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5come5帮你背单词 [ depression /di'preən/ n. 萧条,沮丧 ]

顶端 Posted: 2006-09-07 23:30 | [楼 主]

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5come5帮你背单词 [ unable /'Λn'eibl/ a. 不能够的,没有办法的 ]

BBC world news I’m Marian Marshall.

After 2 months of political uncertainty in Mexico following July’s disputed presidential election, the country’s highest electoral court has formally declared the conservative candidate Felipe Conderon president elect. The court’s 7 judges ruled unanimously that he defeated his left wing rival A.Obrador by less than 1%. The announcement was made by the head of the tribunal L.C.

It is clear that F.Conderon is the president elect of the United States of Mexico. For a periods starting on the first of December, 2006 until the 30th November 2015. Mr. Obredo, who alleges electoral fraud, has refused to accept the official result. And he’s supporters have held weeks of protest in Mexico City. He’s previously told his followers that he could form a parallel government if the court ruled against him. The Turkish parliament has voted by a large majority to send troops to southern Lebanon and join the United Nations peacekeeping force there. After almost 6 hours of debate, deputies voted 340 in favor of the motion to 192 against. Before the vote, several thousand people demonstrated near the parliament building in Ankara against sending troops. S.F reports from Istanbul.

Riot police lined the streets of Ankara as several thousands of protesters chanted their opposition to sending troops to Lebanon. No more coffins, some shouted. Inside parliament, voices were raised too as MPs had a very long and tiring session. Turkey is under international pressure to commit troops to Lebanon and bring the significant Muslim presence to the peacekeepers. The governing A party argues turkey has a moral obligations to send soldiers. The regional stability is in its own best interests.

After months of speculation over when he’s leave office, close allies of the British Prime Minister Tony Blair have said they expected him to step down within a year. Mr.Blair had already said he would go before the next general election due by 2010 at the latest. But he’s been under growing pressure from within the governing Labor Party to set a date for his departure. Here’s report from S.K.

It’s been an extrordinary24 hours in British politics as the prime minister try to focus public attention on some of the major policy challenges facing his party and the country,. Members of governing party were circulating letters demanding to know when Tony Blair planed to stand down. Mr. Blair has already said publicly that he will not fight another election but he’s refused to name a departure date. That appears to the infuriated some normally loyal Labor members of parliament and prompted 17 of them to write to the prime minister, urging him to resign sooner rather than later.

You are listening to the world news from the BBC.

President Bush has warned Americans against complacency in self-declared war on terror. In his speech on national security, Mr. Bush said his campaign against Al-Qaeda since Sep.11th attacks in 2001 had made the United States a safer place. But the threat from Islamic extremists remain serious. He said Al-Qaeda was determined to obtain weapons of mass destruction and to establish an Islamic totalitarian empire based in Iraq.

The Israeli military say it’s carried out an air strike on a car carrying Palestinian militants in the Gaza strip. Medical sources say at least one person was killed, another 5 wounded in the blast in the R refugee camp. An Israeli military spokeswoman said 2 members of Hamas were in the vehicle at the time.

The main political and rebel leaders in Ivory coast say they’ve been unable to achieve any breakthrough on the main issues standing in the waive elections. principally voter registration and disarmament. The prime minister, S.C had called the rare meeting in the capital Y to try to invigorate the ailing peace process. James.K reports.

This was meant to be prime minister Charles B triumph, high level talks in which Ivory coast divided political class would finally reach agreement. But after several hours of discussions, the prime minister found he had no breakthrough to proclaim. Instead, he announced several minor technical details on which the agreement had been found and closed the meeting. Afterwards, the spokesman for the New Forces rebels admitted what had become painfully clear, we will not able to agree, he said.

A judge in Argentina has avowed the pardon granted in 1990 to the head of the country’s former military government H.V. Mr.V, who’s 81, was initially convicted in 1985 of involvement in the abduction, disappearance and torture of political opponents. However, he’s been under house arrest for several years.

BBC news.
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-07 23:30 | [1 楼]
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