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性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 3544
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注册时间: 2004-12-25
最后登陆: 2011-11-19

5come5帮你背单词 [ announce /ə'nauns/ vt. 宣布,发表 ]

顶端 Posted: 2007-03-12 09:00 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 3544
威望: 3
浮云: 421
注册时间: 2004-12-25
最后登陆: 2011-11-19

5come5帮你背单词 [ embassy /'embəsi/ n. 大使馆,大使馆全体工作人员;vt. 栽种(花生等),把…嵌入 ]

I run a little camel * in * and I believe he would be up in the front and, more, we ride with everybody beyond me.
Passionate drive, Leo has it but what about his fellow. He has done this a few times so it does know what’s going on, but whether he wants to play the game, or now today, is another things.
Make sure you’ve got your draft numbers.
Saddle you prepare the rattle only kicks butts and spits.
That’s* against the bolt for a while and that let me fight S* there, tied a pair red bills and yellow bills and stop like that.

They look scoffing camels not law far * and they would run on their own.
Camel rides and anything connected on the day, on the * day as it comes and I will do well.
Everybody looks their right ride and some shell off and here other got serious and * like*. That’s easy and *from *
A victory is not to be upon it. So Leo does what any * expected other camel drive kid would. He likes the track.
And I lost *’s bottleneck to a pop corner and then just have not energy to keep young. You do a lot until then but just too short.
Leo deflated but he still got his athletes.
I’m just a camel driver and I do everything for camel sort.
As it’s the natural history * wasn’t *. 500,000 immigrant camels now room free in the *. The world’s largest wild camel population, doubling every ten years.

Still camels are ordinary mammals. Where as evolution has tried it, by *special plus of mammals, called marsupials. There are 142 species including kangaroos, koalas and wombats. Marsupials are born weak and vulnerable. They need shelter and * paunch. In most countries, marsupials couldn’t compete with other animals and they died out. Here in isolation, they thrive. Another evolution success story is the monotreme. The alien branch of the mammals. The platypus looks like a *to duck with a bill, webbed feet, paws and eggs. The world’s only other monotreme is the egg-eating echidna, also a native.

The evolution of wild life here had a major role in influencing aboriginal cultural. The aborigines have captured the truth of this land for eternity. And they passed down a ceremony and the song lines. Song lines are musical maps guiding tribes to substantial locations. They are as real as useful to them. The sublife navigation. Because native animal could not be domesticated, they force the aborigines to live off the land.

We have been lived for a long time now, and then, but she mother nature * for us and she looks after us. When for the certain time of the season, and they would risk***.

Taka, or food, has always been free for these people. Asmatamvo and his friend Jungler combine a restaurant meal if they want. But traditional food means so much more.
Why just pick this one?
90 plants could be harvested as he will.
** *
Farming was impossible for the central desert aborigines, there are no native wheat, corn or raised plants to domesticate. And the dirt was too poor, and the rainfall *. So they became the cleverest hunter-gathers, reading the land and it expressing like a test, a test for survival. * gave everything for us, she provides everything.
顶端 Posted: 2007-03-12 09:00 | [1 楼]
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