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看《参考消息》,学地道翻译 12。21更新,旧帖只保留三天


TV channels fined in drive to purge swearing and sex

From Tom Baldwin and Anna Stroman in Washington

US BROADCASTERS have been hit 1record-breaking fines of almost $4 million (£2.5 million) by a federal TV standards watchdog which decrees that even casual use of the “s-word” or pixlated shots of a woman’s breasts “disturb the peace and quiet of the home”.

Three years of rulings from the Federal Communications Commission, published2 full this week, have alarmed the broadcasters which face competition from largely unregulated cable channels. (1)They may now have to scrap live broadcasts, or return to 1970s-style censorship of scripts.

But the commission is now chaired by Kevin Martin, a Republican appointed by President Bush to crack down3the indecency that so shocks conservative sensibilities. “The number of complaints received by the commission has risen year after year,” Mr Martin said. “I share the concerns of the public — and of parents, in particular.”

The commission has ruled that any use of the “f-word”, such as that by Bono during a a Golden Globe Awards ceremony in 2004, is unacceptable. Its report also (2)puts broadcasters on notice that the “s-word” will also be subject to fines if broadcast 6 and 10pm.

The biggest fine — $3.6 million — wasmeted out to CBS, for an episode broadcast by dozens of its stations of (3)the prime-time drama Without a Trace. It featured a “teen orgy” party scene that included 5 least three shots depicting intercourse.

The commission also upheld a $550,000 fine6CBS for the infamous “wardrobe malfunction” incident at the Super Bowl 2004 in which Janet Jackson’s clothing was ripped, revealing the singer’s breast.

More alarming for broadcasters was the $27,500 fine on WBDC for airing an episode of The Surreal Life 2 that (4)included pixelated views of frontal nudity and a shot of a man touching a breast.

1.by 2.in 3.on 4.between 5.at6.against

[ 此贴被chyx66在2006-12-21 12:27重新编辑 ]
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  • 顶端 Posted: 2006-12-13 14:16 | [楼 主]

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