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5come5帮你背单词 [ offense /ə'fens/ n. 过错,犯罪,冒犯,触怒,引起反感的东西 ]


本帖被 fan 执行锁定操作(2007-10-05)

“Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively.”


I strongly agree with the speaker on the claims that students should posses the spirit of skepticism and critical thinking. Without doubt and criticism, no improvement and revolution would there be, and more, it is counterproductive to the process of learning, thereby students should learn to doubt and challenge authority.
  The record are setting to broken, as someone said. Similarly, we can declare that, in a large sense, the truth we have been long pursuing would inextricably confront revision or even overturn, no matter how hallowed it is in its era. From the Aristotle's theory to Newton's classical mechanics, we walk into a alternation and thus walk into a revolution. When the world has remembered those who devote to such great creation, it can never forget the noble virtues from them ,one of which, the most crucial factor, is that they don't learn passively but learn to suspect.
  The spirit of skepticism is a crucial faculty to scholars, one of the key factors leading to creations and discoveries. Take Copernicus for example, he did not only doubt the geocentrism of the former astronomy but also keep a critical thinking over the ideology in religion and society that the center were human in the university. It is the dedication to such spirit plus conviction to his faith that made him found the heliocentric ordering of the planets. Another example aptly illustrate the point is that of Einstein and his theory of relativity. Could anyone who lived before be suspicious of the relations between time and space? Young Einstein can, and his insight promote the masterpiece of special theory of relativity, which dismissed the traditional notion that time and space were absolutely concepts, and ten years later the general theory of relativity. While these giants keep skepticism over the ideology of human, even the conceptions of time and space maintained for thousands of years, it is for us the students, rather, to challenge the so-called authority.
  When it comes to the process of study, skepticism produces deeply understanding of the present material rather than merely passive memory. At this level, it is of significance for the low grade students who demand more for a effective learning while revolutionary discoveries are likely nowhere near because of insufficient lore and capacity. Firstly, though the critical thinking, students could learn how the theorem is justified, what the context is, which relative knowledge is needing, and then they would question forward: is there a better way to prove or could we make any supplement to this theorem? ,and thus they set to resolve it. As a consequence, they have learned more things than the material present and more important, they have experience the process of critical thinking and learn to master the avenues. Secondly, students can memorize far more fixedly provided they are learning with skepticism since the process is not pushing the stuff in but interacting with it, facilitating better assimilation.
  In sum, studying with skepticism do good to both academia and individual learning. When we used to obey the established authority, we are used to laziness and banality; when we used to question and change, we are ready to embrace a brighter future.


[ 此贴被mic0815在2005-09-15 14:27重新编辑 ]
顶端 Posted: 2005-09-15 14:07 | [楼 主]

性别: 美女 状态: 该用户目前不在线
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注册时间: 2004-12-24
最后登陆: 2009-04-14

5come5帮你背单词 [ call /ko:l/ vt. 叫,喊,把…称呼为,打电话;vi. 叫,叫喊,访问,拜访;n. 叫,喊,访问,拜访 ]

呵呵 这个我看不懂哈 一会让MIC来看看吧
顶端 Posted: 2005-09-15 14:16 | [1 楼]
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