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The 58th Emmy Awards Opening
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-03 23:02 | [楼 主]

性别: 帅哥 状态: 该用户目前不在线
等级: 荣誉会员
发贴: 3544
威望: 3
浮云: 421
注册时间: 2004-12-25
最后登陆: 2011-11-19

5come5帮你背单词 [ ambassador /æm'bæsədə/ n. 大使,专使 ]

Ladies and gentleman the host of the 58th Primetime Emmy Awards--Conan O'Brien.

Thank you, welcome to the holddown. Thank you very much. How is everybody doing? All right. yeah yeah.

Thank you very much, ladies and gentleman. Welcome to the 58th and final Emmy Awards. I will explain later. Now,I am let us jump throw the beyond privacy. This is my second time hosting the Emmys, and thank you. Oh that is nice, thank you. * thank

you. this is my second time hosting. As you see tonight, the third time is charm. Of course the studio is being telecasted on NBC. being talecasted NBC this year which means with half break of the show, the Emmy will be cancelled.

Through to be here tonight, through to be here because it has been such an exciting year in television, has it or not? been exciting year. I will take that a year. TV is bigger than ever right now. Even movie stars have TV shows these days. Elic Bobwen has a new on NBC. James Wood had a new on CBS, and Mill Jamson had a new show on Al Jazeera .

A few controversies leading up to tonight's show. That is right. Allen Boston who is nominated this year for a role where she was only on screen for 14 seconds. Yeah, focus let me speak for experiences, just because something only lasts 14 seconds doesn't mean it is not spectacular.

Another great year for HBO. Ha yeah all right yeah. Big year for them. Yeah they receive 95 nominations making them the most nominated network, yeah. But to me, they will always be the bastards who only give artless seasons. 12 would have been sweet.

This is the surprisal returned and we all konw that Tony and his crew found out that one of the follow * was a gay.Yeah, would gave a way when he was around, the crime was really organized. It is tidy. CBS also has a big year. The highest rates seat and come on this season was Tow and Half man. Yeah right. Views say their is something about watching Charley Shein reason in presionable young kids . They just feel right.

The Emmy themselves embarrassed recently the air rice announce that all the celebrities presented tonight have to pay taxes on the gift baskets. Yeah boys the Bush Administration just keep stick in the works man hu. By the way, tonight Emmy get basket if you interested it is valued 51 thousand dollars. Yeah the gift include a Cell-phone, a DVD-player and a gift certificated with all of gardens with 51 thousand dollars.

I will get a free meal now. I mention them. Mr Therol Branyon, thank you for mentioning us.

We all want to the show go smoothly tonight. We really do, as a result, If you don't mind have a few guidelines for tonight acceptance speeches. OK? First of all, pleast don't thank you your parents. If you are arised and nurtured an environment, you wouldn't be in show busniess. Nurmber two,anyone who makes a heavy handed political comment tonight will be forced to
make a algol and priest. Finally when you are handed your emmy, don't say WOW that is heavy. Of course it is heavy. It contains the shattered dream of four other people.

Now, as i mentioned before. The Emmy is being telecasted on NBC this year and you may know since i hosted four years ago, NBC's fortune has changed. You see back then. We were NO1. The NO1 network. Now we are in the top5.

I had to change that line. Anyway, can you change that all right? Now that network grasp the network grasp the NBC keep saying that they are just
about to turn the corner.They are very optimistic. But frankly is NBC cosing his eyes to a situation. it don't waste to konwlege. Are there unaware of calibra disaster indicated by a drop to fourth place.
顶端 Posted: 2006-09-03 23:03 | [1 楼]
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