Wells tells ESPN The Magazine's Ric Bucher that Wells has agreed to a two-year, $5 million deal with the Rockets. The deal includes a player opt-out after the first year. Tracy McGrady had been lobbying for the Rockets to complete the deal and bring Wells to Houston. The Rockets, Nuggets, Heat and Bobcats were the leading interested teams, but the Rockets had an edge because of what they can offer both Wells and his old team, the Sacramento Kings. McGrady hinted that he had pressed his pitch to Wells as recently as Wednesday morning, and said a decision from the nine-year veteran seemed imminent. Wells turned down a five-year, $36 million offer earlier this summer to remain with Sacramento after averaging 23.2 points for the Kings in the playoffs. "We're really good friends," McGrady told ESPN Insider's Chris Sheridan on Wednesday. "I was with Bonzi this offseason, was talking to him, and Houston's a place he's real interested in. He's a grown man, he's been in this league for a long time, and the decision will really come down to him. "I'm sure [the Rockets] want him. What he did in the postseason this year, it was eye-catching. I've been trying to make that work because I think Bonzi would be a great addition to our team to add more depth as far as matching up against teams like Phoenix, Dallas and San Antonio."
Healthy McGrady pushing for Rockets to get WellsBy Chris SheridanESPN Insider当地时间周三,Tracy McGrady表示,他感觉自己已经百分百的恢复了健康,同时他还热切的希望,球队能签下Wells。 Wells新的经济人Merle Scott说,Wells将在当地时间周五之前作出最后的决定。目前,火箭、掘金、热浪、山猫都对他有兴趣,但火箭具有一些优势,因为只有他们能同时满足Wells和国王队提出的要求。 热浪和掘金的工资总额都已经超出了奢侈税的触发线,因此他们只能通过先签后换来得到Wells,而休斯敦则能够提供一个第二轮选秀权、以及一个在去年Moochie Norris交易中得到的价值420万的交易特别条款(TE),来完成先签后换。国王方面表示,他们不希望支付额外的薪水,来缴纳奢侈税,同时他们也希望至少能在Wells身上得到一些回报,而不是白白把他放走。 McGrady暗示说,他在周三早上已经向Wells抛出了橄榄枝,他还说Wells很快就会作出最终的决定。 如果火箭能找到办法,来同国王完成先签后换,那么他们将在第一年支付给Wells 410万的薪水,或者他们也能先给他中产条款中剩余的210万。不管是通过哪一种方法,火箭的工资总额都会依然维持在奢侈税触发线之下。当然,在拒绝了国王开出的5年3600万合同之后,Wells现在不管接受何种条款,经济上都会有不小的损失。 山猫能给Wells开出最多的工资,他们有多达1400万的工资空间,而且他们还需要再支出110万才能达到联盟规定的最低支付工资线,但现在还不清楚他们对Wells的兴趣有多大。至少,当上周Wells来到夏洛特,同山猫的官员们会谈的时候,Michael Jordan并没有出席,而是留在了爱尔兰参加莱德杯高尔夫球赛,这或许并不是一个好的征兆。 如果最终,Wells必须在休斯敦的410万、和夏洛特给出的略高于410万的两份合同中作出选择的话,那么McGrady的游说或许会对他产生重要的影响。 “我们是很好的朋友。今年夏天,我和Bonzi在一起的时候,曾经和他谈过,而他也对休斯敦很感兴趣。他很成熟,也在这个联盟中呆了很长时间,他会考虑清楚后作出最终决定的。”McGrady说。 “我相信(火箭队)想得到他。他在今年季后赛中的表现很抢眼。我一直试图能让他来到休斯敦,因为我认为Bonzi能很好的补充我们球队阵容的深度,特别是在对阵像太阳、小牛、马刺这样的球队时他会起到很大的作用。” 谈到他的健康问题时,McGrady说,他的背部感觉不错。此前,在休赛期,他同育有2个孩子的多年的女友Clerenda完婚,并去香港、菲律宾、韩国和中国参加了Reebok代言的活动。他说在去年由于伤病以及个人问题缺席35场比赛之后,他迫不及待的希望卷土重来。 “我很健康,我感觉很棒。在经历了去年糟糕的赛季之后,今年的休赛期中,每件事情都如我所愿,”McGrady说,“我已经同它(慢性背部疼痛)斗争了6年,它其实并不是主要的问题。去年,最大的问题是,我一直在为球队、我岳母的去世、以及一些个人事务而烦心。赛季结束后,我一直在很努力的训练,这可能是我经历过的最好的一个休赛期。我还记得去年常规赛第一场比赛之后,我的背部感觉不适,这让我感到了压力。我认为,压力总是会对你身体上最脆弱的部分造成最大的影响,而当时背部就是我身上最脆弱的一部分。这也困扰了我整个赛季,去年一整年我都没有完全恢复健康。” “但现在,我不再感觉到有压力了,我的身体感觉非常好,之前我很努力的训练,严格遵照食谱,这样的感觉再好不过了,”McGrady说,“毫无疑问,我已经百分之一百的恢复健康了。是的,毫无疑问。”