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本页主题: [06.08][Joss Stone-Introducing Joss Stone][MP3][224k][63M] 隐藏签名 | 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题


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[06.08][Joss Stone-Introducing Joss Stone][MP3][224k][63M]

中文名称:Introducing Joss Stone
专辑歌手:Joss Stone



她的声音让汤姆克鲁斯惊艳不已,她的天赋造成全球热烈回响-乔丝史东首张专辑【片刻心灵】缔造超过250万张的惊人销售,不但跃登Billboard热gate潜力榜的后座,晋升英国专辑金榜TOP 4,并在全球13个国家打进TOP 10,其中美国、英国、加拿大、德国、奥地利、纽西兰等国更获得白金、金唱片不等的销售肯定。歌曲则陆续出现在“白宫风云”、“急诊室的春天”等热gate影集中。她的魅力一发不可收拾,从曼哈顿Joe’s Pub红到英国Glastonbury音乐祭,最后荣登2004年VH1频道年度音乐盛事"VH1 Divas"演唱会初试啼声,与各家天后飙歌竞唱,博得纽约时报、洛杉矶时报、时人[屏蔽]、滚石[屏蔽]等全球乐评的满堂采!(转)

British soul singer and songwriter Joss Stone's third album, "Introducing Joss Stone," is an electrifying mix of warm vintage soul, '70s-style R&B, Motown girl-group harmonies, and hip-hop grooves. The album is the one that Stone describes as "truly me. That's why I'm calling it Introducing Joss Stone," she says. "These are my words, and this is who I am as an artist." Knowing she wanted to write the album alone, Stone decamped to Barbados in April to come up with lyrics. She stayed for several months before flying to the Bahamas to hook up with her main musical collaborator and producer Raphael Saadiq (known for his work with D'Angelo, The Roots, and Macy Gray). Stone and Saadiq spent two months recording in the Bahamas, and then mixed it at the legendary Electric Lady Studios in New York City.

Other musical collaborators include rapper/singer/songwriter and producer Novel, who is the grandson of soul legend Solomon Burke and has written songs for Kelis and India.Arie, as well as Beau Dozier, son of Motown legend Lamont Dozier, whom she wrote with on her last album, 2004's gold-certified Mind, Body & Soul. The album also features guest vocal appearances by the rapper Common on "Tell Me What We're Going to Do," and reclusive singer Lauryn Hill, who lends a rap to the languid Fugees-inspired track "Music."


01.Change (Vinnie Jones Intro)
02.Girl They Won't Believe It
04.Tell Me 'Bout It (Album Version)
05.Tell Me What We're Gonna Do Now (Album Version)
06.Put Your Hands On Me
08.Arms Of My Baby
09.Bad Habit
10.Proper Nice
11.Bruised But Not Broken
12.Baby Baby Baby
13.What Were We Thinking
14.Music Outro

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