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本帖被 做贼肾虚 执行加亮操作(2007-12-30)
Market Analyst /市场策划-分析
Location /工作地点:NanJing /南京

Job description /职位描述:
be responsible for the sales and market analysis./负责销售及市场分析

Qualification /人员要求:
Bachelor degree in sales and marketing /市场营销专业本科学历
Good communication and interpersonal skill /良好的沟通及人际交往能力
Personal traits – self-motivated and hard working /个人特长:积极向上、工作努力
Good command of English both written and oral /良好的英语能力(口语/书面)
Instrument Worker /仪表工
Location /工作地点:NanJing /南京

Job description /职位描述:
Be responsible for the daily maintenance of instrument facility./负责日常仪表的维护

Qualification /人员要求:
College degree in instrument /仪表专业专科学历
Good communication and interpersonal skill /良好的沟通及人际交往能力
Personal traits – self-motivated and hard working /个人特长:积极向上、工作努力
SHE Engineer /安环保工程师
Location /工作地点:NanJing /南京

Job description /职位描述:
be responsible for the SHE related affairs. /负责安环保相关事务

Qualification /人员要求:
Bachelor degree in environment Engineering /环境工作程专业本科学历
Good communication and interpersonal skill /良好的沟通及人际交往能力
Personal traits – self-motivated and hard working /个人特长:积极向上、工作努力
Proficient in English, both written and oral /熟练的英语能力(口语/书面)
Assistant Purchaser /助理采购员
Location /工作地点:ZhangJiaKou /张家口

Job description /职位描述:
Assisting the designated purchase projects in DSM ZJK with regard to marketing information collection and analysis, communication between multi-national team members and draft project documentations.

Qualification /人员要求:
Bachelor or above degree in chemical background /化学专业本科 Good communication (including both written and oral English ability) and interpersonal skill /良好的沟通(英语书面\口语)以及人际交往能力
• Personal traits – self-motivated and hard working /个人特长:积极向上,工作努力
R&D Engineer /研发工程师
Location /工作地点:ZiBo /淄博

Job description /职位描述:
Make lab trials, help on improving production processes /完成相关实验,协助改进生产工艺

Qualification /人员要求:
Bachelor or above degree in chemisty /化学专业本科及以上学历 Good communication (including both written and oral English ability) /良好的英语能力(口语/书面)
Personal traits – self-motivated and hard working /个人特长:积极向上,工作努力
Accountant /会计
Location /工作地点:ZiBo /淄博

Job description /职位描述:
make financial analysis and providing accurate financial reports on request /负责财务分析,提供准确的财务报表

Qualification /人员要求:
bachelor or above degree in Finance /财务专业本科及以上学历 Good communication (including both written and oral English ability) and interpersonal skill /良好的沟通(口语及书面英语能力)及人际交往能力
Personal traits – self-motivated and hard working /积极向上,工作努力
Jr. BDM /业务开发经理
Location /工作地点:ShangHai BeiJing ShenZhen ChongQing /上海 北京 深圳 重庆

Job description /职位描述:
Make an individual business plan for developing the EP business, using criteria provided by Regional Manager DEP. Sales growth by new approvals and share shifting at existing and new customers. Negotiate final prices, quantities and sales conditions with customers. /根据区域经理制定的标准,为开发EP业务制定个人业务计划。通过新产品的销售完成销售增长,合理配置新旧客户比例。负责与客户确定产品价格、数量及销售条款。

Qualification /人员要求:
Analytical, with good judgment, business sense and problem solving skills. A strong negotiator who is able to identify customers’ needs and persuasive in presenting ideas. A team-player, able to work interdependently. /良好的分析与判断能力,较强的商业意识与问题处理能力,具备了解客户需求的能力、较强的说服力.良好的团队精神,能够[屏蔽]工作。
Process Engineer /工艺工程师
Location /工作地点:JiangYin /江阴

Job description /职位描述:
Assist in development of new products; Monitor quality of raw materials and finished goods; Evaluate and improve process safety; Assist in customer complaint analysis and provide solution; organize technical training to related employees. /协助开发新产品;原材料和成品的质量控制;评估和完善工艺安全;协助处理客户的投诉加以分析和提供解决方案;对相关雇员组织技术培训

Qualification /人员要求:
Strong in logic analysis; Result-oriented; Good at communication and team work. /逻辑分析能力强; 以结果为导向;良好沟通和团队合作精神
Site SHE Engineer /现场安环保工程师
Location /工作地点:JiangYin /江阴

Job description /职位描述:
Supervise on-site SHE behavior of employees and contractors and implement correction and improvement. /负责现场员工及承包商的安环保执行情况,落实整改措施。

Qualification /人员要求:
Result-oriented; Good at communication and team work. /以客户/结果为导向;良好沟通能力,具有团队合作精神
Mechanical Engineer /机械工程师
Location /工作地点:JiangYin /江阴

Job description /职位描述:
In charge of machine and equipment maintenance; Responsible for mechanical training; /负责机器设备维护;负责机械方面的培训
Assist EM Manager in buget planning and control; /协助工程维护经理制订预算计划与控制;
In charge of spare parts management; /负责零件管理
Set up and implement preventive maintenance system; /建立并实施预防性的维修系统
Supervise the on-site work of subcontractors. /管理现场承包商

Qualification /人员要求:
High sense of responsibility, strong in communication and coordination; self-motivated and result-oriented. /责任心强,良好的沟通以及协调能力,积极向上,以结果为导向
E&I Engineer /仪电工程师
Location /工作地点:Jiangyin /江阴

Job description /职位描述:
"Set up working procedures and standards; Establish and implement maintenance plan; /建立工作流程和标准,实行维修计划
Document control in spare parts management and maintenance records; strictly follow SHE requirements. /负责维修纪录以及零件管理的文档管理,严格遵照安环保的要求

Qualification /人员要求:
High sense of responsibility, strong in communication and coordination; self-motivated and result-oriented. /责任心强,良好的沟通以及协调能力,积极向上,以结果为导向
HR Assistant(C&B) /人事助理(薪资福利)
Location /工作地点:Nanjing /南京

Job description /职位描述:
Involve in support to C & B officer on C & B, in 1-2 years time to be fully responsible for C & B, performance Management. /协助薪资福利办公室主任的工作,1到2年内主要负责薪资福利及绩效的管理

Qualification /人员要求:
Bachelor degree in HR /人力资源专业本科学历
Good communication and interpersonal skill /良好的沟通及人际交往能力
Personal traits – Customer/result oriented with analytical but more HR sense,self-motivated and hard working /个人特点:具备HR的管理意识,以客户/结果为导向,积极向上 ,工作努力
Assistant Facility Engineer /助理设备工程师
Location /工作地点:Nanjing /南京

Job description /职位描述:
Involve in support facility engineer deal with routine production line issue. /协助设备工程师,处理日常生产线事务
Provide support to production department /协助生产部gate的工作

Qualification /人员要求:
Bachelor degree in Engineering /工程相关专业本科学历
Good communication and interpersonal skill /良好的沟通及人际交往能力
Personal traits – proactive, customer/result oriented, out-going, self-motivated and hard working /个人特点:积极主动,以客户/结果为导向,爱好交际,工作努力
Sales Representative /销售代表
Location /工作地点:Nanjing /南京

Job description /职位描述:
Involve in sales activities /负责销售业务

Qualification /人员要求:
Bachelor degree in Sales & Marketing ,Polymer Science ,Business Administration /销售\市场专业,聚合体科学,商务管理等相关专业本科学历
Good communication and interpersonal skill /良好的沟通及人际交往能力
Personal traits – Customer/result oriented, outgoing,good at communication, self-motivated and hard working /个人特点:以客户/结果为导向,爱好交际,沟通力强,积极主动,工作努力
Assistant Logistic Engineer /助理物流工程师
Location /工作地点:Nanjing /南京

Job description /职位描述:
Involve in support to Logistic Engineer to optimize the efficiency of logistic chain and minimize the cost /负责协助物流工程师优化物流供应链,降低成本

Qualification /人员要求:
Bachelor degree in Supply & Demand Chain Management Logistic Mgnt /供应链管理或物流管理相关专业本科学历
Good communication and interpersonal skill /良好的沟通及人际交往能力
Personal traits – Customer/result oriented with analytical sense,self-motivated and hard working /个人特点:以客户/结果为导向,积极主动,工作努力
Sales Engineer /销售工程师
Location /工作地点:Nanjing /南京

Job description /职位描述:
Deal with market research on both domestic and international market; /负责国内及国际市场的研究
Be responsible for products sales. /负责产品销售

Qualification /人员要求:
Bachelor degree in internationl trade /国际贸易专业本科学历
Good communication and interpersonal skill /良好的沟通及人际交往能力
Personal traits – self-motivated and hard working /个人特点:积极主动\工作努力
Instrument Engineer /仪表工程师
Location /工作地点:Nanjing /南京

Job description /职位描述:
Provide support to production department; /协助生产部gate的工作
be responsible to the maintenance of instrument equipment. /负责仪表设备的维护

Qualification /人员要求:
• Bachelor degree in chemical instrument /化工仪表专业本科学历
• Good communication and interpersonal skill /良好的沟通及人际交往能力
• Personal traits – self-motivated and hard working /个人特点:积极主动\工作努力
[img]file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/桌面/zs/帝斯曼(中国)校园招聘1.files/biao2.gif[/img]Mechanical Engineer /设备工程师
Location /工作地点:Nanjing /南京

Job description /职位描述:
Provide support to production department; /协助生产部gate的工作
be responsible to the maintenance of equipment. /负责设备维护

Qualification /人员要求:
• Bachelor degree in chemical equipment /化工机械专业本科学历
• Good communication and interpersonal skill /良好的沟通及人际交往能力
• Personal traits – self-motivated and hard working /个人特点:积极主动\工作努力
[img]file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/桌面/zs/帝斯曼(中国)校园招聘1.files/biao2.gif[/img]Chemical Engineer /化学工程师
Location /工作地点:Nanjing /南京

Job description /职位描述:
Optimize the production process. /优化生产工艺
Provide support to production /提供生产支持

Qualification /人员要求
• Bachelor degree in chemical Engineering /化学工程专业本科学历
• Good communication and interpersonal skill /良好的沟通及人际交往能力
• Personal traits – self-motivated and hard working /个人特点:积极主动\工作努力
[img]file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/桌面/zs/帝斯曼(中国)校园招聘1.files/biao2.gif[/img]Operator /操作员
Location /工作地点:Nangjing /南京

Job description /职位描述:
Be responsible for the daily operation of facility. /负责日常设备操作

Qualification /人员要求:
• College degree in chemical Engineering /化学工程专业,大专学历
• Good communication and interpersonal skill /良好的沟通及人际交往能力
• Personal traits – self-motivated and hard working /个人特点:积极主动\工作努力
顶端 Posted: 2007-09-25 21:25 | [楼 主]
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